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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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Just now, mistakey said:

Remember when you said i was overreacting and then the entire nation shut down and 90k died and the problem is still ongoing?

No because I never said that.  If Mission was posting statistics to argue the Earth was flat I would be more inclined to side with him that's how much chill you lack.

And that's coming from me, the person who cannot chill at all.  It's like you were born and your parents put a mask on you as an infant that kept your smile muscles from developing and they played a loop of, "Thou shall have no fun," on the side of your bassinet and gave you math books for your birthday and pinched you every time somebody said a joke so that you associated all humor and fun with pain and misery. 

I'm not arguing with anything you're saying, and I never have, I've literally only asked you to chill the hell out.  Just chill.  That's literally all I'm saying. 

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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

No because I never said that.  If Mission was posting statistics to argue the Earth was flat I would be more inclined to side with him that's how much chill you lack.

And that's coming from me, the person who cannot chill at all.  It's like you were born and your parents put a mask on you as an infant that kept your smile muscles from developing and they played a loop of, "Thou shall have no fun," on the side of your bassinet and gave you math books for your birthday and pinched you every time somebody said a joke so that you associated all humor and fun with pain and misery. 

I'm not arguing with anything you're saying, and I never have, I've literally only asked you to chill the hell out.  Just chill.  That's literally all I'm saying. 

Nope mom died young and dad neglected me but nice guess

heres a thought- mute me

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3 minutes ago, mistakey said:

Nope mom died young and dad neglected me but nice guess

heres a thought- mute me

Seeing that you replied would be like knowing somebody farted in the same room.  It would just bring the mood down.  Even if I couldn’t smell it, it would change my mood.  My breathing habits would change, I would be uneasy, I would get a general sense of dread. Muting you really does nothing for me.  I would get a general sense of doom and gloom and grumpiness and complete and utter lack of chill.  

I was just hoping maybe another joke with a subtly earnest plea might get you to chill.  I guess not.  Ultimately your choice, but I highly recommend it.  

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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Seeing that you replied would be like knowing somebody farted in the same room.  It would just bring the mood down.  Even if I couldn’t smell it, it would change my mood.  My breathing habits would change, I would be uneasy, I would get a general sense of dread. Muting you really does nothing for me.  I would get a general sense of doom and gloom and grumpiness and complete and utter lack of chill.  

I was just hoping maybe another joke with a subtly earnest plea might get you to chill.  I guess not.  Ultimately your choice, but I highly recommend it.  

I guess youre out of luck then

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I just can't understand the "thought" process of the people so opposed to wearing a mask when they go out right now. You've put up with so much over the last two months, I can't believe this is where the line is drawn.

*Thought in quotations because it's clear very little goes on between the ears of these people.

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5 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I just can't understand the "thought" process of the people so opposed to wearing a mask when they go out right now. You've put up with so much over the last two months, I can't believe this is where the line is drawn.

*Thought in quotations because it's clear very little goes on between the ears of these people.

They're embarrassed to wear it, mainly.  They think it makes them look stupid.

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7 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I just can't understand the "thought" process of the people so opposed to wearing a mask when they go out right now. You've put up with so much over the last two months, I can't believe this is where the line is drawn.

*Thought in quotations because it's clear very little goes on between the ears of these people.

Mine kinda makes me look like Bane, so I'm wearing it proudly.

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Just now, skywindO2 said:

I just can't understand the "thought" process of the people so opposed to wearing a mask when they go out right now. You've put up with so much over the last two months, I can't believe this is where the line is drawn.

*Thought in quotations because it's clear very little goes on between the ears of these people.

There are lots of conflicting views on whether or not masks are remotely effective to protect against the virus.  Just yesterday there was a video of a nurse going on a rant about how ineffective masks are.  Pretty sure it went viral.  Then they see Fauci wearing a mask, then not wearing a mask, Trump who is a massive germ freak not wearing a mask, and all these suggestions that a mask won't protect against a virus, but maybe bacteria, how bacteria is 1,000 times larger than a virus and all of these arguments that say wearing a mask is meaningless and they don't want to look stupid.

Personally, I wear a mask every time I go to the grocery store or Home Depot.  If there's a 1% chance it will prevent it, I'll take that 1%.  That's me though.  I don't really care how I look when I go to Walmart.  I often see people who are all dressed up not wearing masks and people wearing sweatpants and not giving AF wearing masks. 

So to help you understand why, I think it's vanity and doubt that prevent it.  Availability isn't much of an excuse considering all the places that offer SOME type of mask, but I'm sure availability is probably third on the list of reasons why people don't wear one. 

I know that wearing a mask will at LEAST help prevent the spread from people who have it that are wearing a mask, so I wear it more as a courtesy than to feel protected. 

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11 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I just can't understand the "thought" process of the people so opposed to wearing a mask when they go out right now. You've put up with so much over the last two months, I can't believe this is where the line is drawn.

*Thought in quotations because it's clear very little goes on between the ears of these people.

In the UK we've been advised against wearing masks unless in a confined space

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BGU researcher develops one-minute COVID-19 breath test


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's Prof. Gabby Sarusi has developed and is now validating a test that identifies carriers of the COVID-19 virus in less than a minute with greater than 90% accuracy and at a dramatically lower price than any other method available. Clinical trials in conjunction with the Defense Ministry on more than 120 Israelis had a better than 90% success rate compared to Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests. The ongoing trials will seek to determine if the test can identify the specific stage of COVID-19 infection as well as its presence.

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