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Week 10 General Discussion Thread


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4 minutes ago, SkippyX said:

There was more of a riot on the campus of UMass in 2017 (Feb 2018) than there was in Philly.

They took to the streets to celebrate in Philly and they climbed some polls and jumped up and down on an awning. Maybe they flipped a couple cars. There was almost more damage on the campus of UMass that night. You know, not winning your 3rd in 4 years is a good reason to destroy things and get violent.


GTFO with making wining a championship having any comparison with actual civil unrest.

Just because there was more damage done in another place doesn't make it right either. Flipping cars, starting fires, etc is never okay.

If it gets this bad.....your doing something wrong. period.


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Under my proposed alignment Dallas and Tampa Bay would be 1-2 in the NFC South now, Tampa Bay only a game behind.

That would be a more exciting division rivalry at the moment than the ones Dallas has now with the Northeastern teams, who are currently all 4 games behind Dallas in the NFC East.

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2 minutes ago, JAF-N72EX said:

Lets be honest here....would anyone really be able to tell lol?

I know Detroit isn't a shining jewel of a city these days, but the level of devastation created by letting out 70+ years of futility would be of biblical proportions.

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6 minutes ago, JAF-N72EX said:

Just because there was more damage done in another place doesn't make it right either. Flipping cars, starting fires, etc is never okay.

If it gets this bad.....your doing something wrong. period.



Wow, someone on Twitter overreacting!

Yeah, 200k people on the streets mostly peacefully celebrating and they need police to be aware and alert.

Sounds like almost every celebration every year but myopic clowns like the Undefeated writers pick on Philly because the NY media told them to hate them their whole lives.

Got any cool Santa Claus anecdotes from 1962?

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The 49ers and Raiders are forbidden to play each other in the preseason for out of control violence...

at preseason games.


They used to dress undercover cops in visiting gear so they could arrest some of the thugs...

at a preseason game.

Edited by SkippyX
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