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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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10 hours ago, vikesfan89 said:

Everyone is getting into my head apparently 

I had a dream that I got the virus but was still able to work.  I needed a haircut. The girl was nervous when she found out I had coronavirus but she said she'd do it so I put my mask on extra tight.  Obviously I could barely breath and was getting mad at the people saying that it's no big deal to wear a mask. I'm not sure what happened after that but I woke up with some weird feelings after that. I think in the dream I was glad to be getting the virus over with

Am i going to die?

Should probably step away from the thread/news for a while, not good to be dreaming about this crap. 

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27 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

Saying that people are taking pleasure in death is very much projecting. I don’t know how you could read over 600 pages of posts anonymously begging people to wear masks and stay home so that people stop dying, and believe that they secretly enjoy people dying. You are basically accusing folks of being sociopaths.

I wish that guy didn’t die. I wish he didn’t go to the party, and I wish the party didn’t happen. He did, and it did. He’s not a child, he had access to the same information everyone else did and chose not to take it seriously. Unfortunately the stakes are much higher than he anticipated.

I’m not sympathetic because he knowingly and willingly opted to ignore hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of instances of severe illness. I am empathetic about the outcome and do feel remorse/pain that his bad choices forced him to die, probably alone, full of regret.

stop projecting. Most people in this thread are dealing with/processing things in their own way and are lucky to have a community where they feel comfortable doing so.

I'm a bag of mixed feelings toward people like that 30 year old. On one hand, he had a family, and had to die all alone at a young age. That is sad, and as someone who has witnessed a patient die in a hospital alone- I feel sympathetic towards him. On the other hand, I am filled with frustration that this guy was so negligent about this virus. He probably neglected to wear a mask in public since he thought it wasn't a big deal, and likely infected more people; some of who may have been trying to take measures to keep safe.

It's so incredibly frustrating that these "gotcha" moments are always when these people are laying in the hospital. Then they change their tune. At that point, it's too late. Who knows how many people they infected? Many of these people think it won't harm them so they can party and neglect masks. That is pure selfishness because it'll eventually lead to someone who doesn't have the luxury of a 99%(+) survival rate.

And god forbid they are someone who doesn't experience severe symptoms (which I don't wish on anyone) if they do become infected, then they just become an echo chamber of ignorance screaming "It's not that bad! Live your life!". Completely neglecting what's going on in the south right now.

I just wish these people would stop viewing those at risk as some obscure number, but rather a human with a family and a life that is equally as important as anyone else's. The thing that saddens me the most about all of this is- I didn't realize how many people in this country lack humanity. It's very frustrating, and honestly- if I didn't have a deeply rooted family in NY I'd probably get the f*** out of this country. I'm fed up with the ignorance. And I get it- every country has their sour grapes, but the US is on a whole other level than a lot of countries. 

Edited by WizeGuy
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27 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

You’re not wrong. But make sure you give a financial disclosure as well, don’t want anyone to lose their life savings. Also live your life the way they do otherwise you’re the devil and want to kill grandma. Also you’re wrong no matter what if you’re opinion goes against the grain. Also god forbid you even talk about the long term economic impacts and how we need to balance that with risk today. Oh and also don’t even point out that the process has been bundled from the beginning, we don’t talk about the beginning. 

Stay home, don’t breath until we are told it’s safe again. 

There are extremists on both sides. Truth is- most of us want society to open up, but also there needs to be measures put in place to severely reduce the spread. My county has done well with this thus far (bars are open, indoor dining, zoos, museums, etc...and we've controlled the spread). But you're starting to see that if we do neglect measures to contain the spread, then we're just going to end up reverting back phases anyways (AZ, FL, TX, CA). This will ultimately hurt our local economy while overwhelming hospitals which then leads to stopping elective cases and putting a HUGE financial burden on those hospitals. The proof is in the pudding.    

We need to find the perfect middle ground, and I think some states are getting close. Of course, this virus is insanely contagious, so we'll never be completely out of the woods, but if we keep our guard up then we should be ready for counter attacks. 

Edited by WizeGuy
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7 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

The thing that saddens me the most about all of this is- I didn't realize how many people in this country lack humanity. It's very frustrating, and honestly- if I didn't have a deeply rooted family in NY I'd probably get the f*** out of this country. I'm fed up with the ignorance. And I get it- every country has their sour grapes, but the US is on a whole other level than a lot of countries. 

I'm not sure it's really this, as much as it's just the media's influence on people's thoughts in this country.  It's really hard to educate when people get most of their "news" from Facebook, and that news is heavily slanted.  It's not really meant to inform, that "news" is meant to influence.

In other words, that likely didn't want to hurt anyone.  He didn't think it would lead to anything because the information he was given suggested it wouldn't.

This is a classic example of "don't hate the player, hate the game".

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5 minutes ago, theJ said:

He didn't think it would lead to anything because the information he was given suggested it wouldn't.

This is a classic example of "don't hate the player, hate the game".

There is no way that he only saw news saying that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Literally 0% chance. No one can earn the benefit of the doubt in this scenario. 

