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Browns to trade for QB Deshaun Watson; Agree to new contract (5yr 230M Fully GTD)


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The best thing to do to misguided people who are trying to protest something on this forum is ignore.

I wonder how many of them thought the kneeling was bad but think this is their right. 😃

Its not stopping anytime soon. No one is impressed. No one is persuaded. No one is interested besides the choir (its a big choir). I've suggested they make their own echo chamber but its not happening. We can be adults who know he has been accused and let 2 of the remaining 3 investigations conclude. They won't. They can't. Its best to stop reading them.

Hover over the avatar and go down to Ignore User.

Since Webby warned us here and they did not stop I have ignored about 6 people. I'm fine going to 100 people if they won't stop. Its really boring, so I'm done reading it.

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As a Dolphins fan I absolutely love this. Fellow Dolphins fans deserve to have to deal with another elite quarterback in the conference, after all the ignorant chortlings that Deshaun Watson was more likely to be in jail during fall 2022 than NFL starting quarterback

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9 minutes ago, BofaDeez54927 said:

I'd guess for real guaranteed as it brought Watson back to the table.

And they minimized the hit Watson is going to take financially by paying him only a million in salary this year.

Almost a foregone conclusion that a suspension is coming.

Yikes. Reeks of desperation.

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9 minutes ago, SkippyX said:

The best thing to do to misguided people who are trying to protest something on this forum is ignore.

I wonder how many of them thought the kneeling was bad but think this is their right. 😃

Its not stopping anytime soon. No one is impressed. No one is persuaded. No one is interested besides the choir (its a big choir). I've suggested they make their own echo chamber but its not happening. We can be adults who know he has been accused and let 2 of the remaining 3 investigations conclude. They won't. They can't. Its best to stop reading them.

Hover over the avatar and go down to Ignore User.

Since Webby warned us here and they did not stop I have ignored about 6 people. I'm fine going to 100 people if they won't stop. Its really boring, so I'm done reading it.

Get off your soapbox. Yours is the really ugly one. Make it 101 for good measure.

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7 minutes ago, MortexLion said:

Any Idea how long the league will hold him out? 3,5,9 games?


Everything I've heard indicates 6 games as the minimum, similar to Zeke and one other case. If I had to guess it would be 6 as a baseline and then from there who the hell knows, but 6 for sure.

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