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STAR WARS Mafia (Galactic Empire, Lando Calrissian wins!)

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

non-zero chance Lawrence pulls an Eli and refuses to play for the Jets

*Insert always a Tiger Twitter announcement that he's coming back for his Senior Year, followed by Justin Field's subsequent announcement that he's coming back to OSU to settle "unfinished business"

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bigbadbuff - 5 - kingseanjohn, Daboyle, Blue, MWil23, ET80

Pickle Rick - 4 - Glen, Tk3, bigbadbuff, SwAg

Glen - 4 - SirA1, Counselor, squire12, bcb1213

Counselor - 2 - RuskieTitan, Hockey5djh

Yet to vote: rackcs, JoshstraDaymus, Pickle Rick, The Orca, AFlaccoSeagulls

Day Event 3 begins in 40 minutes.

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7 hours ago, SwAg said:

I mean, really.  I am half-convinced that this is merely Orca’s attempt to distract away from Rick.

Blue says that there is 100% one Rebel and one Scoundrel among Tugboat, Glen, Rick, and Matts (now KSJ).

Orca uses the mini-game to verify that you are telling the truth.

Tugboat is dead and, deficient though he may be, flipped Empire.  Before Tugboat died, he claimed I was Scoundrel, which is about as believable as everything else he said.

Glen claimed Scoundrel, and some variant of a Coward role, which would fit with what we know about Scoundrels with Malfatron flipping a survivor role with tools to survive.

Matts and Rick both claimed an Empire-Aligned character.  One of them must be lying.

But, rack has claimed to use his accurate, though imprecise, droid investigation on a player within a range of three players: Glen, BBB, and myself.

Now, we know Glen is not a Jedi because Glen was on Blue’s list and Jedi is notably absent.  Moreover, at least one other person failed to find Glen, which somewhat substantiates Glen’s claim (I guess), but also makes it unlikely that rack was able to find him.

Therefore, it is between BBB and I — and I categorically deny it is me because it’s not me.  So, while it may be a 50-50 at worst on Rick and Matts/KSJ2.0 (tbh, I would not be shocked if both were Rebel at this point) it is 100% certain that BBB is a Jedi, via rack.

But hey, let’s play 20 questions with some character names.

This is Swag here:


But reality will sink in:


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14 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

The group began to descend upon @Tugboat after his series of strange ramblings had made him many enemies.

But as they were ready to strike him down, an evil laughter filled the air. The group turned around to see a man hidden in mysterious shadows of the Dark Side of the Force. It was clearly the Emperor himself.

"By royal decree, this man is pardoned," the dark figure said as he turned to another of the group.

"Now, young @Malfatron.... you will die."

And with that the group surrounded Malfatron instead, bringing down what appeared to be a giant behemoth slug. It struggled for several minutes as it was being attacked but was eventually beaten to death. It was a surprise to no one terminating the creature that an autopsy revealed the beast to be Jabba Desilijic Tiure, who was aligned as a Scoundrel. A giant slug-like armor was found on his corpse.

"Only now at the end do you understand... your skills are no match for the Dark Side of the Force," the shadowed figure beamed before dissipating.

Night moves are due at 9:35 PM ET.


Malfatron's autopsy:


  Reveal hidden contents


Jabba Desilijic Tiure
Crime Lord, Hutt


"You will soon learn to appreciate me." - Jabba the Hutt

You are aligned as a ScoundrelYou must survive until the game's end. You are not considered a threat to the Galactic Empire.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Arms Dealer: Once per night, you can give one of the following items to another target player: a blaster, a thermal detonator, a grappling hook, a flash grenade, a carbonite freezer, a jet pack, or an EMP (your choice, but you can only give each item once per game). For the rest of the game, you will be immune to any hostile night actions from that player and any reports that player receives on you will be falsified to indicate you are aligned with them.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Armor (passive): Protects a player from a single non-Force attack. Does not protect the wearer from being lynched.
  • Armor (passive): Protects a player from a single non-Force attack. Does not protect the wearer from being lynched.

(Yes, you start with two Armors)



The only thing that is feasible to me is that Vader either knows Tugboats alignment or think's Blue's claim is bogus. I'm ignoring a incompetent Vader at this point.

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1 minute ago, Hockey5djh said:

The only thing that is feasible to me is that Vader either knows Tugboats alignment or think's Blue's claim is bogus. I'm ignoring a incompetent Vader at this point.


Just now, Hockey5djh said:

And by Vader I mean Palpatine.

This stands out

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13 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Secondly, the singled remains of a human were found. They were eventually found the body of @Tugboat who appears to, apparently, not have been so pardoned after all. Being apparently electrocuted to death, he was an Imperial Officer, Galactic Empire aligned.

When you see it

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bigbadbuff - 5 - kingseanjohn, Daboyle, Blue, MWil23, ET80

Pickle Rick - 4 - Glen, Tk3, bigbadbuff, SwAg

Glen - 4 - SirA1, Counselor, squire12, bcb1213

Counselor - 2 - RuskieTitan, Hockey5djh

Yet to vote: rackcs, JoshstraDaymus, Pickle Rick, The Orca, AFlaccoSeagulls

Day Event 3 begins in 30 minutes.

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bigbadbuff - 5 - kingseanjohn, Daboyle, Blue, MWil23, ET80

Pickle Rick - 4 - Glen, Tk3, bigbadbuff, SwAg

Glen - 4 - SirA1, Counselor, squire12, bcb1213

Counselor - 2 - RuskieTitan, Hockey5djh

Yet to vote: rackcs, JoshstraDaymus, Pickle Rick, The Orca, AFlaccoSeagulls

Day Event 3 begins in 20 minutes.

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