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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Bulk Stats is where its at.

More Brees, less Rodgers.

I'm the Baker Mayfield of Mafia. I showed a ton of promise early, but have since plateaued. I never really got better and have maxed out, can get chippy/competitive, but those close to me love me, and I can turn in an occasional dynamite performances, albeit with a turnover at an inopportune time, and then also have games where I simply self destruct trying to make plays because I think that I'm better than I actually am.

Who should I do next? 

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Just now, JoshstraDaymus said:

My 40 hour a week commitment against my will is incredibly slow until I get my somewhat improved role with a very incremental pay raise


Today at work I suggested that I could become a "Dollar Daddy" where I I would give blowies for a dollar. Money's tight.
So, I don't need to hear about your very incremental pay raise.

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5 hours ago, rackcs said:



Vote Count:

Pickle Rick - 1 - kingseanjohn
Counselor - 2 - wolfeyestrk
MD4L - 13 - theuntouchable, Counselor, Ragnarok, Pickle Rick, Forge, rackcs, bcb1213, DingoLadd, Whicker, Slappy MC, Matts4313, Malfatron, Mwil23
Whicker - 1 - ET80
wolfeyestrk - 1 - daboyle250

Haven't Voted: Nazgul, Dome, squire12, bucsfan333, Tk3, joshstadaymus, MD4L, Swag


4 hours ago, Whicker said:



4 hours ago, Dome said:




4 hours ago, daboyle250 said:

So I just read squire’s list of votes. If I’m reading this right, he tried to make a hit last night and it was blocked right?



2 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:



2 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

Also, Matts


51 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

The **** dude.  He said he would play before I sent him a role.  Its 100% squarely on woz.  At the time he said he would play he could have said nope I'm not playing and he would have nor received a role 


24 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

**** off dodo

Woz said in his PM to me he would play

Posted in the thread he would do less than malf (means he is playing)

Posted as if he was playing 

Someone suggested modkilling himself then he did.  


He could have said no in his PM to me 

He could have said no in the thread 

After he received his PM he could have said no

What did he do once he received his PM....he put in like 5 different moves for n1.  


Shut the ******* hell up when talking about **** that you

1. have no knowledge of

2. Have no business to discuss 

3.  Again have no knowledge of


Did you know that woz told me after the siege of Gotham game that he would play in my next game bc he ghosted the first few day of SoG.  No you didn't know that did you.  




9 minutes ago, Malfatron said:



Here is what I have.   Lets try to keep a VC every 5 pages of so.  If there are errors, feel free to fix them

Vote Count:

Pickle Rick - 1 – kingseanjohn
Counselor - 1 - wolfeyestrk
MD4L - 13 - theuntouchable, Counselor, Ragnarok, Forge, rackcs, bcb1213, daboyle, Dome, Malfatron, DingoLadd,  Matts4313, Mwil23

Whicker - 1 - ET80

Daboyle – 1-- whicker,

Matts – 1 -- slappy

Woz – 1 --  pickle

Haven't Voted: Nazgul, squire12, bucsfan333, Tk3, joshstadaymus, MD4L, Swag

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1 minute ago, Nazgul said:

Today at work I suggested that I could become a "Dollar Daddy" where I I would give blowies for a dollar. Money's tight.
So, I don't need to hear about your very incremental pay raise.

What if I added "that will be mitigated by taxes" to that?

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9 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm the Baker Mayfield of Mafia. I showed a ton of promise early, but have since plateaued. I never really got better and have maxed out, can get chippy/competitive, but those close to me love me, and I can turn in an occasional dynamite performances, albeit with a turnover at an inopportune time, and then also have games where I simply self destruct trying to make plays because I think that I'm better than I actually am.

Who should I do next? 


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11 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm the Baker Mayfield of Mafia. I showed a ton of promise early, but have since plateaued. I never really got better and have maxed out, can get chippy/competitive, but those close to me love me, and I can turn in an occasional dynamite performances, albeit with a turnover at an inopportune time, and then also have games where I simply self destruct trying to make plays because I think that I'm better than I actually am.

Who should I do next? 

Here, hurt my feelings.

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44 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Anyway, how's everyone doing?

Eh, so-so.

44 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Good work days?

