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17 minutes ago, TVScout said:

The Hollywood establishment is mentally lazy. It is easier to recycle old plot narratives and crank up the FX than it is to actually think through a story arc.

No, it's not laziness.  It's stupidity.  They're all coked out producers and millionaires and billionaires who have lost touch with everyday people.  I could go on a massive rant right now, but I won't.  It's Hollywood having lost touch with its audience, nothing else.  Remakes and old plot narratives and better "effects" have been a part of Hollywood since Hollywood existed.  You know where we get the whole A movie, B movie, C movie thing from?  Producers literally used to have an A movie script.  They would give it to a scriptwriter and they'd take the template, the exact plot of the previous movie.  They'd change the names, they'd change the settings, they'd change the dialogue and it would be the same movie with minor differences and they'd keep churning those movies out just like that.  These recycled scripts existed for every genre.  The reason people went to them was because the directors and writers had enough heart to make it their own and give the movie heart and mass appeal and enough to make it beloved.

Look at It Happened One Night and Roman Holiday.  They're almost identical in plot, and yet they're both remembered as classics because the writers put in such memorable and iconic scenes and dialogue.  You don't get that in movies anymore now.  Nobody takes any chances, nobody is allowed to put their heart into a movie or their own quirks.  Look at the surprise success stories in the industry right now. 

Deadpool one was a massive hit because they were allowed to put a little Goddamn originality into the dialogue and let the creators run away with it.  Then Hollywood saw a cash grab opportunity with Deadpool 2.  They nearly doubled the budget, and it made 50 million less worldwide. 

It and others like it are irrefutable proof that film is still alive and that it can still thrive if Hollywood idiot producers who have lost all touch with its audience allow people to make their movies their way and put their touches on it from both a script perspective and a directing perspective. 

Film is not dead, and you CAN tell an effective story in 90-150 minutes.  It's just that producers want that effective story to be the most rudimentary, formulaic story imaginable because they're underestimating their audience's intelligence.  Every single success out there challenges what is commonly accepted by Hollywood.  Every single one over the past 10 years.  It's time for them to wake up and realize things don't have to be so rigid and so concrete and so formulaic, basic and regurgitated. 

So much for not going on a rant.

Edited by Outpost31
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The Night Comes For Us. This Indonesian movie was just released on Netflix and might be one of my favorite action movies of the year. Timo Tjahjanto knows how to make a good entertaining action movie. You don't need a big budget and tons of CGI. No, you take two of the main characters from the first The Raid movie, put them together in one movie and let them do what they do best: beat the living crap out of people in the most brutal violent ways. There's so much violence and blood in this movie. So many broken bones. Even the women in this movie are crazy and violent. The final scene between the two main characters is one of the best movie fights that you will see in a movie.

This might not be a classic like The Raid but it's still a really good action movie. 


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23 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

No, it's not laziness.  It's stupidity.

It is both. And cowardice.

23 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

They're all coked out producers and millionaires and billionaires who have lost touch with everyday people.

They never had touch.  We must remember Hollywood does not make movies it makes money. Most movies lose money. The studios only stay  in business by the profits from  the blockbusters, hence the flurry of superhero movies.

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It's October so time to rewatch some of my favorite 70s/80s horror movies.

The Changeling. This remains one of the few horror movies that actually scared me. It still gives me the creeps.

Dead & Buried. I will continue to defend this movie as one of the most underrated zombie movies ever made. 

Bay of Blood. Still one of my all time favorite slasher movies. Friday the 13th part II tried hard to copy this movie but it's so much better.

Edited by Chinaski_86
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On 10/21/2018 at 3:26 AM, thrILL! said:


How does Running Scared 15 hold up compared to Running Scared 1, Running Scared 2, Running Scared 3, Running Scared 4, Running Scared 5, Running Scared 6, Running Scared 7, Running Scared 8, Running Scared 9, Running Scared 10, Running Scared 11, Running Scared 12, Running Scared 13, and Running Scared 14???

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watching in bruges again after 7 handles of whiskey, this time paying close attention to the performances, and they are 100 percent brilliant, real.

then i remember something and it angers me and its that someone in FF called Colin Farrell a poor mans Keanu Reeves 

I tried to picture Keanu as the lead in this movie and it made me more angry 


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2 hours ago, Tyty said:

How does Running Scared 15 hold up compared to Running Scared 1, Running Scared 2, Running Scared 3, Running Scared 4, Running Scared 5, Running Scared 6, Running Scared 7, Running Scared 8, Running Scared 9, Running Scared 10, Running Scared 11, Running Scared 12, Running Scared 13, and Running Scared 14???

Hahaha I didn’t even notice that.  I wonder what that’s about.  

Running Scared still stands up. Their chemistry was fantastic. I wish they had made a sequel. 

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