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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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3 hours ago, malagabears said:

@TLO, @mission27, Spain is looking better by the day. Infections seem to be leveling off. 3577 infections yesterday & 517 deaths. What is really polarizing is that of our 17,489 recorded deaths 9900 are from nursing homes alone. 

Nursing homes are worse than cruise ships for this tbh

If other countries were properly counting those deaths their numbers would be way higher

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2 hours ago, theJ said:

There are obviously issues, and the numbers aren't 100% accurate.  However, when you're dealing with statistics at this level, there's bound to be some error.  It's really not worth the trouble to do an audit of every death potentially related to this virus.  The doctors are doing the best they can, with the limited time and resources they have.

As for the family - i'm sure they don't care whether it was COVID or something else.  

As someone who has dealt with a slew of different primary doctors, specialists, and doctors in hospitals over the past couple years, I can assure you that there are a plethora of them who are not doing the best they can. A lot of the time (because we have no other choice) we put too much faith in them. Medical malpractice and negligence are also very real things. Assuming the best in everyone during a time like this when our freedoms are temporarily stripped away isn’t smart imo. Getting down to the true numbers should be important to everyone. What if the deaths aren’t even close to what’s being reported? That’s a huge game changer, and while yes we need to exercise caution either way, the country wouldn’t need to be so scared to leave their house.

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20 hours ago, SlevinKelevra said:

the plural of anecdote is ...   bovine feces.  While your uncles might be in a particular region where there is need for surplus hours per employee, that has nothing to do with the current problem





Was there a point to the first part of this? 

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13 hours ago, candyman93 said:

That’s comforting.


An F-5 just blasted Mississippi. It’s going to be a really rough couple of months. Hoping this virus gets contained before hurricane season.

Agreed, we have some hotels in Nashville, Orlando, Grapevine all are currently shut down through June but prepared to offer housing if those areas are hit with anything.  Esp given the slow ramp up expected once open hopefully the option will still be on the table. 

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9 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Just found out that my great aunt got COVID-19. She's in an ICU in Texas where she lives. She has a DNR and has said she doesn't want to be put on a ventilator.

We aren't super close but it still hits home a little. She had an unrelated surgery and apparently got it at the place where she was doing physical therapy.

Sorry to hear man. 

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2 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

As someone who has dealt with a slew of different primary doctors, specialists, and doctors in hospitals over the past couple years, I can assure you that there are a plethora of them who are not doing the best they can. A lot of the time (because we have no other choice) we put too much faith in them. Medical malpractice and negligence are also very real things. Assuming the best in everyone during a time like this when our freedoms are temporarily stripped away isn’t smart imo. Getting down to the true numbers should be important to everyone. What if the deaths aren’t even close to what’s being reported? That’s a huge game changer, and while yes we need to exercise caution either way, the country wouldn’t need to be so scared to leave their house.

I mean, ok.  do you think the numbers are 50% overreported?  Because if not, there's really nothing to talk about here.  A 5% difference in the number of deaths is not going to change anyone's opinion on this virus.

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Just now, theJ said:

I mean, ok.  do you think the numbers are 50% overreported?  Because if not, there's really nothing to talk about here.  A 5% difference in the number of deaths is not going to change anyone's opinion on this virus.

Honestly no, it would not surprise me at all if 50%+ of the deaths are not directly because of COVID-19.

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5 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

As someone who has dealt with a slew of different primary doctors, specialists, and doctors in hospitals over the past couple years, I can assure you that there are a plethora of them who are not doing the best they can. A lot of the time (because we have no other choice) we put too much faith in them. Medical malpractice and negligence are also very real things. Assuming the best in everyone during a time like this when our freedoms are temporarily stripped away isn’t smart imo. Getting down to the true numbers should be important to everyone. What if the deaths aren’t even close to what’s being reported? That’s a huge game changer, and while yes we need to exercise caution either way, the country wouldn’t need to be so scared to leave their house.

they arent
1. florida isnt counting deaths in their state if they are "snowbirds"
2. many more are dying at home and arent showing up in the death totals

its likely undercounted, and you're participating in the same logic that allowed China to severely undercount their death totals which blinded the rest of the world to how bad it is. 

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2 minutes ago, mistakey said:

they arent
1. florida isnt counting deaths in their state if they are "snowbirds"
2. many more are dying at home and arent showing up in the death totals

its likely undercounted, and you're participating in the same logic that allowed China to severely undercount their death totals which blinded the rest of the world to how bad it is. 

On the death count front, I have a question for everyone...and the point of this is to hopefully show the "deaths" number is going to be misleading both ways. 

Example, someone driving, gets into a car accident, fairly bad but the accident itself does not kill the person, but ultimately at the scene the person dies of a heart attack.  What killed him? IMO what does it matter?  The fact would be, that person died at the scene of an accident from a heart attack. 

Certain groups will say the car accident, others will point to the heart attack.  At the end of the day, the deaths are extremely unfortunate and going to be treated as a statistic. The accuracy for them will be tough to nail 100% and they likely won't are to be 100% accurate (too late at this point anyways). The number could be higher, could be lower, over time should average out. The only thing the medical professionals should be doing and the media should be reporting is all of the facts.  If John Smith was 75 years old, had COPD and was sick with COVID when he died, they should tell us that same if it was Jane Doe who was is 30 years old with a clean bill of health.   


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29 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Nursing homes are worse than cruise ships for this tbh

If other countries were properly counting those deaths their numbers would be way higher

Spain and Italy also have a life expectancy of 84 years (there's a lot of really old people, in my region 1.5& of the population is 90+years), only behind Japan and Switzerland. The US has a life expectancy of 79 years, not even between the top 30. Besides, they are some of the main touristic attractions during winter due to the better weather. It's not a coincidence that we were the most affected countries in Europe.

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32 minutes ago, VonKarman said:

Spain and Italy also have a life expectancy of 84 years (there's a lot of really old people, in my region 1.5& of the population is 90+years), only behind Japan and Switzerland. The US has a life expectancy of 79 years, not even between the top 30. Besides, they are some of the main touristic attractions during winter due to the better weather. It's not a coincidence that we were the most affected countries in Europe.

That’s true.  Plus all of our old people are in Florida where it’s 85F and humid which helps. 

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18 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Reading this thread feels like watching Game of Thrones except instead of trying to kill the White Walkers we're haggling over whether there is 10,320 or 10,319 because we aren't sure whether to count white walker bears as 2 or 1 person.

Meanwhile the MoL sensibly takes the data for what it’s worth and doesn’t worry about it, smugness shines through the noise always, aren’t you glad you have the MoL

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