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STAR WARS Prequel Trilogy Mafia (Galactic Republic and Jango Fett wins!)


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Malfatron - 3 - Pickle Rick, Forge, Slappy Mc

11sanchez11 - 2 - MWil23, wolfeyestrk

Glen - 2 - gopherwrestler, Raves

Forge - 2 - DrDoomIQ, The Orca

Daboyle - 1 - Whicker

Matts4313 - 1 - Glen

gopherwrestler - 1 - Tk3

JoshstraDaymus - 1 - kingseanjohn

Matts4313 - 1 - Daboyle

AFlaccoSeagulls - 1 - squire12


Reminder: the Galactic Republic (red) and Jedi Order (green) are both TOWN.

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10 hours ago, Tk3 said:

My stance:

Prequal is a good story, that was executed very poorly in the entertainment department

7-9 is a really poorly written story, that was executed to be entertainment/blockbuster, but the story sucked

I don't think that's really true of the prequels.  They're more like an okay story, told in a way that was entertaining as heck, but really straining against the technology of the time.  Which in a lot of ways, feels very true to the originals.  Just...less successful, and less timeless.

Biggest thing to me, is that they clearly ran out of runway with EpIII and ended up cramming like 2 movies into one, so they could fit some other bizarre side details in.


10 hours ago, Glen said:

Solo was good

Rogue One was okay

Solo sucked hard.  In pretty much every way.  It was just a weird random adventure with a bad Han Solo impersonator.  I've read books that were a far better representation of Han Solo pre-Episode IV.  And they were still among some of the worst Star Wars books i read as a kid.


Rogue One wasn't groundbreaking or anything, but at least it felt like Star Wars to me.  That puts it top of the charts for me, among Star Wars movies that aren't I-VI.  But also, might even be ahead of Episode III for me.


10 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Episode 3 was pretty good - it just doesn't make up for 1 and 2

Episode 7 was actually pretty fun and fresh also, before you realized the story was going to be bunk

Wow.  Okay.  Gross, and completely diametrically opposed to a good opinion on things.  3 was by a longshot, the worst of the real Star Wars era.  And 7 might be the least worst of the fake Star Wars movies.  It's hard to be "fun and fresh" when you're just rehashing the other movies in a more merchandisable way...without a clue at all where it's going.


10 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

for the record im never going to make a sequel trilogy mafia becuase i watched them only once each and have no desire to watch them again

the prequel trilogy was part of my childhood though so i remember them fondly.

Rewatched the new fake Star Wars sequel trilogy over the holidays with the family, in the background, while playing board games and stuff.  And it just doesn't even work for that.  It's so obnoxiously bad, you can't even completely ignore the bizarre and stupid things happening for no good reason.


8 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I would make fun of Nacho and others for this disclaimer but I must admit I had a hard time mentally overcoming the red text aspect upon reading the first time or so.

Why?  It doesn't seem that difficult to me.  It's very festive, just like the Christmas mafia a while back.  I mean...the McCarthy Mafia, where Soviet Santa showed up and added a festive touch.  


8 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

It's a nacho game so im about to put way to much time and energy in this game. Who's with me?


I'm there.  I expect we will spar aggressively despite being allies and not knowing it.  I'm already doing this right now, instead of something i should actually be focusing energy on.

I actually showed up tonight with the intention of backing out of the game, because i know i'll just stupidly stress myself out with this when i really should be just relaxing and enjoying a bit of a lull.  Also realized i don't know how reliably i'm going to be by a computer, or even the internet in general.  But lo and behold, the game has already started and i'm in it now, and i'd kick myself if i didn't play this game.  So we're doing it.  I'm not gonna ask for a replacement.  Though i'm giving @TheKillerNacho a heads up here, to have a hair trigger on replacing me if i start to appear totally AWOL.


This game is gonna be a mess.  And it deserves the full attention of someone who is able to be fully invested in the chaos.  Hopefully i can mostly keep up.

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4 hours ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Let’s get everyone’s Star Wars movie rankings including Rogue One and Solo so I can figure out who I can trust.

I agree.  This is the best way to approach things here.


The correct preference order is actually:







Rogue One


The Baby Yoda Show



i think that's it for actual Star Wars movies and shows.

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