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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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4 hours ago, MWil23 said:

This guy also gets it. 8:30 is a bit of an exaggeration and hyperbole, but not by much. I get up at like 5:30 every day, including weekends. Carpe Diem boys...and by that, I mean that my three year old does that.

8:30 my time is 9:30 your time. So I would think that I was pretty dead on.

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:

Monster partner thinks I need to reveal myself?  Because I successfully led a lynch of a scum faction leader?  That makes sense.

I would love to hear how you think this.

We already know your role, we just don't know your results. And with there being a potential 3 Mafia factions, killing one of them doesn't exactly clear you.

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

So, after Forge, who seems to be saying he's the alignment cop, visited Blue night one and saw he was werewolf aligned, he votes for Malf.  

This is his second post of the day phase in response to Blue asking him if Malf and Matts are lying.

Immediate followup post.

This is after my big post on Blue.  It's the first time he mentions suspicions on Blue.

Here he reiterates that he is 95% likely to vote for Malf.  This is after I make a case for Blue and after he's supposedly gotten Blue's alignment as werewolf, and seen a werewolf flavored kill.

Again, he sticks with Malf.

Here, he's talking to Blue.

Here again, he's doing the same thing.  Why he would do this when he has Blue's alignment, I don't know.  I thought he was claiming lie detector at the time.

Here's the damning piece.  Now, maybe he has a reason to lie to the town about Blue's alignment, like I did, but I'm gonna be hard to convince that it's a good one to go this hard.  This is right before I outted Blue as the Alpha.

This is Forge's first post after I outted Blue.  Why he would be so ambivalent about my results when he has matching results, I don't know.  At this point, with the info he had, a townie would join the damn lynch so I didn't have to keep revealing info.  At this point, he knows I'm an investigator, and knows I'm right about my investigation.

This one, I honestly don't know what he's talking about.  I went back and MWil's last post is several pages before this.  This is on page 79 if yall want to look into it.  It made me scratch my head at first, but it might be a slip up if I'm right.

Here, at this point, Blue only has 3 votes.  I'm still having to counter Counselor and MWil, and trying to get a lynch train moving.  And he still hasn't joined the lynch for Blue, despite being bothered by his voting, having werewolf aligned information, and having another player out themselves to nail Blue with a result he knows is right.

This is after Blue claimed to be the vig killer.  Come on, why would you still be unsure?

After Blue hammered himself.  He literally never joined the lynch.

Forge is scum.  I attacked him yesterday for being on every lynch train Day 1, he seemed to have claimed lie detector before claiming to be alignment cop, and he never joined Blue's lynch, and was in fact resistant to it, before he joined too late.  Again, this is despite knowing that Blue was a killer werewolf and having me already out Blue as the ******* lead werewolf.

When MWil posted that he was the watcher and Forge's target, I thought it was too good to be true, since I moved from being suspicious to a town vibe for Forge yesterday.  But this makes him a top candidate for lynching today in my mind.  I would really like to hear and explanation from him.

Also, I have more info to come.  This is all I want to reveal right now.

Do you know what an alignment cop is? All he knew was that blue and Malf we're not aligned. Not who was the bad guy.

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40 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Daniel: Stay tuned

*Daniel enters discord

Hey guys! I just laid a ton of groundwork, we can eliminate the only other viable power role!

*Matts enters discord

Good work Daniel! I'm going to continue to feign ignorance about threadplay and be the voice of our team, while Malfatron corrects me in discord regularly. It's working so far! These morons actually think we have 5 abilities, unlimited protects, are Town, and I've cleared 1/3 of the game since I'm speaking from a point of inside knowledge!

*Good morning Malfatron!

******* MWil is the watcher. Let's kill him tonight.

Very interesting post........


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