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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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39 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I don't think it will, I think, like what rams said, it is more of a threat so people/states start to take their own steps/precautions more seriously.  

I think you missed my multiple posts speaking to the Governor of OH and what he has said/done/will do.

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53 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I am on record saying I would rather die than have another severe hang over so I guess death it is for me. 

Reminds me of a sign at the local watering hole:

"In spite of the increasing cost of living, it remains quite popular"

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

I mean, here in OH we've had a mask mandate and a 10 or less mandate for months, but the issue is, as always, enforcement. I don't think DeWine's "Mask Task Force" will be taken seriously/enforceable, but the press conference yesterday was absolutely a warning shot across the bow. He's going to do some MAJOR things here in the next week or so I believe. He hinted at schools/virtual yesterday, gatherings "not in your household" (Translation: Extended family right before Thanksgiving/Christmas), and reevaluating restaurants, bars, etc.

He banned dancing/congregating without being seated (insert Footloose joke/gif here), and masks must be worn unless actively eating/drinking in restaurants.

I'm not sure what Biden is going to implement federally that's really going to change things for a majority of the states in the nation (albeit some outliers are still around). A 2nd stimulus will eventually happen, but I'm not sure what the scale and finer points will include.

@acowboys62 here it is

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37 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Well I am not a constitutional lawyer but I do not believe the US Government can force its own people into a forced quarantine, the States however, I believe that they can.  Maybe since we are in a pandemic there are some acts or rules out there that would give the Federal Government that power? So yea, I think it matters if they cannot actually do it on a federal level, we are back to where we were when this first hit, some States lockdown some won't.  At best I believe the CDC can govern who can and cannot fly but I am not sure how that even works nor does it seem to be the reason for the issues to begin with.


The airlines are already pushing this and trying to get an app developed that shows your vaccine/health status. They want to get away from the quarantines that are killing leisure travel. Hawaii for example required a 2 week quarantine upon arrival - essentially keeping tourists out without a mandate against travel

I also think the smoking bans, which aren't actual smoking bans offer a hint at how they'll work around a Federal or State mandate. California was first up and they didn't ban smoking in bars/restaurants. Instead they framed it as an Occupational Health issue - the bars and restaurants had to provide a safe working environment. Bars/Restaurants were given the choice of adding $30-50K in air cleaning/filtration OR they could ban smoking in their establishment. The vast majority of bars choose the "no smoking" rule. So they gave the owners options and the owners predictably chose the lower cost option

For COVID, the bars/restaurants/airlines will say: You don't have to get a vaccine, but you can't fly without one because we need to provide a safe working environment for our employees.

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1 hour ago, acowboys62 said:

Rams posted a few hundred pages ago about % of people needed to hit herd immunity and if I remember correctly you can get it done without those people.  However, yes, it may be higher now all things considered.  But if push comes to show and people are told "take this and things go normal" most people are going to take it, maybe they just don't admit it for the optics. 

Yep, the formula for herd immunity is

Fp = 1 - 1/(R0)

where Fp is the fraction of the population and R0 is the rate of spread. Since R0 varies depending on a number of factors, the percentage of the population needed may vary slightly, but anybody can get a range based on plugging in a range of R0s.

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1 hour ago, acowboys62 said:

Well I am not a constitutional lawyer but I do not believe the US Government can force its own people into a forced quarantine, the States however, I believe that they can.  Maybe since we are in a pandemic there are some acts or rules out there that would give the Federal Government that power? So yea, I think it matters if they cannot actually do it on a federal level, we are back to where we were when this first hit, some States lockdown some won't.  At best I believe the CDC can govern who can and cannot fly but I am not sure how that even works nor does it seem to be the reason for the issues to begin with.


I suppose I miss understood what you meant by "not going over well"

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2 teachers just tested positive and came into direct contact with 3 other teachers. We've still been going strong despite over 150 quarantines in grades 10-12, but eventually we are going to lose so many teachers that we can't fill their spots with subs (shocking to some of you, there's actually a sub shortage right now for some reason)...we'll go remote.

I think a lot of people were hoping/expecting DeWine to make that remote after Thanksgiving through the end of 2020 as a 7 week cooling off period (see: Every college in the state), but no such luck...at least not yet.

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More people are dying each week from COVID than were killed in 9/11. Pretty soon we will be at that many deaths per day.

If we were being hit with a 9/11-caliber attack each week, imagine the response we would be seeing from the entire country. It would be complete unity, no partisanship. People would do anything. 

Yet we can't even wear masks. 

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Some good news stories for today:

"Scientist behind BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine says it can end pandemic"


"Anthony Fauci Says Coronavirus Is ‘Not Going To Be A Pandemic For A Lot Longer’"


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28 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

"Anthony Fauci Says Coronavirus Is ‘Not Going To Be A Pandemic For A Lot Longer’"


To temper that quote a little bit:


“I doubt we’re going to eradicate this. I think we need to plan that this is something we may need to maintain control over chronically. It may be something that becomes endemic that we have to just be careful about.”


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7 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

To temper that quote a little bit:


Yeah I don't think we'll ever be done w/ viruses like these but it certainly can end the pandemic and make it something more tolerable until we have the necessary time to make it something fairly treatable w/ OtC stuff. We will see though but the vaccine results are absolutely worth the encouraging feelings. 

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14 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Yeah I don't think we'll ever be done w/ viruses like these but it certainly can end the pandemic and make it something more tolerable until we have the necessary time to make it something fairly treatable w/ OtC stuff. We will see though but the vaccine results are absolutely worth the encouraging feelings. 

What he means by endemic is probably something similar to the flu. Especially if we can figure out symptom treatment. 

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2 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

What he means by endemic is probably something similar to the flu. Especially if we can figure out symptom treatment. 

Yeah, I agree and that's why I made the comment about getting time for OtC stuff to be developed. We'll get there and it will take some time, but we'll get there. 

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