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So who do you think wins the NFC East this season?


2022 Division winner  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. So who wins the NFC East in 2022…?

    • Dallas Cowboys= Last years Division Winner
    • Philadelphia Eagles= Playoff team last year
    • Washington Commanders= The beginning of a new era
    • New York Giants= Does the sleeping Giant awake?

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Think the argument of Wentz > Heincke is pretty clear cut guys. Wentz is very clearly an upgrade.... it's just how much of one is he? Fwiw I expect Washington to be greatly improved this season if they can remain healthy. I have the Eagles and them both slotted in that ~9 win range as it stands currently with one of the two likely making a small leap forward.

If I had to guess how the division goes:

Cowboys around 10-11 wins. Stable QB makes them the obvious best bet. Defense will very likely regress and offense lost talent, but still a solid team.

Eagles and Commies around 8-9 wins. Two teams who have solid foundation but need better QB play to take the leap. If either team gets above average QB play they become the favorites to win the division. Eagles will likely take a leap forward in terms of the on field product, but they played a very week schedule last season so I am not sure if changes the W/L total all that much(unless QB play greatly improves like mentioned). Washington should be better if helathy, but I do think their ceiling is lower than the Eagles if everything goes right.

Giants 6-7 wins. Daniel Jones. Massively overpaid offensive weapons. Mediocre defense and and an OL that is in the middle of a rebuild. I just don't see how this team is competitive unless Daniel Jones becomes a franchise QB overnight.

Should be an ok to good division. Better than the NFC South but not as good as the West. None of these teams will be real contenders for a title. If I am way off base oh well, but we are predicting stuff in freaking May lol.

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Philly is a QB away from being a damn good team. Jalen Hurts is going to hold them back this year. I'll say Dallas repeats because I think Rivera has no chance at making us any better and the Wentz trade is going to be a bust. 


Dallas 12-5

Eagles 10-7

Washington 8-9

Giants 3-14 They're just god awful and there's nothing that can convince me otherwise but have the right people in place to fix it

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42 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Let it be known that "homer" Matts is predicting more wins for the Eagles and Commies than either the Eagles or Commies fans.

@TheRealMcCoy you are my witness. @Kiltman is back up witness incase one of you forgets.  

You’re predicting 12 wins for the Eagles or just more than @AZ_Eaglesfan?

My predictions last year were like 11 wins for Dallas (would’ve been the case had we played our starters the last week), 9 wins for Washington, 7 wins for Philly and like 5 or 6 for New York I can’t remember which. I was pretty spot on with my Dallas/NY predictions. Philly and Washington ended up being swapped. I always thought the Eagles could win 7-9 games last year, but I got so burned being overconfident heading into 2020 (we all remember the thread lol), so I tried to air on the side of caution and not be too optimistic.

This year right now if I had to put a prediction on it I’ll say:

1st: Eagles 11-6 (could be a game or two lower)

2nd: Cowboys 10-7 (maybe 11 wins)

3rd: Commanders 8-9 (could be a game higher or lower)

4th: Giants 7-10 (could be a game lower)

I will say the secondary is still my main concern. The Eagles CB2 spot is up in the air with Nelson leaving for Houston. Not that he was very good. He was serviceable, but we had to do a good bit to hide him to my understanding and we usually had 2 safeties deep which helped him. I’d like for the Giants to release Bradberry and for him to sign here. There are some guys in the room they might like more than we know, but they are unproven and don’t have NFL starting experience. Our safeties are pretty meh, so I can see a trade maybe being needed there too. Epps was pretty good coming up against the run from deep. I think he deserves a spot to earn a starting job now with McLeod’s departure. Harris was blah for most of the year, but started playing better at least later in the year. Not sure if we would swing a trade for Chuck Clark, but I could see a trade for some teams 3rd safety being on the table.

If we can’t win the division maybe it will have to do with Hurts not taking a jump, but I’m more worried about the secondary than I am Jalen at this point.


Edited by TheRealMcCoy
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7 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

You’re predicting 12 wins for the Eagles

10-12. Though I gotta tell you, that thing on Reddit that I saw this morning has me a bit shook. Did you see this:



I didnt realize something like 6-7 of your wins last year were against back up QBs.

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I'm going to say:

Boys with 10 to 11 wins
Eagles are going to nip at their heels with 9 to 10. They could challenge for the division if Hurts steps up though. 
Commanders are at about 7 to 9 wins. I don't think Wentz will be the plug and play QB they want him to be. 


Gnats 3 or 4? Can anyone argue this?

Go Birds


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7 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Im mostly just in feisty mood and talking some trash. Im not really sure how I am being a homer tho when I said the Cowboys and Eagles both look like 10-12 win teams and the commies look like they could get to 10. Pretty much saying that a couple key injuries/bad ball bounces the Cowboys could be either first or 3rd in the division. 

I just think its stupid that people think our division is terrible. The only division in the NFC that might have more wins is the West.... and I am down on the West right now. I think it will be close. 

I wasn't talking about this thread just in general. Besides it was said in jest 😉.

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1. Dallas

2. Philadelphia

3/4. Washington

3/4. NYGs

On paper, Philadelphia (599) wins this division walking away.  In aggregate starter ratings, Dallas (885) isn't even second.  However, we've all seen this movie before.  The Eagles underperform (DVOA:15th in 2021) and Dallas overperforms (DVOA:1st), especially on defense (DVOAs:25th versus 2nd).  The only team with a QB in the division wins it.  Washington (814) falters into third or fourth while the NYGs (1056) show us that Danny Dimes (PFF:21st, DYAR:26th, FPPG:18th) is or isn't quite as bad as we think.

