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4 hours ago, SkippyX said:

It’s amazing what you can think when you don’t put personal feelings ahead of logic and evidence in an argument.

You’re not doing that, though.

Your ENTIRE argument is centered around how much you dislike Tony Buzbee. You have not remotely tried to hide your disdain for Buzbee, and it bleeds into every argument you have on the subject.

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25 minutes ago, NateDawg said:

Master Chief and I used to have a daily time and place together. Then again I was 14 years old and it was 2004 but still.

I’m like… 10 years older than you, geez.

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3 hours ago, SkippyX said:

Mods should stop bringing up their baggage from locked threads every time they disagree with me. It’s a reasonable request. 

This rings pretty hollow when the next three paragraphs are you bringing your baggage from a locked thread.

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31 minutes ago, Daniel said:

This rings pretty hollow when the next three paragraphs are you bringing your baggage from a locked thread.

Perhaps bullet points, a reference to ambulance chasers and educating you on your vocation would ring true.

Iono, I just work here.

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

You’re not doing that, though.

Your ENTIRE argument is centered around how much you dislike Tony Buzbee. You have not remotely tried to hide your disdain for Buzbee, and it bleeds into every argument you have on the subject.

Sorry, its not. Its your sticking point on the matter for some reason. I do sometimes bring it up as a counterpoint to tin foil hat conspiracy theory that Rusty Hardin is the devil. You know that whole police pretend guilt (actual testimony of Baker) then the DA and Grand Jury can't produce charges without evidence based on police assuming guilt must be conspiracy.

I'd guess I mention Buzbee about 15% of the time in Watson posts. Maybe its more like 20%  Saying entire on the matter is yet another pathetic cold take. You are free to go back and read all of my posts on the topic and see how often Hardin is not mentioned. 

I'd explain the whole lynch mob of certainty vs human and civil and employment rights angle yet again but its clearly beyond you if all you get from me is Hardin = Bad.




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43 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Perhaps bullet points, a reference to ambulance chasers and educating you on your vocation would ring true.

Iono, I just work here.

Now we have gone from 24 women must always be right to 1.3 million lawyers must always be right. How does any case get resolved when both lawyers are always right with all those best arguments? Watson must be innocent because Hardin is a lawyer and lawyers are always right by this faulty logic.

This is the Tom Brady and Brady Quinn are equal because both shared a vocation fallacy. At the end of the day bad logic from a lawyer is still bad logic. Someone thinking Peyton Manning at Tennessee proves guilt of Watson was the real gem from the lawyer the last time. I'd love to see that article published in a law review.


Keep trying for extra points because you think you are a special boy. Its a perfect fit for you.

Edited by SkippyX
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41 minutes ago, SkippyX said:

Sorry, its not.

I have receipts. Do you need to see them? I can share them.

27 minutes ago, SkippyX said:

Now we have gone from 24 women must always be right to 1.3 million lawyers must always be right.

You’re forgetting a key aspect - YOU are talking against them. Ergo, the likelihood they’re right vs your takes is a lot closer to 100% than it is 99%.

They’re not right all the time - but you’re wrong a vast majority of the time.

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34 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I have receipts. Do you need to see them? I can share them.

You’re forgetting a key aspect - YOU are talking against them. Ergo, the likelihood they’re right vs your takes is a lot closer to 100% than it is 99%.

They’re not right all the time - but you’re wrong a vast majority of the time.

The receipts is another pathetic straw man. I know and admit to 20+ posts about Hardin. You can't seem to admit to the other 70-100+ that are not about Hardin. 


Being a lawyer does not make your opinion better. It might make the way you spend days or weeks crafting opening statements or specific legal arguments better. None of us are doing that here. Its just more bad logic. Lawyers have no general bonus points on debate. Specific trial lawyers may be excellent at debate and some part of the general public may be excellent at debate regardless of their profession. There are hundreds of thousands of lawyers who never try cases before a jury. There are also lots of them who are just OK or are bad at it. If you need to pretend your side has more merit because dudes are or are pretending to be lawyers then your argument is obviously weak.


If one of these "we da best argument" lawyers wants to start up a thread where they take the time to craft a well thought out position using research and testing it out among peers then I'd be happy to read it with an open mind. Blather about Peyton Manning in college = Watson is guilty is something a clown would say. It does not matter if that clown is a lawyer.

Have these 10 or so football fanatics / lawyers professionally studied the Watson case? If not then move on from pretending lawyer means always right. As far as I know not one of them brought up Grand Jury packets from defense counsel used in Houston criminal court before the reporting on it came out.. If they are these godlike experts then why didn't they talk about them ahead of time? The answer of course is ignorance. Being a lawyer does not grant you special secret knowledge. Only hard work, research, and study does that.


Your opinion is worth the same as everyone else's. We are all wrong something like 40-60% of the time on a message board like this. The people who think they are always right are the Dunning Kruger types. Those same people love to claim that others are wrong the vast majority of the time. Its textbook behavior. BTW, I agree with you the vast majority of the time (almost lockstep on the Texans) We just have a few strongly heated disagreements.

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