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Justice League


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I’m not surprised by the reviews so far. There was never going to be a coherent film with two completely different directing styles and a heavily shortened movie. As long as they show hope/promise for the future films, I’m “okay” with that. It is sad that is my grading metric for a JL film but after their two screw ups with SS and BVS, this new direction is much needed. I’ll still go watch movie because I’m a DC fanboy but i could see how others would avoid it and watch Thor instead.

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Just checked metacritic

31 reviews, 11 positive, 17 mixed, 3 negative

honestly, that's not bad after what this film has been through.

Richard Roeper-88


LA Times-80


those are some good scores from big time reviewers and not just comic guys.

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Yeah, most reviews Im seeing, at worst, are mixed.     Of the reviewers/critics I knowingly trust, the are mostly mixed and positive.    The best thing to take away from it based on what Im hearing is that the heroes themselves are done really well, and that bodes well for the future of the universe, even if the movie isnt a homerun.    Do I have faith in WB to make the most of it going forward?   No....and with Ben Affleck probably gone, that could be a huge hit (and Ill lose alot of respect for Affleck), but it looks like they will have some tools to work with.   They just need to completely ditch Zach Snyder, find better writers, and the studio heads at WB need to eff of.    Apparently, they demanded that this movie be under 2 hours long. which probably didnt help matters considering they had to use this film to introduce and build three major JL members and the main villain (and by most account, they failed at building up the villain).   

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4 minutes ago, FourThreeMafia said:

 Do I have faith in WB to make the most of it going forward?   No....and with Ben Affleck probably gone, that could be a huge hit (and Ill lose alot of respect for Affleck), but it looks like they will have some tools to work with. 

Why??   The biggest appeal of Affleck being Batman was him writing/directing/starring in a solo film. Once they screwed him out of 2/3, why stick around?  I'd much rather see him make his own films than stick around this mess of a universe.  

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3 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Why??   The biggest appeal of Affleck being Batman was him writing/directing/starring in a solo film. Once they screwed him out of 2/3, why stick around?  I'd much rather see him make his own films than stick around this mess of a universe.  

Please tell me more about how great the Marvel universe is and how inferior DC is. You've always been a Marvel apologist. Your posts in the comic thread over the years prove that. We all understand that I'm your eyes, DC is crap, and Marvel always puts out excellence.

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