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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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Just now, swoosh said:

love this combo, except the boneless part. hopefully sky misses your post.

I prefer traditional as well, but I was waiting to see if there was a spot to bowl in the league tonight so I didn't want anything that would get my dominant hand messy.

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The group could feel that their time in the Mines was quickly coming to an end when the path suddenly stopped, leading to a dank stairwell filled with cobwebs.

Scared to enter such a dark place, the group stepped back for a moment, but that was a mistake. Again, divine static light came form above, this time coming for @MWil23. Isaac watched helplessly as Eve (who at some point spent time as The Curdled) was purged from this world.

Isaac backed away, tripping over yet another corpse that caused even more trauma.

"D..d...Daddy?" whimpered Isaac, looking over a lifeless @Tk3. It is unlikely that The Gambler, previously Bum-Bo, who was merely following the group in his quest of Wanting Coin, was actually Isaac's father. But it was enough to recall long repressed memories.


"I've spent it. It's gone! Just get over it!"
"What do you mean? What do you mean, it's gone? HOW COULD YOU HAVE SPENT OUR SAVINGS?!"

"You need to repent. You need to confess your sins and become saved! Let his light inside you!"
"You are insane! You are taking this too far! Can't you hear how you sound?"
"SHUT UP, MAGGY! SHUT! UP! You just keep pushing me like this, I'm leaving!"
"Where are you going? Wait! We need you! Your son NEEDS you!"
"I’m doing more harm than good. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry... I'm sorry, Isaac..."

In turmoil, Isaac returned to the only thing he knew how to do, running. He plodded down the stairwell as fast as he could until he finally reached the bottom, arriving at the Necropolis. Staring there to meet him was one of the Four Riders of the Apocalypse, Death.


He cackled and disappeared further inside the dank depths... and already, the loss of life has begun: Clot A explodes, splattering blood everywhere. It was Isaac-aligned.

Autopsy report:


@MWil23 was:


"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:5

You are aligned with Isaac: Eliminate all threats to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • Wf9ac84.pngWhore of Babylon
    • Once per night, target two other players. Anyone visiting either of those players will instead be redirected to the other.
    • You cannot target the same player two nights in a row with this ability.
  • 7oc9KI4.pngDead Bird (PASSIVE)
    • As long as there is at least one vote on you during the day, your vote counts as two.

@MWil23 spent time as:

The Curdled

"Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." - Hebrews 9:22

You are aligned with Isaac: Eliminate all threats to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • hNcauXg.pngRazor Blade (PASSIVE)
    • At the start of each day, for each vote on you the previous day plus the number of players visiting you that night, one Blood Clot pseudo-player joins the game (by the name of "Clot X", where X is the order they joined the game).
    • These pseudo-players share your alignment and may be visited or voted for normally.
    • Blood Clots automatically die at the end of the second night after they were created, or when you die.
  • Gz0CqPO.pngSumptorium (DAY ACTION)
    • You can at any time except during the final 30 minutes of the day, via PM with the host, demand a Blood Clot to change its vote to a player of your choosing. They cannot speak or give reasoning, however.
    • Blood Clots who are not voting by the final 30 minutes of the day will automatically place their votes on who you're voting for (if you haven't placed a vote by that time they will vote no lynch).

@Tk3 was:

The Gambler

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." - 1 Timothy 5:8

You are aligned with Wanting Coin: You must survive until the game's end. You are not a threat to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • as9QDi6.pngDad's Lost Coin
    • Once per night, target a player. That player cannot kill you during the night and any alignment report made on you that night by that player will be fabricated to indicate you are aligned with them.
    • Using this ability for a second time in a row on the same player will also give you a report of all of that player's ability names.
    • You cannot target the same player three nights in a row with this ability.
  • 3AHwvDD.pngDad's Key
    • Once per game, at night, you can choose to find a room to hide in. During the following day, you cannot vote or be voted by anyone and you are immune to any day actions used.
    • Hiding does not protect you in any way during the night.
  • pQ6L0rA.pngDad's Ring (PASSIVE)
    • You cannot be killed at night by Mom or Mom's Heart.
    • Your Bum Friend chat stays active although you can no longer add players to it. As before, when a player dies, they will be removed from it. When you die, everyone is removed.

@Tk3 was originally:


"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." - Matthew 6:24

You are aligned with Wanting Coin: You must survive until the game's end. You are not a threat to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • IBnlBxt.pngBum Friend
    • Once per night, you may target a player. If you can win with that player, that player will receive a night message confirming you are not a threat to them, along with a link to your private chat.
    • Using this ability for a second time on the same player will instead give you a report of that player's Role Name.
    • Everyone you use your ability on will share the same chat. When a player dies, they will be removed from it. When you die, everyone is removed.
  • S5nrHSn.pngThe Wafer
    • Once per night, you may target yourself with this ability. If the target would be killed that night, they are protected.
    • If this ability successfully prevents a death, you will be informed of that fact and you will not be able to use this ability again this game.
    • You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
  • B66Deu5.pngSack of Pennies (DAY ACTION)
    • Once per game, at any time except the final 30 minutes of the day, via PM with the host, you may change and lock another player's vote to a player of your choosing.
    • You cannot target a player who is voteblocked, but it will work on players who already locked their vote.

Day 5 ends Saturday, 9/11 at 9:00 PM ET!

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14 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

(Always funny when a 15 year old says that last one)

Fun night time story:

First year coaching, first day of hitting drills... We set up the most basic drill because lots of these kids had never played any contact sports... You go through the hole between the pads meet the defender with your shoulder to his shoulder. Don't kill each other, just get used to hitting. Some kids were going HAM but as long as they were being head safe we let them.

There is a very little kid on the team, not made for sports let alone contact sports. Total shrimp kid. But... our MLB is pretty small and is a super nice kid we know he wont **** up the little guy. We line him up and tell the little guy "alright this is the linebacker and hes gonna try to tackle you as you run through the pads, just pop him and try to make it past.

Little guy understands the directions as "if you get past the pads he won't hit you" so little guy grabs the ball and begins to sprint through the drill while MLB is kinda spacing out waiting for the signal. MLB sees little guy take off and this triggers his instincts, he goes full bore. He absolutely ******* crushes little guy (who was beginning to stand and relax because he though the drill was over) shoulder straight to the sternum, knocked the wind out of him and turned him grey.

The next day he came with a note from his mom that said he is no longer playing due to a grass allergy, but he stayed and watched the practices for a week cause his dad wanted him to.

I felt really bad for the kid, but I 100% lost my **** laughing at the "grass allergy" note when everyone on the team saw the middle linebacker steal this kids soul the day before.

Edited by Dome
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