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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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2 minutes ago, biggio7 said:

I might vote for you just based on this post. Final allegiances? What do you mean by that? I'd say Snape had the greyest vibe mixing between both sides.

Being on Dumbledore's side or not, the dude committed/supported years of hate crimes and murders

He was willing to commit egregious crimes and ONLY cared to stop at the point in where it affected him personally via a person he loved

Even the child who he protected, he emotionally abused for years of his formative childhood, through no fault of the child himself (not to mention all of the other children he abused over the years, including the delightful Longbottom boy)


He's not some ambiguous or gray valued character. He was a downright terrible and hateful person, whose "redeeming act" was done for selfish motives. He sucks and his final actions in no way redeem him for his entire life of awfulenss

I am firm on this and anyone who blindly forgives him needs to empathize with abuse better

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

That’s one of the few names I’ve heard before as someone who has never read a book or seen the series. So if I’ve heard of him I’m sure he is a main character. 

And if it was a fake claim, you would’ve been stoked to have such a good fake claim 

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Well my role is I make potions I can choose each day phase if I want a potion that causes harm or benefits another player. I have to wait for the potion to be finished based on RNG. I then learns what it does but I can assign it before or after I learn what it does. 

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1 minute ago, bigbadbuff said:

Biggio and Hobo originally said they were characters not in this book that is indicative 


1 minute ago, Dome said:

I missed that...


I missed that too. When did I do that?

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5 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Being on Dumbledore's side or not, the dude committed/supported years of hate crimes and murders

He was willing to commit egregious crimes and ONLY cared to stop at the point in where it affected him personally via a person he loved

Even the child who he protected, he emotionally abused for years of his formative childhood, through no fault of the child himself (not to mention all of the other children he abused over the years, including the delightful Longbottom boy)


He's not some ambiguous or gray valued character. He was a downright terrible and hateful person, whose "redeeming act" was done for selfish motives. He sucks and his final actions in no way redeem him for his entire life of awfulenss

I am firm on this and anyone who blindly forgives him needs to empathize with abuse better

Do you have any proof of the crimes/murders he committed? Or are you just figuring because he was with the Death Eaters that he did? I agree that he was completely a jerk to the students with his emotional/verbal abuse. I don't think he redeemed himself at all. But, there was still a little bit a good in him despite it being for a selfish reason. That glimmer would make him not completely dark.

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@bigbadbuff do you see something funny here?

14 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:

Biggio and Hobo originally said they were characters not in this book that is indicative 

Thread Entrance:

18 hours ago, bigbadbuff said:


My question:

18 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Want me to give you some clothes?

And you liked this post.


Dobby first appears in the first chapter of Chamber of Secrets (The Worst Birthday) He is in and out of the book causing Harry no small amount of literal pain. 


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

My updated list in chronological order of signup.

Green: Town

Blue: Town lean

Yellow: Neutral

Purple: Have posted almost nothing either way

Red: Scum/Scum lean

While Sanchez has one post, his timing/entrance was super sketchy.

Hobo, that last post looks bad and looks like you're making a concerted effort to remind everyone that you're not active early so as to confirm that this is your "usual meta game" and won't vote Sanchez/ET for arbitrary reasons so that when one/both flip scum, you have a "valid reason".

As usual, that's great critical thinking, but you're off on me.

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