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2 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

I wish I knew what our incredibly unrealistic guidelines will be. We have a committee that is starting next week to try and figure out how to have school. In a month. Its honestly a freaking joke.

They haven't even started yet?!


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13 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

That's .02% of kids that get the virus isn't it? I haven't seen anyone suggest that every kid is going to get the virus 

.02% of children who get it will die, yes. Almost 31% of Floridas youth has had the virus and they weren't even in school...but sure maybe only 5000 will die. Doesn't sound much better to me.

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16 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

You’ve ignored literally every point I’ve made.  It boils down to you have decided to hate and give up on everyone not wearing a mask and I have not given up, choosing to believe that some (not all) can be convinced otherwise.

Essentially, you’re hostile towards my efforts to change minds, which really should have you hating yourself.  

Every “point” you just made is nothing more than self-righteous nonsense where you disingenuously implore others to believe the best in others despite every reason to not give them even marginal good faith.  Disingenuous because you have a history of supporting social violence, but because this fulfills some arbitrary conception of cruelty to you, it’s somehow different.

Appealing to civility, which is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on society, accomplished nothing by design.  Its purpose is to prolong change and make it uncomfortable.

But, suppose I accept the premises that should be outwardly rejected, you are assuming all of us have not attempted to reason with these people.  And that is completely untrue, at least for me, and I would imagine that others encounter the same.

Rhetoric and sound argumentation are my actual job.  I have exhausted every viable avenue of my skill set to convince them.  It’s always greeted with the same perpetually-disproven talking points.  Then some of you suggest that these conversations should occur in person for greater effect.  Right, I should go a mile for the person who not only will not give an inch, but seems intent on endangering me at every opportunity.

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Just now, theJ said:

They haven't even started yet?!


The NH DOE released their guidelines, which were a joke. They were basically suggestions, they aren't even requiring kids to wear masks. They encourage children and staff to wear them until they get to the classroom. Then space desks out and you'll be fine.

Its a mess. I'm debating on telling my Principal I wont be going back to school.

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17 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Just found out my wife’s coworker’s daughter has apparently taken a turn and isn’t expected to recover.

She was a healthy 30 year old RN who went to NYC to help with staffing and has been hospitalized for a couple weeks.

When people wonder why some of us are mad, this is why.  She wasn’t the first and won’t be the last.

Sorry to hear about that. It's not consolation, but she's a hero.

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37 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

lol they may as well have everyone just show up every other Monday then.

Pretty much.

My main question at the moment is whether they have a plan to fill all the substitute teacher spots that are going to be open as a result of this.  Her school is a small, private school.  Two teachers per class, on average.  If more than 2 teachers are out in the entire school, they have trouble filling those spots.  And mostly the subs are older, retired folks.  I don't expect they'll be coming around this year.

It's a mess.

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9 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I disagree.  Let's follow the thread here...

Do you honestly believe that insults and calling them out will change their mind?  Put a percentage on it. 
Do you honestly believe that babying and pretending to empathize will change their mind?  Put a percentage on it. 


Disclaimer: We're now discussing the anti-maskers that have already been attempted to be reasoned with, as I agreed with you that that should be the first course of action.

For the first question, it actually has changed one person's mind for me, however they are very superficial and care deeply how they appear to others. The rest it hasn't worked on, however it's impossible to know if it has changed anyone's mind collaterally. I don't go with the "record on your phone/post the video to social media" route, but I feel like it's a pretty safe bet that seeing some people get publicly shamed on that level is enough to get some of the anti-maskers to abide by the guideline.  Taking all of that into account, I'll put a 12% on calling someone out positively affecting someone somewhere wearing a mask. 

I strongly believe that babying and pretending to empathize with the ones that have already made up their minds will not change it. I'll give it a 1% just because there's always an exception, but once they have shot down reasoning/facts (in a non-hostile approach), their mind is made up. You're not going to change it no matter how much you try to convince them that wearing a mask is actually in their best interest. Babying that thought process is only encouraging their selfish behavior, and that can be applied to tons of things in this world aside of wearing a mask. 



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20 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Just found out my wife’s coworker’s daughter has apparently taken a turn and isn’t expected to recover.

She was a healthy 30 year old RN who went to NYC to help with staffing and has been hospitalized for a couple weeks.

When people wonder why some of us are mad, this is why.  She wasn’t the first and won’t be the last.

Really sorry to hear this man. Thoughts are with you and them.

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2 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

The NH DOE released their guidelines, which were a joke. They were basically suggestions, they aren't even requiring kids to wear masks. They encourage children and staff to wear them until they get to the classroom. Then space desks out and you'll be fine.

Its a mess. I'm debating on telling my Principal I wont be going back to school.

They're doing the same (well, similar) thing here.  Teachers are required to wear masks, but students are not.  Which is basically opposite of how it should be.

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