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Death Note Mafia - TKN Edition (Kira and Sakura TV wins!)


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okay.. so here's where I am with things.. (I'll admit, I have been wrong about a LOT thus far). I owe some apologies, but whatever, its part of the process of figuring out the game

  • 5 dead Task Force (including Lind)
  • 2 dead SPK
  • 1 dead FBI
  • 3 dead Civilians (one of which was originally Mello aligned)
  • 1 dead Mello aligned
  • 3 dead Yotsuba
  • 2 dead Kira
  • 0 dead Sakura TV (known alignment)
  • 0 dead Murderer (known alignment)

9 remaining players + 2 shinigami

  • TK
  • Pickle Rick
  • Counselor
  • Gopher
  • Forge
  • Daboyle
  • Swoosh
  • Bigbadbuff
  • Whicker
  • Shinigami C
  • Shinigami D

I'm not sure how many of each faction there should be - but here is what I know and believe

  • TK and Pickle are cleared Task Force. Mwil cleared Squire and I, that circle was proven, and last night I got a Task Force invest on Pickle. I'm considering that a done deal
  • Counselor and Gopher are essentially claiming each other as SPK. I need their confirmation, but it sure sounds like either both are SPK, or both are in a scum alliance together. 4 SPK feels reasonable for a game of this size, so I am likely to believe them
  • Whicker claimed FBI. FBI was a convertible faction and the converter was alive. His behavior has been consistent with FBI lately, although if he's on a small remaining scum team or alone, he WOULD be scum hunting regardless. Considering the size of this scum faction, he should be on a radar in the end game if we get rid of the likely threats and the game doesn't end, but not imminently
  • Forge is Sakura TV. At this point I'm not sure if he ACTUALLY completed his wincon, or if he just wanted us to think he is now a friendly other and he hasn't completed the wincon yet. Either way, I don't think it matters. There are bigger threats out there.
  • Daboyle is interesting. I know Squire wasn't sure if he was "naïve cop" or not, but frankly, I doubt he was. He had Daniel and Daboyle as aligned, which would make Daboyle Yotsuba aligned.
  • That leaves Swoosh and BBB. One of them has to be the murderer, and we MIGHT still have another Kira aligned out there. BBB is evasive as all hell, and Swoosh's story doesn't line up, even though he claimed Task Force

These players NEED to die and I haven't figured out in what order yet

  • Daboyle
  • Bigbad
  • Swoosh
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13 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I think maybe @swoosh has a death note, and his role tells him characters who are in the game and he was floating it out there as a role, both as a cover AND to get people to claim roles

He had no item in his inventory last night. I was told my switcheroo takes place before most moves so I would have switched it out likely if he had a death note before he could use it.

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