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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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18 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

If this is a critique about the standards of the FDA vs the EMA I think you'll find the EMA actually get's highly criticized for releasing drugs and medical device approvals too quickly, to the detriment of patient safety. Now don't get me wrong, the FDA sits on the other side of that coin and have neen notoriously slow to release things and that has caused issues with patient health and need. 

But to state the EMA has better standards than the FDA is simply just an idea that the US is a joke right now, so they must be the worst at everything. 

**** Europe. We left that.



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Probably some inexact science here, but seems like the R0 is falling in most states, after spikes in June.  It does seem like these numbers get adjusted retroactively, so you can't take the current data as gospel.  But maybe the US isn't so lost after all.



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8 minutes ago, theJ said:

Probably some inexact science here, but seems like the R0 is falling in most states, after spikes in June.  It does seem like these numbers get adjusted retroactively, so you can't take the current data as gospel.  But maybe the US isn't so lost after all.



Good to see us in the green w/ some good company as well..... not looking at you, AZ.

Thought my wife told me Dewine was going to become more strict w/ us if we didn't get our **** together as well. I hope he does. VERY happy to see the announcements from major grocers going into effect this week but not sure why this wasn't mandated many months ago or at least attempted.

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1 hour ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Good to see us in the green w/ some good company as well..... not looking at you, AZ.

Thought my wife told me Dewine was going to become more strict w/ us if we didn't get our **** together as well. I hope he does. VERY happy to see the announcements from major grocers going into effect this week but not sure why this wasn't mandated many months ago or at least attempted.

More and more businesses are starting to jump on that train.  Home Depot and Lowes as well.

I know there's been a lot of anti-mask talk in this thread, but i'm honestly not seeing it in the public.  At church it's probably 95% mask usage.  At Menards, 100% (it's mandatory).  When i pick up food anywhere, 95%.  This is in some rural areas too.

Some of this could be location specific, but i do suspect that a lot of the push back seen on the internet comes from A) the squeaky wheel and B) lots of bots.  I don't think there's truly a 50/50 divide in this country.  Seems to be much more slanted toward pro-mask.

EDIT: And that seems to be reflected in the recent numbers.  I think we'll see cases start to dip again over the next few weeks.  After schools open, who knows.  But for now, it's looking better.

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Coronavirus: Six types of COVID-19 identified by scientists in 'major' breakthrough for treatment 

Symptoms not widely linked to the virus - like confusion and abdominal pain - are found to be hallmarks of its most severe forms.


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24 minutes ago, theJ said:

More and more businesses are starting to jump on that train.  Home Depot and Lowes as well.

I know there's been a lot of anti-mask talk in this thread, but i'm honestly seeing it in the public.  At church it's probably 95% mask usage.  At Menards, 100% (it's mandatory).  When i pick up food anywhere, 95%.  This is in some rural areas too.

Some of this could be location specific, but i do suspect that a lot of the push back seen on the internet comes from A) the squeaky wheel and B) lots of bots.  I don't think there's truly a 50/50 divide in this country.  Seems to be much more slanted toward pro-mask.

EDIT: And that seems to be reflected in the recent numbers.  I think we'll see cases start to dip again over the next few weeks.  After schools open, who knows.  But for now, it's looking better.

This is much better than I'm seeing in my hometown. County has 134k people in it and there's always 15-20% people not wearing masks any time I got into a store. Oddly enough, it's usually elderly people. I am VERY happy Lowe's and HD are going to do this as I was unaware. I only knew of grocery chains. Wal-Mart should go over well........

I've been putting off a lot of work b/c every time I go into HD, I say about 50/50 of people wearing masks. Easily the worst percentage. Our Lowe's is far more busy and I refuse to step foot in there to see how bad it is. I can finally finish my driveway gate for my dog that I've been putting off for so long lol. I just hope we keep trending in the right direction but I can't say I'm optimistic. That's really hard to be these days.

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32 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

I've been putting off a lot of work b/c every time I go into HD, I say about 50/50 of people wearing masks. Easily the worst percentage. Our Lowe's is far more busy and I refuse to step foot in there to see how bad it is. I can finally finish my driveway gate for my dog that I've been putting off for so long lol. I just hope we keep trending in the right direction but I can't say I'm optimistic. That's really hard to be these days.