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34 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

You’re not wrong. But make sure you give a financial disclosure as well, don’t want anyone to lose their life savings. Also live your life the way they do otherwise you’re the devil and want to kill grandma. Also you’re wrong no matter what if you’re opinion goes against the grain. Also god forbid you even talk about the long term economic impacts and how we need to balance that with risk today. Oh and also don’t even point out that the process has been bundled from the beginning, we don’t talk about the beginning. 

Stay home, don’t breath until we are told it’s safe again. 

This post should be used in Philosophy 101 courses to explain logical fallacies.

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1 minute ago, JDBrocks said:

There is no way that he only saw news saying that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Literally 0% chance. No one can earn the benefit of the doubt in this scenario. 

He's 30 years old. He willfully indulged himself in political fantasies instead of informing and protecting himself, and he died as a result of his own delusions. The quote that comes to mind is "womp womp".


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2 minutes ago, theJ said:

I'm not sure it's really this, as much as it's just the media's influence on people's thoughts in this country.  It's really hard to educate when people get most of their "news" from Facebook, and that news is heavily slanted.  It's not really meant to inform, that "news" is meant to influence.

In other words, that likely didn't want to hurt anyone.  He didn't think it would lead to anything because the information he was given suggested it wouldn't.

This is a classic example of "don't hate the player, hate the game".

This is true; it's probably a mix of both. I have a friend in his 30s who was all about playing it safe back in March and April, but is now getting tired of not being able to party. Saw him on Instagram with 15+ other people shoulder to shoulder without masks indoors slamming brews. He knows how serious this virus is. We've talked about it. He just doesn't have the will power to continue the good fight, and that's pretty weak, imo. People really need to toughen up. We're all in this war together, so unfortunately the burden is on all of us to make sacrifices. 

I don't doubt some people think it's a 'flu', but I also believe some people play "ignorant" because it's the more comforting thought. They know it's more dangerous for a certain population, so they think "Well, I probably won't catch it, and even if I do it won't be too bad. Everything will be fine"

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20 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

There is no way that he only saw news saying that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Literally 0% chance. No one can earn the benefit of the doubt in this scenario. 

i think you underestimate the power of targeted news and ads.

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56 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

You’re not wrong. But make sure you give a financial disclosure as well, don’t want anyone to lose their life savings. Also live your life the way they do otherwise you’re the devil and want to kill grandma. Also you’re wrong no matter what if you’re opinion goes against the grain. Also god forbid you even talk about the long term economic impacts and how we need to balance that with risk today. Oh and also don’t even point out that the process has been bundled from the beginning, we don’t talk about the beginning. 

Stay home, don’t breath until we are told it’s safe again. 

lol bro, no one gets upset about talking long term economic impacts. No one. Its a reality, its been discussed multiple times. The only people who get laughed at in this thread are the anti-science, anti-mask people.

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1 minute ago, theJ said:

i think you underestimate the power of targeted news and ads.

I think you are overestimating. The dude said he thought it was a hoax. that means that he KNEW there were numbers and data out there in direct contradiction.

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19 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

This is true; it's probably a mix of both. I have a friend in his 30s who was all about playing it safe back in March and April, but is now getting tired of not being able to party. Saw him on Instagram with 15+ other people shoulder to shoulder without masks indoors slamming brews. He knows how serious this virus is. We've talked about it. He just doesn't have the will power to continue the good fight, and that's pretty weak, imo. People really need to toughen up. We're all in this war together, so unfortunately the burden is on all of us to make sacrifices. 

I don't doubt some people think it's a 'flu', but I also believe some people play "ignorant" because it's the more comforting thought. They know it's more dangerous for a certain population, so they think "Well, I probably won't catch it, and even if I do it won't be too bad. Everything will be fine"

THIS is the problem. People don't care because for the most part it won't kill them, so they just go "Meh, I'm not going to die. I just won't go see Grandma for a week after this party".

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15 minutes ago, theJ said:

I'm not sure it's really this, as much as it's just the media's influence on people's thoughts in this country.  It's really hard to educate when people get most of their "news" from Facebook, and that news is heavily slanted.  It's not really meant to inform, that "news" is meant to influence.

In other words, that likely didn't want to hurt anyone.  He didn't think it would lead to anything because the information he was given suggested it wouldn't.

This is a classic example of "don't hate the player, hate the game".

Oh get serious. We put 13 year olds in jail and specifically try them as adults for years because they copy wrestling moves, we expect every 18 year old to know the law inside and out because "ignorance isn't an excuse" and "we need personal responsibility", but now we have a 30 year old that we're treating like a toddler.

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5 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

I think you are overestimating. The dude said he thought it was a hoax. that means that he KNEW there were numbers and data out there in direct contradiction.

Yeah and the news he was reading likely made arguments that were compelling to him that it was a hoax.  That's how targeted ads work.  The whole thing is just an echo chamber.  It's why everyone gets so entrenched in their opinions now-a-days and can't see what the other side sees.

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