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GDT: Bengals @ Titans (Return of The King Edition)


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Derrick Henry has been tip toeing all game. Foreman taking advantage of small openings and hitting them hard while Henry is dancing in the backfield.

This game isn't on coaching on Henry through. Tannehill played like Jimmy G and made this a close game.

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Just now, 615finest said:

Wish we had a kicker who could make a 53 yarder so we wouldn’t have to go for it 

i mean, i would've gone for it anyway. gotta be able to get one yard.

just so frustrating. we were starting to get momentum and completely gave it back. bengals are primed to score here

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Just now, TitanLegend said:

Don't mind the Tannehill/Henry play on 3rd. It's worked a ton for us over the years. Don't like the 4th down call though, everyone in the stadium knew that was coming.

Looked like he made the wrong read to me. End didn't crash down and Henry would have had 3+ yards.

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2 minutes ago, ttitansfan4life said:

Why are we in shotgun on 3rd and inches?

make them fear the pass, trying to "fool" them when instead you really need to do the opposite  just out thinking yourself when just play ahead is the answer......

well i've complained, worried about our secondary but that was a coverage sack...  why they gave up teh short passing game.

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