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Browns to trade for QB Deshaun Watson; Agree to new contract (5yr 230M Fully GTD)


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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Are there actually people who believe Watson didnt do something at least a little wrong? The dude apologized after one of the 22 accusers felt upset... No normal person has 22 accusers, much less one that you are apologizing too. 


The guy is a skeevy perv. He is gross. That doesnt mean all browns (or Texans) fans are gross, or they cant root for their childhood team. It just means that the team thinks it improved and maybe a terrible person is going to win some games for you. 

It's not really even deniable. Can I believe that there are 22 women out there looking for a payday? No doubt. Can I believe they come forward without something happening at all in those rooms? No way. Just soliciting is a crime. So he definitely broke the law.

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13 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Female massage therapists, who attain clients exclusively through instagram, are more likely than not to in fact be prostitutes.  High dollar prostitutes, but prostitutes none the less.  Is it true of all?  Of course not, but the odds are very much in favor of, they will sell sexual acts.

Do you know what prostitutes dont do? They dont conspire against millionaire clients who pay for their lifestyle. So even in your (insane) scenario, Watson still did something not positive with 22 females. 

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14 minutes ago, ET80 said:


Cards on the table - this is the dumbest thing I’ve heard said on this topic, and I’ve read some wild conspiracy theories on how Big Oil and Enron executives are punishing Watson for getting Bill O’Brien fired.

Read this and see how silly and dangerous this train of thought it. This type of thinking enables people to do horrible things to massage therapists…


It's amazing there are people trying to defend this type of behavior.

And, no, Cleveland, winning is not everything and the ends do not justify the means.

Just ridiculous behavior.

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23 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Female massage therapists, who attain clients exclusively through instagram, are more likely than not to in fact be prostitutes.  High dollar prostitutes, but prostitutes none the less.  Is it true of all?  Of course not, but the odds are very much in favor of, they will sell sexual acts.

Soliciting prostitution one can get a year in jail and it is a Gross misdemeanor.  So you think Watson thought all of these women were prostitutes?   If so how would he not get in trouble for solicitation?  But sure instagram is not a professional way to gain clients as a massage therapist, but then again it is a public way to get your name out there and come up in google searches and get followed so it is a thing.  



This is Watson's apparent girl friend right now, and the dude needs to hire massage therapists off instagram that he thinks are prostitutes?   Why?  Dude has problems if so, that lady is one the most gorgeous women on earth I mean come on!


Edited by Ozzy
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24 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

What if you have 18 times that a woman didn't say no, took money for sex, while working in a field and a manner in which it would be easily assumed that she was a prostitute.  And 4 other times the woman said no and that it was accepted w/o pushback?


20 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Female massage therapists, who attain clients exclusively through instagram, are more likely than not to in fact be prostitutes.  High dollar prostitutes, but prostitutes none the less.  Is it true of all?  Of course not, but the odds are very much in favor of, they will sell sexual acts.


please do us all a favor and stay at home on your computer and don't venture out into public where you might confuse normal women for prostitutes


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7 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Do you know what prostitutes dont do? They dont conspire against millionaire clients who pay for their lifestyle. So even in your (insane) scenario, Watson still did something not positive with 22 females. 

Are you sure you really want to make that statement?  Bc I can find plenty of examples of that exact thing occurring.  

Now to be 100% clear, I'm not claiming these women are all attempting to extort Watson, they very well may have felt intimidated by the status of the client, but their feelings are not enough to meet the legal definition of intimidation.

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1 minute ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Are you sure you really want to make that statement?  Bc I can find plenty of examples of that exact thing occurring.  

I cant say I have a bevy of knowledge on this topic outside of basic logic that "repeat is easier than new client", which is a generally true business principal.

If you are telling me most hookers try to sue their johns in court, I will need proof.

1 minute ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Now to be 100% clear, I'm not claiming these women are all attempting to extort Watson, they very well may have felt intimidated by the status of the client, but their feelings are not enough to meet the legal definition of intimidation.

Feeling intimidation doesnt qualify as intimidation. 


