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Dark Souls Mafia - GAME OVER - BOSSES WIN!!


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56 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Quarantine with Pickle or Quarantine with Orca 



54 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Poker game with Whicker or Poker game with Forge


Both, but a table of Whicker, Forge, Pickle, Orca, Swag, Matts would be epic

40 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

All of Texas is the good part you heathen. 


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3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Ivan The Terrible or Attila the Hun


Atilla the Hun 

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Mars or Venus


Mars, I wanna terraform it one day and live there away from you people lol

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Drive In Movies or Mini Golf


Mini golf, anything golf 

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Garlic Bread or Cheese Bread


Combine them both, garlic cheese bread

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Pickles or Tomatoes


I am a damn pickle, so pickles 

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Guacamole or Sour Cream



3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Death by Lion or Death by Shark 


Sharks are the coolest, so sharks

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

Monster under your bed or Monster in your closet



1 hour ago, Blue said:

Austin is The Good Part of Texas though

it might be the worst part of the world xD

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

A date with Swag or a date with Josh


Swag, josh is too rough ;)

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Quarantine with Pickle or Quarantine with Orca 


Neither, those guys are too intense for me 

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Bed Time stories read by Matts or Bed Time stories read by Blue


Bedtime story written by blue but ready matts sounds nice lol

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Cooking lessons with Dome or Cooking lessons with Malf


Malf, he has patience 

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Poker game with Whicker or Poker game with Forge


@Whicker bc that dude is awesome 

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Sharing a Twin Bed with Swoosh or Sharing a Twin Bed with Mission


swoosh, I'm fat, so I need more room 

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Tea Time with Mwil or Tea Time with Rags


@Ragnarok bc the tea will turn into moonshine I'm sure 

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Pedicure with Counselor or Pedicure with MD4L


Md4l bc he seems chill

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Bubble Bath with Daboyle or Bubble Bath with BCB


Daboyle, he seems cleaner 

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Back rubs from Buff or Back rubs from Racks



1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Spanish lessons from Hobo or Spanish lessons from TK3 


Do hobo's speak spanish...

Tk3 bc I can make him go crazy

1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Haircut by Squire or Haircut by Mega Ron


Mega Ron bc I live on the wild side 

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

All of Texas is the good part you heathen. 

Minus Austin buddy!!

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13 hours ago, Counselor said:

Tea Time with Mwil or Tea Time with Rags


1. I drink Coffee. I currently have peppermint tea and raspberry tea, but I do have local spun honey...so there's that

2. I'm an American. No one here cares or has cared about tea time since July 3, 1776.

3. Something tells me that @Ragnarok would make hot toddies for tea time, probably lighter on the tea and heavier on the other additives...he'd basically end up making an Old Fashioned, I'd about guarantee that. Anyone that chooses me is making a big mistake.

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

1. I drink Coffee. I currently have peppermint tea and raspberry tea, but I do have local spun honey...so there's that

2. I'm an American. No one here cares or has cared about tea time since July 3, 1776.

3. Something tells me that @Ragnarok would make hot toddies for tea time, probably lighter on the tea and heavier on the other additives...he'd basically end up making an Old Fashioned, I'd about guarantee that. Anyone that chooses me is making a big mistake.

No one was going to choose you for anything so had to put you somewhere 

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