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5 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

10-12. Though I gotta tell you, that thing on Reddit that I saw this morning has me a bit shook. Did you see this:



I didnt realize something like 6-7 of your wins last year were against back up QBs.

Yeah, I'm already aware of a lot of the QBs we faced and as I pointed out earlier in the thread we faced all our playoff teams in the first 7 weeks of the season besides the last game with Dallas which again we weren't even playing for. I think if some of those games against playoff teams happened in the 2nd half of the schedule we would've won 1 or 2 of them. We didn't transition to being a heavy run team until that Lions game in week 8 where we blew the doors off them. The next week we faced the Chargers who lost out on the playoffs the final week of the season and we probably should've beat them too. We beat the breaks off Denver in their house after they just beat the brakes off Dallas in Jerry world. The game after we beat down the Broncos they went and beat the Chargers pretty handedly. Saints were the best defense in the NFL when we faced them and we put up a 40 burger. They didn't have Winston though. Trust me I'm not saying we were world beaters by any means last year. We had bad depth in a lot of spots and were lucky the only place we got hit hard was guard where we did have the depth to withstand the injuries. We took until after we played all our playoff teams on the schedule before we realized what the strength of our team was and really leaned all the way into it. The first 7 weeks we were throwing the ball a ton with 30-50 attempts for Hurts per game basically besides the low games of 23 against the Niners and 26 against the Bucs, but even still our backs had 19 carries combined in the Niners game and only 10 carries (all Sanders) in the Bucs game. We didn't play awful in most of those games against playoff teams besides the Dallas game and I guess Raiders would be the second worst one. I mean I can't even say we would've been a playoff team in previous years even if we beat Dallas in that last week, because we would've finished tied with the Niners at 10-7 and they beat us week 2 and had the tiebreaker. 

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On 5/1/2022 at 4:23 PM, candyman93 said:

You might be 100% right, but I also think extremely low of Hurts, Wentz, and Jones.


So let’s say Dak is average, that’s still way better than the other 3 QBs.

This echoes my opinion, except you said it first, so maybe I am the echo, or I have ESP and time travel abilities?

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I don't understand the thinking of some of you that, Wentz isn't gonna play well in Washington.

He brought the colts to a 9-7 season. Threw 27 TD's & 7 int's.

He did this under the pressure from Irsay to take the Covid vaccine, which he did not want. So heads were butting early, I'm certain. I believe he caught Covid, or missed a game from that.

The Colts Run Blocking was great....their passing blocking was horrible.

The Colts had very little weapons on Offense to help him succeed, the way he could have. Yet, he was still able to have good numbers & put them in position to make the Playoffs.

The last 2 games is where it went bad, for Wentz. 1 win & they're a playoff team last year.

Jacksonville was one everyone assumed they would win. (Even though they hadn't won in Jacksonville since they had Manning)

Their Defense that game was attrocious. It wasn't all Wentz.

So Wentz gets traded to Washington & everyone assumes Washington will be 3rd or 4th place in that Division.

A team WAY BETTER in pass protection than the Colts.

A team arguably as good in the running game as the colts.

A team with WAY MORE weapons on Offense than the Colts in passing & running.

A better Kicker, a better Punter & better Special Teams.

Washington took major blows to their Defense last year because of injuries. Plus, didn't have a QB good enough to take them to the Playoffs.

Well, now they have that QB & their Defense is now healthy again.

And now they have the #32 ranked schedule in difficulty.

If Wentz stays healthy, Washington is winning 10 games minimum.


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5 hours ago, aceinthehouse said:

I don't understand the thinking of some of you that, Wentz isn't gonna play well in Washington.

He brought the colts to a 9-7 season. Threw 27 TD's & 7 int's.

He did this under the pressure from Irsay to take the Covid vaccine, which he did not want. So heads were butting early, I'm certain. I believe he caught Covid, or missed a game from that.

The Colts Run Blocking was great....their passing blocking was horrible.

The Colts had very little weapons on Offense to help him succeed, the way he could have. Yet, he was still able to have good numbers & put them in position to make the Playoffs.

The last 2 games is where it went bad, for Wentz. 1 win & they're a playoff team last year.

Jacksonville was one everyone assumed they would win. (Even though they hadn't won in Jacksonville since they had Manning)

Their Defense that game was attrocious. It wasn't all Wentz.

So Wentz gets traded to Washington & everyone assumes Washington will be 3rd or 4th place in that Division.

A team WAY BETTER in pass protection than the Colts.

A team arguably as good in the running game as the colts.

A team with WAY MORE weapons on Offense than the Colts in passing & running.

A better Kicker, a better Punter & better Special Teams.

Washington took major blows to their Defense last year because of injuries. Plus, didn't have a QB good enough to take them to the Playoffs.

Well, now they have that QB & their Defense is now healthy again.

And now they have the #32 ranked schedule in difficulty.

If Wentz stays healthy, Washington is winning 10 games minimum.



I think Washington can win 8-10 this year.

But you lose all credibility saying that Washington is a team that "...arguably as good in the running game as the Colts".

Washingtons defense was INEXPLICABLY bad last year. The OL is mediocre to poor. The weapons are mediocre.

The defense would have to step up and the rookie WR would have to play well for Washington to get to 10 wins.

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