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Random Thoughts


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Blues extend Parayko for $6.5/year and Bowman extended Jones for $9.5/year. I does some things well, and some things very poorly. The problem is he's not good/bad at one thing, but rather will do something really good once, then really poor the next time. He knew Jones didn't want to sign long term at many places, hence the trade, but still gave him WAY too much money. I would take Parayko 10/10 over Jones at the same price point. the fact that STL locked him up for $3M less per year disgusts me

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On 9/1/2021 at 3:33 PM, soulman said:

Random thought;  Whoever decided that anchovies would be a tasty pizza topping.  🤢

Some sadist who was trying to figure out the most discusting topping they could put on pizza and still get people to eat it. 🤮

Edited by Bfan
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4 hours ago, soulman said:

Random thought;  Whoever decided that anchovies would be a tasty pizza topping.  🤢

I actually don't mind anchovies as a topping. But I have to be in the mood for them. And of a mind to swill all of the beer that it takes to properly wash them down. 

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7 hours ago, soulman said:

Random thought;  Whoever decided that anchovies would be a tasty pizza topping.  🤢

I hope someone makes a haggis pizza somewhere. I believe I'm a fair person, but if someone actually likes that pizza... I hope they know I'm better than them.

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3 hours ago, Heinz D. said:

I actually don't mind anchovies as a topping. But I have to be in the mood for them. And of a mind to swill all of the beer that it takes to properly wash them down. 

And thank you for making my point even firmer my brother.  😁

I do love to have a beer with my pizza but if it's purpose is to wash down the nasty *** taste of the pizza then I've ordered the wrong pizza. 

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1 hour ago, Sugashane said:

I hope someone makes a haggis pizza somewhere. I believe I'm a fair person, but if someone actually likes that pizza... I hope they know I'm better than them.

OK, you're a mod now.  Let's not stoop any lower than we have to.

The Scots eat haggis because they're up to their arses in sheep. Hmmm.....wonder why that is?

In this country however, other than in the state of Wyoming, our sheep population is far more balanced.  So while going out on a lamb.....er limb here I can safely we can ignore haggis anywhere and especially on a pizza.

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Guess who just got the cops called on him? Me!


Took my newest dog for a late walk and a yellow dog (lab or retriever, IDK) came up and snapped at my dog a few times and they started fighting. I tried to push him away with my foot and he bit on my pants and started jerking so I finally just picked him up and slammed it twice. Pinned it down and it scratched my arms while it was kicking so I hit it a few times until the dude came up yelling at me. Moron called the cops right off the bat and I showed I was scratched up and bleeding, so he literally just signed the dogs death sentence because he wanted to be a jackass. Said he was walking and the dog just "got away from him."


Im more pissed at the dude than the dog.

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2 hours ago, Sugashane said:

Guess who just got the cops called on him? Me!


Took my newest dog for a late walk and a yellow dog (lab or retriever, IDK) came up and snapped at my dog a few times and they started fighting. I tried to push him away with my foot and he bit on my pants and started jerking so I finally just picked him up and slammed it twice. Pinned it down and it scratched my arms while it was kicking so I hit it a few times until the dude came up yelling at me. Moron called the cops right off the bat and I showed I was scratched up and bleeding, so he literally just signed the dogs death sentence because he wanted to be a jackass. Said he was walking and the dog just "got away from him."


Im more pissed at the dude than the dog.

Wow.  That's odd because labs are typically pretty sociable with people and other dogs but then there are always exceptions to the rule and I guess you met up with one.  No way that dog should have been off a leash then.

We have or maybe had one in our building whose owners seemed to be a couple of teenagers who may have since been booted from here.  Anyway the dog got loose from them (no leash) and came running up to me at our front entrance. 

I'm not afraid of big dogs so I turned and faced him and put out my hand for him to smell.  He was mostly just rough housing like young dogs do and they told me he was part wolf and some other breed.  I suggested a leash as required by the rules.

I met up with them one more time after I'd heard he'd attacked a couple of smaller dogs and they were trying to hold him back from me manually once again unleashed. I told them to leash the dog or they'd lose the dog and if in the process of his wanting to either play or attack me if he does get aggressive and bite they'd have a dead dog because that I won't tolerate.

Haven't seen them or the dog since so I guess they may have been booted outta here or at least the dog has been.  Long ago another tenant had a dog that was part wolf and not very sociable at all.  He didn't last long either.  I love dogs but if one isn't sociable with people or other dogs that have to be leashed and other told that.

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16 hours ago, Sugashane said:

Guess who just got the cops called on him? Me!


Took my newest dog for a late walk and a yellow dog (lab or retriever, IDK) came up and snapped at my dog a few times and they started fighting. I tried to push him away with my foot and he bit on my pants and started jerking so I finally just picked him up and slammed it twice. Pinned it down and it scratched my arms while it was kicking so I hit it a few times until the dude came up yelling at me. Moron called the cops right off the bat and I showed I was scratched up and bleeding, so he literally just signed the dogs death sentence because he wanted to be a jackass. Said he was walking and the dog just "got away from him."


Im more pissed at the dude than the dog.

See you on Judge Judy!

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27 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

Colonel Sanders' son went to law school I see.

Cahful boy, you say aw bon petite say onna das da las bufinh boofinch naga hear y'all buh haw yo big ol' ice offa dis here place to da gatah chaw chaw in dat bayou swamp ware da voodoo lady don live.  Clean dah skin righ offa dem lilly white bonz you gah.  Sho nuff we do it.


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