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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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4 minutes ago, Blue said:

josh - 4 - Touch, KSJ, Malfatron

Counselor - 1 - Forge

Mwil - 2 - Matts, Orca

Swag - 1 - bcb

Ragnarok - 1 - Xmad

Xmad - 5 - Squire, Whicker, Mwil, Swag, Counselor


What the tuck 

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12. @SwAg

Schindler's List

The haunting cinematography/story and incredibly accurate representation of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust is a fitting representation of SwAg's threadplay, game solving, and personality.


SwAg as scum above, Town below



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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Spoilers wtf

They say that Season 1 episode 1 that he dies and then you find out in the season 1 finale how. My wife felt legitimately awful for me watching that episode with her. I couldn't sit there and watch it.

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4 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Unsure why you're so bothered by a vote this early into the game boo but that's where it sits for now.  Maybe drop the I'm an unkillable pgo tracker cop Shtick and actually give me full town swag and I'm sure my vote won't be there at the days end 


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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

12. @SwAg

Schindler's List

The haunting cinematography/story and incredibly accurate representation of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust is a fitting representation of SwAg's threadplay, game solving, and personality.


SwAg as scum above, Town below



Did you forget to include that he is also a huge socialist and the bad guy?

Edited by Matts4313
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13. @theuntouchable

Saving Private Ryan

In what I consider to be one of/if not the best war movie ever made, I think this one fits for a few reasons. First, the obvious:


A Captain who is secretly a family man, who has a calculated and quiet persona. No one knows where they stand with him/what he does, who he is, etc., to the point of where his entire company bets on it in a pool. When you finally get a glimpse of humanity/him at his most vulnerable, he offers this:


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