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Who ever was wondering, get Lasik. You won't regret it

How many churches are still open? I feel like they are focusing on the few that refuse to close and are ignoring the many that are finding different ways to have services. Obviously I could be way off on that

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26 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Who ever was wondering, get Lasik. You won't regret it

How many churches are still open? I feel like they are focusing on the few that refuse to close and are ignoring the many that are finding different ways to have services. Obviously I could be way off on that

My church has been pre-recording services, so it's been pretty much without incident at our place of worship. A few members of our committee are Doctors and Hematologists at Methodist hospital here in Houston, so there was a very hard push to not hold services in person when things started to escalate.

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8 minutes ago, ET80 said:

My church has been pre-recording services, so it's been pretty much without incident at our place of worship. A few members of our committee are Doctors and Hematologists at Methodist hospital here in Houston, so there was a very hard push to not hold services in person when things started to escalate.


35 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Who ever was wondering, get Lasik. You won't regret it


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1 hour ago, WizeGuy said:



China is treating this like the arms race during the Cold War, haha. They have their first vaccine entering phase 2. I don't doubt they're going to expedite the hell out of this process. They're taking a lot of **** for not being transparent with this virus early on. Finding a vaccine would would save their image a bit. Unfortunately, I can't find anything about the vaccine. 


7 hours ago, N4L said:


@ET80 @ramssuperbowl99 

The article says its might be because there aren't enough sick people in china to run a study. I don't buy that lol 


7 hours ago, ET80 said:

Gut instinct tells me China has reverse engineered the medication and is about to mass produce it on its own.

Betcha a dollar...

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32 minutes ago, ET80 said:

My church has been pre-recording services, so it's been pretty much without incident at our place of worship. A few members of our committee are Doctors and Hematologists at Methodist hospital here in Houston, so there was a very hard push to not hold services in person when things started to escalate.

Most of the ones around here are closed until mid may I think. The bishop will have online streaming and I think a couple places has the people stay in the cars

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7 hours ago, N4L said:

No one is denying anyone's constitutionally given right to practice religion, nor is anyone preventing anyone from lawfully assembling. 

Its 2020. Go to church online/pray in your house and congregate on zoom to plot political action all you want. 

The ironic part is that these measures are meant to protect people. How many pastors have to die before people realize that meeting in large groups is a bad idea? Is it really going to take ENTIRE congregations getting sick before people realize this is a problem? prayer can take place anywhere

This is all under the assumption that the state will keep the churches on lockdown for months or up to a year. Telling people just to go to church online for that long isn’t how they are meant to operate as many people need that community for their mental/spiritual well being and doing everything digitally keeps them in isolation.

Remember, the entire point of the lockdowns were to flatten the curve so the health system wouldn’t be overrun. Once that happens it is the people’s responsibility to stay home if they’re feeling symptomatic, keep their hands clean, keep their distance as best as possible, and wear masks/gloves to help prevent the spread of germs.

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If someone wants to make it a legal thing and go to church in person, they should amend the stay at home orders so that if you're fined/arrested for being outside, hospitals can take that into account when they determine who gets medical care if they are short on beds or ventilators. 

If you want to be a moron and go outside in the middle of a pandemic, then you deserve to be at the end of the line if the healthcare system is overwhelmed and can't find help for you.

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6 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

If someone wants to make it a legal thing and go to church in person, they should amend the stay at home orders so that if you're fined/arrested for being outside, hospitals can take that into account when they determine who gets medical care if they are short on beds or ventilators. 

If you want to be a moron and go outside in the middle of a pandemic, then you deserve to be at the end of the line if the healthcare system is overwhelmed and can't find help for you.

I can agree with this. Not all patients are created equal, those who created unnecessary risk don't deserve to get service ahead of those who didn't create risk.

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5 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Imagine calling for discrimination based on whether or not someone has gone to church and not seeing the inherent danger in that. 

Imagine calling for a list of people who have gone to church and not seeing the inherent danger in that. 

I didn't call for either of those things. 

I said "anyone who is fined/arrested for violating a stay at home order" - that could be someone violating it for any reason. Church is one of the reasons, but there are plenty of other stupid things someone could do to violate a stay at home order. And the only "list" that would be referenced is a list of people arrested/convicted of violating the stay at home order. 


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5 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:


Whatever.  I’m not getting into it.  Looked gross as hell, the explanation doesn’t change that it looked gross as hell.  I am editing so this thread doesn’t get locked down, but that was gross as hell.

Edited by Outpost31
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46 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

This is all under the assumption that the state will keep the churches on lockdown for months or up to a year. Telling people just to go to church online for that long isn’t how they are meant to operate as many people need that community for their mental/spiritual well being and doing everything digitally keeps them in isolation.

Remember, the entire point of the lockdowns were to flatten the curve so the health system wouldn’t be overrun. Once that happens it is the people’s responsibility to stay home if they’re feeling symptomatic, keep their hands clean, keep their distance as best as possible, and wear masks/gloves to help prevent the spread of germs.

People are already selfish and are going places when they are sick.  Even my church, there are some who elect to sit in the vestibule area because they are sick- as an usher sometimes, I ask them if I can sit them in the sanctuary and that's when they tell me. 

Also, I couldn't tell you before this time when the main sanctuary was cleaned and disinfected.  That would probably have to happen between every service.  And services would be limited per social distancing.  

It could happen- I'm not saying it won't- but churches will be a hot spot for this to spread if people aren't careful.  I love going to church as much as anyone and feel the identity I have with my community, but I am not likely to be going back any time soon as a personal choice. 

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Just now, Outpost31 said:

Your sentence was:

It may not have been your intent, but how you wrote it it was gross. 

Eliminate triage because someone did something you thought was stupid. 

We've got someone who smoked their whole life, is morbidly obese, chances of survival are 3%, but they stayed home and got it when their food was delivered. 

30 year old female is having difficulty breathing.  Great chance of survival, she just needs some help.  Wait, 30-year-old female went to church last Sunday.  Mustn't help her.  Let's throw all our resources at the fatty who made terribly life decisions from 12 to 60 years old and discriminate against the one who went to church last Sunday. 

Focus not on who can survive, but on who deserves to survive.  Nothing can go wrong there. 

You bolded the part where I said "if someone is arrested/fined for violating a stay at home order". Obviously I referenced people going to church, since there is a significant fraction of  hyper-religious Americans that are selfish enough to risk other people's lives and apparently too stupid or too arrogant to go on the internet for their spiritual guidance. But what I wrote explicitly applies to everyone fairly and was intended to apply to everyone fairly. I have no problem with religious people who recognize that they need to stay home.

The 30 year old female who went to church in the middle of a pandemic was aware that she was going outside for a non-essential activity that could easily be done online, and then caused enough of an issue that she was arrested and convicted. She risked her own life, the lives of everyone else at the church, her co-workers and her family all because she wanted an in person experience. When she gets sick, she can wait behind all of the people who did their part and stayed home. That includes the fattys.

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2 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:


Okay, you caught me before the edit and I’m really trying to cut down on certain talk here, but none of this excuses the fact that you are advocating for life and death based on decisions in a global pandemic and how you can’t see how gross that is is just gross.  Who decides which decisions lead to care and how can you honestly sit there and defend your statement without seeing clearly how that leads to discrimination of all kinds?

It’s also assuming you would be able to tell when and where they got the virus.  It’s all wrong.  All of it.

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