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Spider-Man Mafia (Legacy Game) - GAME OVER SYMBIOTES WIN


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1 minute ago, bucsfan333 said:

That's kinda my job. 🤷‍♀️

Wow. Mom must be proud.

Just now, Blue said:

@Nazgul you can think whatever you want about it, but arguing with the mods over having a post deleted seems like it's only going to end badly for you.

Yeah. Whatever. The post was innocent. I've played games with the people here for years and this is like the 10th time I re-posted that post.
Everyone here knows that it is a meme. Just like everyone knows not to take me seriously. 

If Bucs had a problem with that - he could have taken it up with me personally (and maybe explained why he was deleting it) instead of just doing it with no communication.
I also don't need to be lectured here by him about these kind of things simply because he isn't in the know. 

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1 minute ago, jasonwbantle said:

Whatta you thinking for night 2 and day 3?

Well, all four of us are seen as rogue at best by the majority of people here. I do understand that you're fairly inexperienced at Mafia with this group, but being SO blatant in the thread feels like a scum tell at times, unless that's your flavor. The thing is, we can't tell if it's your flavor because most of us haven't really played with you much before. You're also not a villain, per your claim, so you're automatically higher up on people's scum lists. One thing to point out is that unless a better suspect emerges, most people usually would rather persecute a known Indy than a potential Mafia.

As for Josh, his confusion is classic in the way that mine has been. And I think that he had a similar issue before. I honestly was confused about my alignment in several of my first Mafia games (such as Dark Souls and Mortal Kombat), and ended up being mostly good in the end, though I couldn't figure out if I was scum or town. However, as an outed serial killer, with the question of Nazgul being answered, he becomes the biggest and most obvious threat in the game at the moment. Which is a shame, because I like Josh. He definitely messed up at some point, whether it was misunderstanding alignment and role or knowingly fudging information. Best case scenario, he's likeable, but a total unknown quantity who has had a few blunders in this game and is wielding dangerous power. 

Malf is a question mark. The dude is very, very good at this game. And he has a specific style that makes him hard to read because he constantly throws a bunch of unnecessary stuff in there, too. However, he's pretty much buddied up with you, Josh and I, which is questionable, to say the least. If he's scum, it gives a cluster of people to implicate as fellow scum, making further misfires and mis-lynches a greater possibility than they were before. And it's not like the four of us have been playing insanely well in order to prompt this support. We've all just kind of looked at things on a simpler, more earnest scope - or that's how it appears via threadplay. Malf isn't EXACTLY following us, but he's been fairly close to us in logic, voting, and conclusions thus far, which - while technically correct, in my estimation - is a potentially shrewd tactic by someone who may or may not be playing off of our simplicity. 

I was someone who was supposed to be dead two days ago, and I'm genuinely trying to solve the game. I'm town, but someone died and flipped with a role very close to mine. WHY Blue had multiple role-blockers as part of town is unknowable. Everything I've said so far has been true, though, and I'll keep telling the truth and trying to find scum.

However, with the microscope mainly being focused on five players thus far (you, Nazgul, Malfatron, JoshstraDaymus, and I), there aren't many reads to be made regarding the others. There are some small and interesting tidbits left behind by Picked Rick and Counselor, but they might be nothing, and there's not enough to make any accurate reads - yet.

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