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Valkyrie Mafia: D8 Ends Saturday at 10 PM EST

The Orca

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19 hours ago, The Orca said:

After the nights events everyone went home for the evening. The next day when the Resistance stepped outside they saw a horrible sight. A man was slumped over on the curb of the street. The group looked around and couldnt see much else so they inched closer. As the group approached the man, someone said "Look, there is a bullet casing". The group started examing the man. They found a single bullet hole through the right eye. After a closer examination, the group found the man's wallet

@Malfatron is dead. He was  General of Infantry Friedrich Olbricht, German Resistance Aligned

The group shocked at Olbricht's death the group looked around to see if anything else happened at night. They came up to another man who was hanging from a window. The group screamed for him to hold on as they burst through the door and up the stairs looking for the room he had come out of. They found the window and pulled the man in quickly. The group saw the man's eyes roll back into oblivion. The group searched the man and found out who he was

@TheKillerNacho is dead. He was General Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben. German Resistance Aligned


It is now D2. Night 2 will be Sunday at 10 PM EST



20 hours ago, The Orca said:

The resistance slowly dispersed following a last second meeting to go over Operation Valkyrie. A few stragglers from the resistance saw a man they didn't know. They grabbed him and dragged him back into their headquarters. They dragged him out back and told him to remove his mask. The man refused.

The resistance lined up a firing squad and again told the man to remove his mask or he will be shot. The man just started laughing. Bang!!!!

About 100 bullets ripped through the man. After the sound of the bullets and the smoke dissipated a man from the resistance ripped off the mask and a look of shock overtook him.

@mission27 is dead, he was Heinrich Himmler, German Fuhrer Aligned


21 hours ago, The Orca said:

Vote Count:

1 Swag- Pickle

1 TLO- Matts, 

9 Mission- Dome, Jason, Mwil, Forge, Squire, Counselor, Josh, Daboyle, Daniel

5 Counselor- Malf, KSJ, Glen, Swoosh, TLO

1 Mwil- BBB

2 Pickle- Swag, Bcb

1 Malf- Naz

1 Naz- Blue

1 Blue- Nacho



@mission27 will be the lynch. Writeup incoming. Moves due by 10:30 PM

With @swoosh knowing the enemy alignment, while not knowing who died, I believe him. 

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Just now, Glen said:

in the instance that Boyle doesn't come up scum it would look very much like you were using a fake invest to get the vote off of BCB

oh yeah, sure. if daboyle turns up resistance aligned, ya'll can off me. 

but I had no heat whatsoever. I'm not lying. interseted to hearing what dome has claimed, cause it sounds like it's a bunch of bs. 

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I still dont understand how you would know the results of the cop. And you are claiming its a day invest. I want to believe you... but its weird to me. 



(just trying to survive to the end)

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12 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Actually I'm confused how he could reach him but I was told too go home 


8 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Guess I could have just been blocked but flavor is weird so I assumed he was unreachable or protected 

Or you could be lying about targeting him.

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