Seriously, stop and rethink this stance. You are not making any sense whatsoever. 

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4 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

Soliciting prostitution one can get a year in jail and it is a Gross misdemeanor.  So you think Watson thought all of these women were prostitutes?   If so how would he not get in trouble for solicitation?  But sure instagram is not a professional way to gain clients as a massage therapist, but then again it is a public way to get your name out there and come up in google searches and get followed so it is a thing.  



This is Watson's apparent girl friend right now, and the dude needs to hire massage therapists off instagram that he thinks are prostitutes?   Why?  Dude has problems if so, that lady is one the most gorgeous women on earth I mean come on!


Sex addicts do weird confusing things.  I think it probably is very likely that Watson is a sex addict.  And yes solicitation is a crime in most states.  Which is why I have said repeatedly that Watson is likely guilty of solicitation.

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1 minute ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Sex addicts do weird confusing things.  I think it probably is very likely that Watson is a sex addict.  And yes solicitation is a crime in most states.  Which is why I have said repeatedly that Watson is likely guilty of solicitation.

I know that sex workers often aren’t protected by police. 

I also know that when they’re assaulted, harassed, threatened or otherwise victimized police look at it as a part of the trade rather than a crime being committed against them. 



also, you keep confusing a massage therapist and a sex worker.

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I cant say I have a bevy of knowledge on this topic outside of basic logic that "repeat is easier than new client", which is a generally true business principal.

If you are telling me most hookers try to sue their johns in court, I will need proof.

Feeling intimidation doesnt qualify as intimidation. 


Seriously, stop and rethink this stance. You are not making any sense whatsoever. 

No I'm not saying hookers sue John's on court, I'm saying there are several high profile instances of hookers conspiring with others to extort rich men.  Ever heard of something called a "honey trap"?

And again, I'm not saying these women are attempting to extort Watson (although at least 1 may very well have been), I'm saying that a scuzball attorney is trying to use them and the current movement of removal of personal responsibility to enrich his life.  As far as feeling intimidated not being the same as being intimidated, let me give you an example, in my younger days, I once met Taker, I felt very intimidated in his presence.  He did nothing wrong, he did nothing to intimidate me, but he is a massive person, and in those days he lived kayefabe.  I would never accuse him of intimidation bc he did nothing to cause it.  Feeling intimidated by someone's presence or status is not the same thing as coercion or intimidation.

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3 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

No I'm not saying hookers sue John's on court, I'm saying there are several high profile instances of hookers conspiring with others to extort rich men.  Ever heard of something called a "honey trap"?

And again, I'm not saying these women are attempting to extort Watson (although at least 1 may very well have been), I'm saying that a scuzball attorney is trying to use them and the current movement of removal of personal responsibility to enrich his life.  As far as feeling intimidated not being the same as being intimidated, let me give you an example, in my younger days, I once met Taker, I felt very intimidated in his presence.  He did nothing wrong, he did nothing to intimidate me, but he is a massive person, and in those days he lived kayefabe.  I would never accuse him of intimidation bc he did nothing to cause it.  Feeling intimidated by someone's presence or status is not the same thing as coercion or intimidation.

And do you think it would be appropriate for Taker to pressure you for sex when you were alone with him?

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4 minutes ago, Dome said:

I know that sex workers often aren’t protected by police. 

I also know that when they’re assaulted, harassed, threatened or otherwise victimized police look at it as a part of the trade rather than a crime being committed against them. 



also, you keep confusing a massage therapist and a sex worker.

Did they accept money to perform a sex act?  I don't think it's me that is confused.

You know how you can differentiate between the sex workers and the actual massage therapists? The actual massage therapists said no, and in their statements said they felt uncomfortable.

Allegedly, I hope everyone realizes, I don't know the actual facts any better than anyone else itt.  I'm a big proponent of due process, and we have people piling on ridiculous statements of assault and sexual predator.  The criminal investigation was concluded without an indictment.  The civil cases are accusations of sexual harassment, which is a much easier bar to hurdle.

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