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TAPT Version 70.0 Steve Dowden follows the rules


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2 minutes ago, HighCalebR said:

Feels like that should be called the east, since it's east of the major dividing landmarks the continent has.

Take the south east for example. Unquestionably stretches to Louisiana. The whole of what you call the Midwest is north and east of that. 

(The entirety of this was fueled by the beer last night and I'm running on the fumes of that. Lol. Solid argument. I had fun.)

There is no east in the south. It's all south.....some of which just by happenstance is close to the east coast Ha!

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5 minutes ago, Leader said:

The Great Lakes aren't a good demarcation line (for this discussion at least) in so much as they cover a broad area east-west. They stretch all the way from Buffalo NY (clearly east) to Minnesota MN.

I've generally thought along the lines of "east of the Mississippi is east - west is west"

The "Indiana's closer to the Atlantic than Montana's to the Pacific" idea actually got me looking at maps and I'm not so sure about that.

For me, the Midwest is the Dakotas on down to Kansas and east to Iowa and Missouri.

I'm just lucky I guess. I grew up where I could walk into the Atlantic. I was very centered....I knew I was east. :)

Not great but with other markers I feel like it's a good jumping off point.

I pretty much agree here.

It's not haha. I was pretty dubious of it when I typed it out after I did a very quick Google and some (wrong) numbers popped up that supported that.. but they ARE the same number of states away.

I still don't accept Missouri. They're Appalachia adjacent. Hill people. @ThatJerkDave

Were there magical times under the boardwalk?


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9 minutes ago, Leader said:

There is no east in the south. It's all south.....some of which just by happenstance is close to the east coast Ha!

Someone should tell the SEC.

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4 minutes ago, HighCalebR said:

I still don't accept Missouri. They're Appalachia adjacent. Hill people. @ThatJerkDave

The Appalachian Mountains run all the way from Canada, Maine and on down into Alabama.

Clearly they cant be used to denote just "east." 

The Appaachian's that count are all in the Northeast. The rest are just foothills and moguls :)

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Now let's get into Texas and South Florida. 

Texas might have to just be it's own thing but they'd definitely be overly proud about that. 

South Florida is definitely somehow Northeast despite it being as far south as possible. But not New England Northeast. Florida has that fun distinction of somehow getting more South the farther north you go. 

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22 minutes ago, HighCalebR said:

Not great but with other markers I feel like it's a good jumping off point.

I pretty much agree here.

It's not haha. I was pretty dubious of it when I typed it out after I did a very quick Google and some (wrong) numbers popped up that supported that.. but they ARE the same number of states away.

I still don't accept Missouri. They're Appalachia adjacent. Hill people. @ThatJerkDave

Were there magical times under the boardwalk?


The Appalachian mountains are like 9 hours away. 


Everyone always coming at me for where I live...

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11 minutes ago, wgbeethree said:

Now let's get into Texas and South Florida. 

Texas might have to just be it's own thing but they'd definitely be overly proud about that. 

South Florida is definitely somehow Northeast despite it being as far south as possible. But not New England Northeast. Florida has that fun distinction of somehow getting more South the farther north you go. 

I always call Texas "the West."  Not to be confused with the Pacific Coast.  To me, "West" is Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and probably Nevada.  

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Glad we’ve got geography all sorted out. The old “give it a name” applies here as in, lots of people will name something relative to their own experience, but that changes from person to person. We mostly name things so we can talk about them but it’s from our small slice of perspective. When I was growing up in WI, I felt “the South” started even by the time you get to Indiana. I knew that wasn’t true by the map but certain elements culturally began to emerge. For someone in deep Alabama, the South probably doesn’t even include some parts of Georgia.  I do often talk about the Great Lakes as a region distinct from the Midwest just like I talk about the Gulf Coast distinct from the South. 


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Florida, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana don't really fit with a region too well. 

I feel like Louisiana is it's own thing, kind of like Texas.  Very similar to the South, but too historically French and Catholic to really fit in with the idea of "the South." 

Florida has a big Cuban influence, and a lot of retirees from Northern States fleeing the cold.  It is definitely "the South" but at the same time has an identity all it's own.  

Missouri is right in the intersection of the South, Plains, and Great Lakes States.  You can draw reasonably straight lines to which of these regions the part of the state most aligns with.  Interestingly, I would think that St Louis lines up with the Great Lakes the best, but the city it is most like is Memphis, which is definitely the South.  

Pennsylvania is very much like Missouri, it is a large state at the intersection of a couple of distinct regions.  Philadelphia has much more in common with the Northeast.  Pittsburgh though, is most definitely a rust belt town that has more in common with Ohio, and Michigan than it does with New York or Massachusetts.  

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One of my other favorite things is how vehemently people from the same exact place to 99.9% of people will seperate themselves. Like Milwaukee and Chicago. New York and Boston. San Diego and LA. Nashville and Memphis. Iowa and Nebraska. Georgia and Alabama. Wyoming and Idaho. Iowa and Nebraska. etc.etc. It gets even more fun the smaller it gets. We'll get sorta Wisconsin specific here. Like tell someone from Baraboo and Lake Dalton, or Racine and Kenosha, or Neenah and Oshkosh, or Wausau and Stevens Point that they're the same thing and watch the fireworks. Then you can get even more specific. Like Northside and Southside of Chicago. Then you can go even more specific like Whitefish Bay and Shorewood or Brown Deer and Meqoun or Highland Park and Deerfield or well you get the picture. 

And then it works the other way too. Clearly Zimbabwe and Nigeria are pretty much the same thing. They're both in Africa. Even though they are farther apart from each other than San Diego and the North Pole are. 

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28 minutes ago, wgbeethree said:


And then it works the other way too. Clearly Zimbabwe and Nigeria are pretty much the same thing. They're both in Africa. Even though they are farther apart from each other than San Diego and the North Pole are. 

Remember George Costanza’s wallet? This fact is getting tucked in right next to the ad for free guitar lessons in my mental wallet.

The geography of it is cool enough, but your larger point is also thoughtworthy. 

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55 minutes ago, wgbeethree said:

One of my other favorite things is how vehemently people from the same exact place to 99.9% of people will seperate themselves. Like Milwaukee and Chicago. New York and Boston. San Diego and LA. Nashville and Memphis. Iowa and Nebraska. Georgia and Alabama. Wyoming and Idaho. Iowa and Nebraska. etc.etc. It gets even more fun the smaller it gets. We'll get sorta Wisconsin specific here. Like tell someone from Baraboo and Lake Dalton, or Racine and Kenosha, or Neenah and Oshkosh, or Wausau and Stevens Point that they're the same thing and watch the fireworks. Then you can get even more specific. Like Northside and Southside of Chicago. Then you can go even more specific like Whitefish Bay and Shorewood or Brown Deer and Meqoun or Highland Park and Deerfield or well you get the picture. 

And then it works the other way too. Clearly Zimbabwe and Nigeria are pretty much the same thing. They're both in Africa. Even though they are farther apart from each other than San Diego and the North Pole are. 

While this is true, it is also kind of like saying that the Hutu and Tutsi are the same because they are both from Rwanda.  In some cases, there are long held disagreements.  But yes, North and South Chicago probably don't apply.  

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You heathens, the Midwest isn't geography, it's a way of life. If you say ope or lemme squeeze right past ya. You're Midwest as ****. The only mountains you need to know about the Midwest are the ones that are on a can of Busch. 

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