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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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Just now, squire12 said:

Tk3 is generally active in the evenings.  Rarely during 9-5 workday type hours. 

Admittedly, I'm in a wfh status, so I can interact during the day a little more than usual right now

But typically, you are correct

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31 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

not sure where this is coming from

Wrong thread

31 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

but bad opinion, bro

Not really. Either social distancing is crucial to containing a pandemic or it’s not. My right to protest is just as important as my right to take my kids to a park funded by tax dollars. These aren’t mutually exclusive. I 100% support the timing and legitimacy of peaceful protest. I think you missed my point.

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Wrong thread

Not really. Either social distancing is crucial to containing a pandemic or it’s not. My right to protest is just as important as my right to take my kids to a park funded by tax dollars. These aren’t mutually exclusive. I 100% support the timing and legitimacy of peaceful protest. I think you missed my point.

No, I get your point. My point is that the two things you mentioned have different levels of importance, especially at this moment....

Also, who isn't letting you go to a park as long as you are following the current set of social/medically recommended guidelines while doing so?

I probably shouldn't be continuing this conversation. I guess we can respectfully disagree on this

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Just now, Tk3 said:

No, I get your point. My point is that the two things you mentioned have different levels of importance, especially at this moment....

I don’t disagree, merry mentioning the major logical fallacy

Just now, Tk3 said:

Also, who isn't letting you go to a park as long as you are following the current set of social/medically recommended guidelines while doing so?

Her Imperial Highness Dr. Amy Acton, state of Ohio.

Just now, Tk3 said:

I probably shouldn't be continuing this conversation. I guess we can respectfully disagree on this

I mean, that’s cool. I didn’t mean to post it in this thread. Different opinions make the world go round. 

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