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50 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

This is why people get told to evacuate. You’re not surviving this.


I do not understand the people who choose to stay behind when you have ample warning like this.  It’s not like the North Carolina mountains where all of that rain is running downhill into streams and rivers that flash flooded.  They know this is coming.  

If 15 foot storm surge was coming to my house along the bay, I’m headed towards the northwestern part of the state to ride it out.  8 foot is the highest ever here, and it barely came up to my house.  

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10 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I do not understand the people who choose to stay behind when you have ample warning like this.  It’s not like the North Carolina mountains where all of that rain is running downhill into streams and rivers that flash flooded.  They know this is coming.  

If 15 foot storm surge was coming to my house along the bay, I’m headed towards the northwestern part of the state to ride it out.  8 foot is the highest ever here, and it barely came up to my house.  

I struggle with this so much.

On one hand, I'm frustrated that this is going to put FEMA workers and rescue people in harm's way for what I view as no particularly good reason.

On the other, my reasons are only my reasons, and I have no idea what life experiences anyone who stays have had that have justified their decision making in their own minds. Would I want other people to judge every choice I made if I needed help, or would I want them to just help? I'd want unconditional help, so then how do I feel justified in judging their life choices when they need help? Because they're dumb and I'm not? Eh, I'm spectacularly dumb sometimes.

I don't know man. It just sucks.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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11 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I struggle with this so much.

On one hand, I'm frustrated that this is going to put FEMA workers and rescue people in harm's way for what I view as no particularly good reason.

On the other, my reasons are only my reasons, and I have no idea what life experiences anyone who stays have had that have justified their decision making in their own minds. Would I want other people to judge every choice I made if I needed help, or would I want them to just help? I'd want unconditional help, so then how do I feel justified in judging their life choices when they need help? Because they're dumb and I'm not? Eh, I'm spectacularly dumb sometimes.

I don't know man. It just sucks.

My mom is one of the biggest ‘home is home’ people but even she would get out of town.  

At my father’s parents, we were ready to leave during Isabel.  If the tide had come up a few more feet, it would have crossed the line where it would have started coming into their basement.  That was the highest tide to date.  

So if we had double that, like I said, I’m out.  I get that there are a lot of justifications for it, from elderly people that are tough to move, pets, etc.  But even with that kind of advance notice…….I don’t know, I still feel that it’s the wise decision to get out of the area and take the important things with you.  

This storm, despite us being so far removed from it as well as another life event one of our co-workers has experienced, has highlighted the importance of us knowing each others passwords, having all of our important documents in one place, and being prepared with important things.  

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14 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

My mom is one of the biggest ‘home is home’ people but even she would get out of town.  

At my father’s parents, we were ready to leave during Isabel.  If the tide had come up a few more feet, it would have crossed the line where it would have started coming into their basement.  That was the highest tide to date.  

So if we had double that, like I said, I’m out.  I get that there are a lot of justifications for it, from elderly people that are tough to move, pets, etc.  But even with that kind of advance notice…….I don’t know, I still feel that it’s the wise decision to get out of the area and take the important things with you.  

This storm, despite us being so far removed from it as well as another life event one of our co-workers has experienced, has highlighted the importance of us knowing each others passwords, having all of our important documents in one place, and being prepared with important things.  

I 100% agree with you, and it's where my original frustration comes from. To me it's selfish, lazy behavior. But the operative phrase is, 'to me'.

Helping people who don't appear they want to help themselves sucks.

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Look at the traffic congestion that results with a lot of these evacuations. I want to say a few years ago, there were evacuations from Galveston due to an incoming storm, and more people died being trapped on the highway in the heat than from the storm that came. 

Look at the backup at fuel pumps for people who need gas in their vehicles in order to evacuate. 

There so many legitimate reasons people stay behind. 

The fact is scientists and people in the know have been warning us for decades that these storms were only going to get worse and increase in frequency because of global warming. But rather than try and combat it, we have some in power that would rather ignore it because they're in bed with the oil companies. Rather than try and improve public transportation (which would drastically cut down on traffic congestion in these bigger cities), improving infrastructure to support the growing numbers of people living in these hurricane-prone areas, or honestly do any of the several things that could be done, they ignore it. But man...can they find money for weapons of war and mass destruction in a heartbeat. 


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The problem with evacuations is that we make it out to be a choice. There should be no choice. All the possible assistance you could even think of should be supplied at no cost- vans and busses to get people out of there, hotel rooms or rentals out of the danger area, pet boarding if required, everything. Even return transportation for when the event is over. Make it impossible to stay and offer all the incentives in the world to leave. Because at the end of the day, the way it is set up now, if you choose to stay in one of these situations, it isn't just yourself you are putting in danger. You're putting a strain on rescue resources and risking the lives of the people running them. And while it is a choice for some to stay, and they spend thousands of dollars redneck waterproofing their homes, some can't leave. They lack transportation or connections or money to uproot their families on short notice. That should never be the case.

Luckily, word on the ground is that this is much better than anticipated. I've got family that live in the area that was expected to get 10-15' storm surges and they are already back home with minimal damage. I think the power may even be back already. It's always better to overprepare though; they are the type that I thought might try to ride it out. I'm really glad they didn't.

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On 10/10/2024 at 8:22 AM, D82 said:

The fact is scientists and people in the know have been warning us for decades that these storms were only going to get worse and increase in frequency because of global warming. But rather than try and combat it, we have some in power that would rather ignore it because they're in bed with the oil companies.

I've suggested this video to a few friends who struggle with the climate doomerism. I think it puts the current scope of the problem into a fairly accessible mathematical perspective as something that is both massive, but solvable.

Ignore the negative title. Compared to Don't Look Up or Al Gore stuff, the outlook is outrageously positive.

Also a great Youtube channel in general. He's a astrophysics professor at Columbia, so it's not some random jackass.

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