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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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As a condition of Mafia being played on this Forum, after a congregation of the Forum Mods, a series of rules were transcribed.  First among these rules, is:

1. Leave personal attacks out of the game. Absolutely. We're not tolerating bringing up things from outside the game/site; be it social media, other websites, "real life," etc.

Blue is hosting a game on this site.  He has his own list of rules, which do not explicitly state the site’s Mafia Rules, but rather his own individual hosting rules.  However, Blue consented to adhere to these rules by virtue of hosting his game within a domain over which those rules have jurisdiction.

Now, Malfatron may argue that others violate this rule, or that he did not violate this rule because it was posted “on the forum,” and thus it is “fair game.”

But that is not a justification, nor a fair reading of the rule.  Every indication in that rule’s structure is an indication  that it is intended to be broad, as evidenced by the “game/site” portion, which Malfatron could misconstrue as permission, but the following clause is explicitly the opposite, where the rule lists specific examples of what is not to be tolerated—and ends with an open-ended “etc.”

Supplements commentary and past practice also indicate that the rule is intended to be broad, and that games are supposed to be secular, as evidenced by the “cooling off period” and endless tropes about each game being a blank slate.

Now, what did Malfatron do?

19 hours ago, Malfatron said:

also @bigbadbuff shouldnt you know that bucky turned out to be a good guy.


but you commented " ooooooo" when nacho posted that bucky was a bad guy and didnt correct him.

and you are "rewatching" the Marvel movies. so you know this



Malfatron utilized a post from nearly a full-calendar year ago to influence game action in this game.

Malfatron claimed it is no different than using past games for meta purposes, but that is disingenuous at best, and even if it were considered substantially similar, it still amounts to a violation.

Malfatron used a conversation from another  unrelated topic to implicate another player in this game.  The content of that particular post was a remark that BBB shared in an unrelated topic.  It was never part of any other game, which is another strike against Malfatron’s disingenuous argument about it being a Meta use.

Malfatron violated the zero-tolerance policy, not only once, but then re-affirmed his disregard for the rules by making it central to his push on another player.

19 hours ago, Malfatron said:

buff is caught.

1. pretends he suddenly found nacho suspicious for finding bucky on the wiki, when buff commented on that previously, basically agreeing that nacho found dirt on md4l

2. buff watched the marvel movies so he knows bucky isnt a bad guy in later marvel movies, so agreeing with nacho was insincere anyway.


Malfatron has since stopped talking and retreating to memeing to cover up his complete lack of sportsmanship and blatant disregard for the rules.

I feel uncomfortable playing with someone who has such a lack of care for the feelings of others and fails to adhere to the rules that permit us to continue to play together.

Malfatron should either apologize and request a replacement, or be removed due to his inability to play within the confines of the agreed upon rules.

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Based on the totality of all relevant evidence on the interpretation of that rule, Malfatron explicitly violated it, and has demonstrated a lack of remorse and a willingness to do it again.

Based on a plain reading of Malfatron’s posts, and subsequent confession and misplaced affirmative defense, he violated that rule, plainly.

I am disappointed in you, Malfatron.

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