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9 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

I don't think anybody is completely blaming the protests for the current struggles

It's extremely ignorant if anyone is just like it's extremely ignorant if anyone thinks it's not going to further extend the virus' life.

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Not to make things political, but many of the people saying “it’s the protests” are the same people who think the virus is a hoax/overblown/“just asking questions”/“why aren’t things open already?!?” so it’s not really a good faith concern.

Its a good thing the protesters are all snowflakes who are dumb enough to believe in the virus hoax and wear masks... or we'd be in real trouble.

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This is so simple

Wear a mask


Our analysis reveals that the difference with and without mandated face covering represents the determinant in shaping the pandemic trends in the three epicenters. This protective measure alone significantly reduced the number of infections, that is, by over 78,000 in Italy from April 6 to May 9 and over 66,000 in New York City from April 17 to May 9. Other mitigation measures, such as social distancing implemented in the United States, are insufficient by themselves in protecting the public. We conclude that wearing of face masks in public corresponds to the most effective means to prevent interhuman transmission, and this inexpensive practice, in conjunction with simultaneous social distancing, quarantine, and contact tracing, represents the most likely fighting opportunity to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.


Edited by mission27
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21 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I think the reason for the spikes is the absolutely inexcusable and disgusting behavior of large numbers of people in a certain part of the country (refusing to wear masks for example).  Memorial Day was the spark in certain areas, but you don't leave gasoline and newspapers lying around a fire and expect nothing to happen.  

I'm not saying there wont be a spike from the protests.  But the spike we are seeing right now is in places that had much less protest activity and the places that had the most protests are seeing cases continue to decline steadily.  So if the protests are going to lead to a spike it is not the spike we are seeing right now.  I'd watch numbers in Minnesota, New York, Massachusetts, etc. over the next week or two.  Personally I'm less worried about the protests because we know this disease spreads mostly indoors, in confined spaces, with prolonged close contact.  As you say these protests are taking place outdoors and most of the people participating in the protest have a world view that actually acknowledges this virus exists and tend to wear masks.  

I'm seeing about 50/50 when it comes to the gatherings of hundreds of thousands of people during this pandemic wearing masks. Hell, some people have them but they're around their damn chins.

Like I've said, I really, really, really, really hope I'm wrong. More than I've ever wanted to be wrong (or even right) about something. Logic just doesn't suggest that's going to be the case. At least I have golf to watch while I continue to waste my life inside out of respect for the virus and others around me.

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11 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

We’ve somehow managed to politicize a virus, a pandemic, a worldwide health catastrophe.

I didn’t even think this was possible.

I blame governors in each of their separate respective states and their arbitrary standards and different requirements. I mean, pizza places are “essential” but the local coffee shop by me directly across the street from said pizza place (delicious btw) was closed until a couple weeks ago. Fair or not, people are skeptical. Elective surgeries are okay because rich doctors need paid, but sorry poor waitresses and hair stylists, you aren’t essential. I hear things like this all the time and it’s a viable point.

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Just now, MWil23 said:

They were one of the first “non essential” things to open. 

True.  Summer is going by to fast, it seems like that wasn't long ago. 

Some surgeries are only elective in that they aren't life threatening if they don't get it imo

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1 minute ago, vikesfan89 said:

Some surgeries are only elective in that they aren't life threatening if they don't get it imo

Oh absolutely, and many are super legit like joints, hernia, colonoscopy, etc., and some are cosmetic.

I’m speaking strictly from a consistency and message standpoint varying from state to state in light of what I’ve heard from those that doubt the validity and why this has become political, aside from the precedent established by the government having the ability for your/our basic health.

For example, the clause our governor in OH originally used to take control along with Dr. Acton was a WWII/Cold War “under attack”, and took advantage of a vague language loophole clearly designed for war to make that happen.

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1 hour ago, Xenos said:

Couple of problems:

1) masks have somehow become political. Really dumb IMO.

2) And there’s no consistent guidelines. Even in a place like CA, it varies from county to county.

To expand on this, I feel that #1 is influencing #2. Some businesses are against mask wearing at all. While others do not want to lose their customers’ business by making masks mandatory.

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10 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Oh absolutely, and many are super legit like joints, hernia, colonoscopy, etc., and some are cosmetic.

I’m speaking strictly from a consistency and message standpoint varying from state to state in light of what I’ve heard from those that doubt the validity and why this has become political, aside from the precedent established by the government having the ability for your/our basic health.

For example, the clause our governor in OH originally used to take control along with Dr. Acton was a WWII/Cold War “under attack”, and took advantage of a vague language loophole clearly designed for war to make that happen.

In Minnesota they shut everything down before there was any kind of problems, now that there is a problem they are opening everything back up.  I'm shut they have their data to go off of to make decisions but it kind of seems like they are just following the crowd 

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Sometimes when you go to a visit friends, they'll ask you to take off your shoes before you enter their home. For some people its cultural or spiritual for others its a cleanliness thing. But in every case, as a guest - you take off your shoes and don't think anything of it.
Its not a big ask... and it makes a lot of sense

Nobody's whining about losing their freedoms, just decent humans accommodating other decent humans out of courtesy.
Wearing a mask isn't a big ask either and it too makes a lot of sense.

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