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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

My will has been updated as follows:


Two observations:

1. I'm getting a ******* unicorn.

2. You're gonna die before me.

Now does anyone know how to grill a unicorn... or should I throw it on the smoker at 270 for 7-8 hours?

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Hopefully I'm not speaking too soon, but I'm back from wisdom teeth extraction surgery and feel pretty good. Numbing is wearing off and just advil is keeping basically all the pain away. Only took them 30 minutes to pull out all 4. Apparently it was super simple and I should recover quickly, which is great. Now I just gotta be wary of dry sockets. 

Someone else mentioned it, but that burning smell of the tooth drill/saw/whatever was so interesting. Smelled like marshmallows lol

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On 11/9/2023 at 5:34 PM, D82 said:

Yeah...it's kinda hard to haul around mutliple dogs (4-12 or more), grooming equipment, dog food, suitcases, etc. in a pickup truck let alone a minivan...so Transits & RVs are the vehicles of choice for most dog show people. 

I've only really got Hurry showing right now...but she'll be having at least one (maybe two) litters next year and I plan on keeping at least one back to grow out and would like to have the vehicle space just in case. 

See if you lived around me, you'd spend 3x as much on a truck and then another 20 grand on a sweet enclosed trailer for the dog stuff.  Why work smarter when you can have a massive gas guzzler?!

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44 minutes ago, adamq said:

See if you lived around me, you'd spend 3x as much on a truck and then another 20 grand on a sweet enclosed trailer for the dog stuff.  Why work smarter when you can have a massive gas guzzler?!

I feel weird about transporting dogs in a trailer...I can always buy a truck as my own personal vehicle down the road. 

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10 hours ago, adamq said:

I've never liked you and never will, please go away Ryan Reynolds 


Can't listen to a podcast or read about sports without seeing/hearing that pompous ****** somewhere 

The Canadian Brie Lawson. Everything he says, sounds like an old woman trying to explain something to a toddler.

Ever catch any of Welcome to Wrexham? His wife is twice the man he could ever hope to be. Hes stone cold solid henpecked to the millionth degree.

Edit: After that last line. Maybe Canadian Will Smith is a better comparison. 😆

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On 11/10/2023 at 1:55 PM, minutemancl said:

Hopefully I'm not speaking too soon, but I'm back from wisdom teeth extraction surgery and feel pretty good. Numbing is wearing off and just advil is keeping basically all the pain away. Only took them 30 minutes to pull out all 4. Apparently it was super simple and I should recover quickly, which is great. Now I just gotta be wary of dry sockets. 

Someone else mentioned it, but that burning smell of the tooth drill/saw/whatever was so interesting. Smelled like marshmallows lol


I'm way too familiar with tooth drilling smell.  I wish i wasn't, but my teeth are soft and weak, so this is my life.  My wisdom tooth extraction, i remember they had one or two that were pretty impacted so they just started going to town drilling to extract them and i was trying so hard not to laugh because drill in mouth.  But it's objectively ******* funny.  Drilling teeth out of my mouth.  lol.  I didn't even have the nitrous laughing gas.  Just sitting there listening and smelling and feeling all the wild stuff involved.  Weird experience.



Stay clear of straws and crumby foods and stuff.  I was paranoid about dry socket too...but managed to avoid it.


On 11/14/2023 at 5:17 AM, adamq said:

Come for the ingenious space saving designs.. stay for the killer music





This makes me so mad for so many reasons.  lol.  I don't even know where to start.


Like i guess it's cool that the garage is now underground to save space.  For the ugly single family detached home.  But...that building is going to fail absolutely everywhere.  It's going to leak like crazy, probably sooner rather than later.  Those sliding seals?  lmao  they're ****ed.


Not even on the garage so much...though also those.  But the pop up staircase from the floor?  The fold out balcony?  That's toast.  The rest of the whole thing is basically just like really tacky furniture.


We should dream bigger imo.


14 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

are there any non-stick frying pans that are actually good, and don't use fluoropolymers? 


Some of the Gotham ones are kinda okay i think.  But not for like, any high heat applications.


12 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

First time seeing a horse fart in the cold.... It was like one of those Roadrunner puffs when he takes off. Breeze took it across the field into the woods. Never losing form.

It was awesome. Never knew such was possible.


Horse farts in general are just a kind of big event.  idk the quantity of gas volumetrically, or the average db level audibly...but it's something.


Funniest when it happens as a horse goes trotting into the ring for a show.  Even funnier if they actually have to ****.

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4 hours ago, Tugboat said:


I'm way too familiar with tooth drilling smell.  I wish i wasn't, but my teeth are soft and weak, so this is my life.  My wisdom tooth extraction, i remember they had one or two that were pretty impacted so they just started going to town drilling to extract them and i was trying so hard not to laugh because drill in mouth.  But it's objectively ******* funny.  Drilling teeth out of my mouth.  lol.  I didn't even have the nitrous laughing gas.  Just sitting there listening and smelling and feeling all the wild stuff involved.  Weird experience.

Stay clear of straws and crumby foods and stuff.  I was paranoid about dry socket too...but managed to avoid it.

Definitely weird. I'd hear the drill going, smell toasted marshmallows, feel them going back to work, and then hear my teeth crack and them ask "you alright?" Lol.

I'm almost a week out now and feeling almost entirely back to normal, luckily. Some weird sensations in the back of my mouth (like why are my molars so sticky despite thoroughly brushing 3 times a day? And I freaked out 2 nights ago because I thought a toothbrush bristle got stuck in one of the wound sites, but it was just a stitch sticking out lol), and I'm scared to eat some food still and chew with my molars, but I'm good otherwise. Need to be fully healed in a week for all the Thanksgiving food. I also tried drinking a beer last night and I couldn't enjoy it. Was too concerned with it getting to the back of my mouth. 

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7 hours ago, Tugboat said:

Horse farts in general are just a kind of big event.  idk the quantity of gas volumetrically, or the average db level audibly...but it's something.


Funniest when it happens as a horse goes trotting into the ring for a show.  Even funnier if they actually have to ****.

Told the owner. Her fenced horse pasture butts up to my grape field. Shes an old lady (Kids 3rd grandma) like, "What!? Thats your first one?" Tellin me how shes taken a couple direct hits. Laughin. I said, "So I gotta be on the lookout dodging these clouds now?"

Taught me some about horse digestive while at it. Interesting. Not being able to belch to relieve pressure and such. How you spell it? Colic? Sounds like absolute misery for a horse.



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