Menards is where it's at!  Mask mandate since about week 2 of this crap.

EDIT: plus, they've been running their 11% sale the whole time.  At this point i've received 11% off of a purchase used with other 11% rebate coupons.  The gift that keeps giving.

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56 minutes ago, theJ said:

More and more businesses are starting to jump on that train.  Home Depot and Lowes as well.

I know there's been a lot of anti-mask talk in this thread, but i'm honestly seeing it in the public.  At church it's probably 95% mask usage.  At Menards, 100% (it's mandatory).  When i pick up food anywhere, 95%.  This is in some rural areas too.

Some of this could be location specific, but i do suspect that a lot of the push back seen on the internet comes from A) the squeaky wheel and B) lots of bots.  I don't think there's truly a 50/50 divide in this country.  Seems to be much more slanted toward pro-mask.

EDIT: And that seems to be reflected in the recent numbers.  I think we'll see cases start to dip again over the next few weeks.  After schools open, who knows.  But for now, it's looking better.

You’ve read plenty of it from me, but here things have changed a lot.

A month ago it may have been 1/10 people wearing a mask at Kroger and around town.  I’d guess it was 60-80% this past weekend.

Still far too many not, but it’s improving.

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3 minutes ago, theJ said:

Menards is where it's at!  Mask mandate since about week 2 of this crap.

EDIT: plus, they've been running their 11% sale the whole time.  At this point i've received 11% off of a purchase used with other 11% rebate coupons.  The gift that keeps giving.

And it’s an actual mandate, as in, wear one or you’re not coming in.  Not “we ask our patrons to...”

Even then people won’t wear them properly, but that’s the next step I suppose.

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3 minutes ago, theJ said:

Menards is where it's at!  Mask mandate since about week 2 of this crap.

EDIT: plus, they've been running their 11% sale the whole time.  At this point i've received 11% off of a purchase used with other 11% rebate coupons.  The gift that keeps giving.

Unfortunately the nearest Menard's is 30 minutes from me :( otherwise, I'd be there w/o a doubt!  I love that damn place lol. I can do some grocery shopping while there also

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

You’ve read plenty of it from me, but here things have changed a lot.

A month ago it may have been 1/10 people wearing a mask at Kroger and around town.  I’d guess it was 60-80% this past weekend.

Still far too many not, but it’s improving.

Agreed.  From a macro perspective, i'll definitely take 80% though.  That will really help in the overall spread until a vaccine is ready.

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

And it’s an actual mandate, as in, wear one or you’re not coming in.  Not “we ask our patrons to...”

Even then people won’t wear them properly, but that’s the next step I suppose.

Yeah i still see a few odd people that aren't wearing them over their nose.  But it's still better than nothing.  I just steer a little extra clear of them ha.

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7 minutes ago, theJ said:

Menards is where it's at!  Mask mandate since about week 2 of this crap.

EDIT: plus, they've been running their 11% sale the whole time.  At this point i've received 11% off of a purchase used with other 11% rebate coupons.  The gift that keeps giving.

672 pages in on the 3rd version of this thread and I can finally show some state pride. Menards is the best.

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2 hours ago, seriously27 said:

I talked about it in an earlier post when they first started talking about millions of doses being released to the public by October. It's simply a matter of scheduling and timing. No one is at fault really. The manufacturing side of the process just takes a long time. Assume the first couple of batches are engineering runs to test the process itself, you are talking about a month to a month and a half of process. That process has to be validated(including all equipment) That process will then  have to be released by the FDA and that will take a little bit of time as well.(but this will be the portion that will be fast-tracked) Then each run after that will take about two months from vial thaw to purification. This is only the first 2/3rds of the process as you have the fill finish or bottling/syringe phase as well. This process will also have to take place at an FDA approved facility and will have to have it's own sterile process approved. I think it's feasible to say they could have a lot of product on the market in early December but like I said, that's if everything goes perfectly. 

Yeah thanks for the detail. I was hoping there would be ways to accelerate the validation more than anything. Early December would still be unbelievable. We sequenced the genome in early February, so if you say that's Day 1, we're at 10-11 months to a vaccine being distributed. 

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