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10 minutes ago, theJ said:

That's...presumptuous.  And maybe a little insulting.  Probably correct in some cases, but i can tell you that that'd be a small percentage in my church community.  Not all Christians are Calvinists.  

Maybe it's best not to go there...

Speaking as a Calvinist, I agree with this 100%.

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I do think the church topic is interesting though. I think eventually it will get to the point that people will not be gathering at church, certainly when it’s localized. However, in Ohio, if there are five cases (diagnosed), there is a good chance that nobody in my church or 300 people has it. At the same time, there could be that one person that has it but hasn’t shown signs yet and could infect a group of people and so on. So it’s tricky.

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6 minutes ago, Dome said:

FWIW I was in the church for the first 18 years of my life. So I’m not coming at this blindly.

I’m also not presuming anything, just connecting the dots on what I saw being part of 3-4 different churches, none that would be considered extremists of any sort.

This mindset wasn’t uncommon at all.

Its a small percentage of your church, sure. And a small percentage of someone else’s church, and maybe a average portion of someone else’s church and so on and so forth. That turns into a lot of people in this country who are still meeting up in a community setting once or more a week.

There will be (as ET already eluded too) pressure you get people in the seats. You’ll get shamed for not having enough faith if you don’t go (whether subtly or not subtly, it absolutely happens), especially if you’re old and had the faith your whole life.

Im not even talking about religion here, just what happens in church communities.  But we can drop it.

I'm not offended, don't get me wrong.  I just don't want anyone to get offended and fly off the handle.  It can be a sensitive subject.

I do think you're right - people are going to go.  It's going to get people sick, because praying for something doesn't make it so.  Otherwise we'd all be millionaires.  

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Just now, TENINCH said:

I got a warning from a mod and scolded by webby for joking about murder. We are all SERIOUS right now!

I'd like to use this opportunity to formally apologize to any Huguenots or fans of the French monarchy who were offended by my joke. I'll try and do better next time.

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20 minutes ago, Dome said:

FWIW I was in the church for the first 18 years of my life. So I’m not coming at this blindly.

I’m also not presuming anything, just connecting the dots on what I saw being part of 3-4 different churches, none that would be considered extremists of any sort.

This mindset wasn’t uncommon at all.

Its a small percentage of your church, sure. And a small percentage of someone else’s church, and maybe a average portion of someone else’s church and so on and so forth. That turns into a lot of people in this country who are still meeting up in a community setting once or more a week.

There will be (as ET already eluded too) pressure you get people in the seats. You’ll get shamed for not having enough faith if you don’t go (whether subtly or not subtly, it absolutely happens), especially if you’re old and had the faith your whole life.

Im not even talking about religion here, just what happens in church communities.  But we can drop it.

I think this is a VERY FAIR post and I understand this completely FWIW.

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22 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

The Overreaction Paradox:

When the result of taking effective action is that nothing happens, which makes your effort seem unnecessary and like an overreaction even if it was the right thing to do.

My dumb brain still has a lot of trouble understanding the fact that even if the number of cases are not rising dramatically, that does not mean things aren't getting much worse.

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