One of my coworkers got laid off (we're switching to a new platform for our software, and this is leading to a few job displacements - my coworker was one of them, she had 25+ years experience, just a wealth of knowledge). It was supposed to be a displacement because of role redundancy, but now I'm being assigned all of her stuff, and her stuff was brutally hard. So, I'm not happy, but I know this is stuff that looks good on LinkedIn.

44 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

What's going on for lunch?

My wife was off today and suggested Whataburger. I got the Sweet and Spicy Bacon BBQ burger with jalepenos, and onion rings with spicy ketchup. Washed it down with a Dr. Pepper. 

44 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

I got my wedding menu finished so I'm productive

Sweetness, what's on the menu? What sort of alcohol is going to be served? My best friends wedding (15+ years ago) I was a groomsmen - I didn't want to be a best man because that involves more work (best man speech and crap) so this worked out for me. Day of, we started to drink early, just putting down a bunch of JW Black Label in between groomsmen pics. 

Rewind a bit - night before the wedding, we had what's called a mylanchi for the groom. It's kind of a traditional prayer meeting for the bride and groom. The bride's mylanchi is cereal business, where they get their henna stuff on their hands and stuff. Guys, we just get drunk and eat. So, that night we find out that open bar at the wedding would get shut down right when everyone gets to their seats and the reception starts. Not a good thing, so all the groomsmen put in $50 to buy a big bottle of JW Blue Label and to hide it underneath the table. One of the bridesmaids who came by to say hello says "that's a great idea" and puts in $100 for a bottle of Grey Goose. I run to the local Specs, pick up the bottles, drive to where the reception is going to be, and strategically hide the Blue and Goose. 

So, back to the big day - we're getting hammered around 10am. Get to church, sober up during the service, get into the limo and start to drink again. I mean, heavy "are we celebrating or do we have a drinking problem" kinda drinking. We get to the reception area, go to the back area where we continue drinking and waiting to make our entrance.

Our entrances are to music, and the bride/groom pick "It's not Unusual" by Tom Jones as my walk in music with Jessica, one of the bridesmaids. This song is picked because I look like Carlton Banks and can do a PERFECT Carlton. So, we're all taking turns practicing our dancing and running to th open bar. All is good, right? No. No, all is not good.

You seen, my sister was the emcee of the reception - she's kind of a professional at this whole emcee thing, we both are actually. She sees me drinking heavy, pulls me to the side and whispers very loud "YOU'RE DRINKING WAY TOO MUCH YOU NEED TO STOP!"

Oh. Hell. No.

So, I make it a point to drink incredibly heavy from that moment forward. On top of JW, I start shooting down tequila. I shotgunned a few beers out by the smoking area. I am a complete and total mess of a drunk, I have no idea what's going on, and then...


My song hits, and it's my time to shine! Jessica and I break out the hiding area and BOTH break into a perfect Carlton. This was my moment, I am now at a 67% BAC (give or take) and the crowd is only feeding my energy as they hoot and holler. In this moment, no man may ever claim to be my equal, I am master and commander of this moment. I realize my sister is probably right, I must slow down to enjoy the rest of the day. So, I go to my assigned table, sit down and kick something underneath the table...

Blue Label. A beautiful, unopened bottle of Blue Label. In the height of ecstacy of my moment, I completely forgot about the Blue Label. I simply cannot afford to stop drinking...so I pull out the bottle, show to the rest of the groomsmen (who equally forgot about the bottle) and we continue.

The rest of the night is an absolute blur. I remember yelling "That's me!" In every picture in the slideshow (not just pictures with me in them) I ended up making a speech (remember how I said I didn't want to be the best man because of speeches? So much for that) and I think I made out with a married woman. (Remember the lady who gave me a hundy to buy a bottle of Goose? Yeah, her. She was drunk. It's not the last time we will make out while drunk). I went home in the brides' brothers tuxedo jacket (he's like 5' 2" so the sleeves were halfway up my forearms) and crashed on my couch. Next morning, I got a ride from my sister to pick up my car at the grooms' house. This was the most uncomfortable 12 minute drive ...ever

Fun wedding. Fun, fun wedding.

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25 minutes ago, Counselor said:


You’re smoking Jay Cutler. Loveable and easily frustrated when people falsely accuse you, threatening not to care.

25 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Here, hurt my feelings.

I’m trying to figure out that...I’ll get back to you.

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