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What with wrong with Pederson in Philly?


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Jags fan here.   First off...congrats on a good start and good luck this week. 

Just curious,  what went wrong with Doug Pederson in Philly?  So far, he's been a huge breath of fresh air in Jacksonville and we just love him.  What went wrong in Philly?  Did the post superbowl  decline maybe benefit him, like was a team change inevitable?  Curious to read Philly fans thoughts on the matter.

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There's a long list. But most notably in my eyes.

1. He didn't have connections in the league. He came straight from being a high school coach to under Andy Reid and then quickly became a HC in Philly. He didn't seem comfortable going to external people when hiring subordinates and so he effectively instilled utter nepotism. He kept promoting from within people who were underqualified, and then at one point Press Taylor who should have been fired from the lower job he had before. It was so bad that his last season here we just flat out couldn't get someone to take the offensive coordinator job here because Doug wouldn't give up play calling duties to anyone, and he just wanted someone he knew to be a yes man. After this came to light, Jeff Lurie and Howie Roseman decided that Doug wasn't the guy for Philly. Oh right the only Defensive coordinator that was here in Doug's entire tenure, Jim Schwartz, was a hire made by Howie Roseman before Doug was even named Head Coach.

2. I think moreso than in other organizations The GM here goes off of who to draft based on the recommendations of his coaching staff. Aside from 2018, the drafting during the Pederson years was abysmal. Under Chip there were a few bad misses, but it didn't reek of ineptitude. Enter Sirianni and our drafting is suddenly much better again. Doug couldn't pick talent. Doug couldn't pick the right guys, and/or couldn't develop those he did have.

3. Doug in his first 2-3 seasons would make adjustments. But as time went on, he stopped altering his scheme, despite the "Meta" around the NFL evolving. Doug also would try to fit square pegs into round holes with his play design. For example, we'd throw screen passes to ALSHON JEFFERY. I don't need to explain why that's a bad idea. 

4. His QB, who had performed well in 2017, was incredibly toxic and the entire organization was fed up with Carson by the time Doug was finished here.

These are the biggest ones to me. 2017 I won't call it a fluke, but it's like... the planets aligned for Doug. Were I at the game this Sunday, I'd give him a standing ovation, but my opinion of him is not very high. I will give him this. He's better than Urban Meyer. But he needs good assistants around him, and you can't let him have too much say in picking talent from the draft or trades. He himself is usually a pretty likeable guy and players will play for him. But there was many times where he seemed like he was in over his head as a head coach. 

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7 hours ago, Charles said:

Jags fan here.   First off...congrats on a good start and good luck this week. 

Just curious,  what went wrong with Doug Pederson in Philly?  So far, he's been a huge breath of fresh air in Jacksonville and we just love him.  What went wrong in Philly?  Did the post superbowl  decline maybe benefit him, like was a team change inevitable?  Curious to read Philly fans thoughts on the matter.

The Super Bowl roster had some longstanding eagles and a bunch of mercenaries. Those guys left and with it went some of the brighter culture makers. It all fell onto Wentz, who cried at his locker as his team popped bottles in Minnesota.

Doug had a really great staff year one that got picked apart. He showed that he really couldn’t fill those spots well. And with the whiffs at WR there was no one bailing him out. The original staff was partly helped by the front office, when it was Doug’s turn, he had nothing.

He’s a good builder, really gets a building going in the right direction. 

I’d hope for you guys that the playcalling is either all Doug and he’s gotten better at the pre week stuff himself. Cause if you have more success this year you’ll lose that staff quick before you get this more off the ground.

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