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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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While the battle had been won against the mad queen of the now fallen Kingdom of Zeal, her plan of stranding the party in the Prehistory of 65,000,000 BC had been a resounding success. Nothing made that fact more immediately alarming than when the frantic rabbit-screeches of @Forge were heard coming from just a few paces away from the rest of the party.

They rushed to his position to help their comrade, but it was too late - it seems that the Earth-aligned Frog possibly became a tasty meal for a hungry dinosaur or something, as the scene of the murder looked more like a toad dissection science project gone horribly wrong. The Sight Scope was able to record his autopsy, regardless:


Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"Lower thine guard and thou'rt allowing the enemy in." - Frog

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Save the Queen: Target a player to receive a report containing the items in that player's inventory.
  • Slurp Cut: Target a player to remove all items in that player's inventory until the end of the following night, being returned afterwards (this will not block the target's item use for the current night, however). You cannot target that player with this ability again this game.
  • Curse Broken (Passive): If Magus and Ozzie are eliminated, you role is transformed into Glenn. You keep any item in your inventory that wasn't a part of your starting inventory.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Sword (Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Specify a parry to defend against all melee items used on you during the night. If you successfully parry at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Specify a guard to defend against all ranged items used on you during the night. If you successfully guard at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • If you successfully used this item to defend against an item the previous night, target a player to kill that player.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Squash: Once per game, target a player that was either voting for you or the majority lynch at the end of the previous day to kill that player.

@The Orca also got bruised up in a kerfuffle, and he's unable to vote today.

The party couldn't help but feel a dark plan was still in motion preventing their quest to rewrite history, but they endeavored to continue pressing forward. Day 4 is now open, it will end on Saturday, January 14th at 9:00 PM ET.

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Alright gentlemen, let’s make this as simple as possible today. 

I received a one time move called Intuition last night. It investigates one of three players. I picked Daboyle and the move auto picked Scoundrel and Gopher based on the sign up list. One of those three is Lavos aligned. 

@Daboyle @Scoundrel @gopherwrestler

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7 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

While the battle had been won against the mad queen of the now fallen Kingdom of Zeal, her plan of stranding the party in the Prehistory of 65,000,000 BC had been a resounding success. Nothing made that fact more immediately alarming as when the party heard the frantic rabbit-screeches of @Forge coming from just a few paces away from the rest of the party.

They rushed to his position to help their comrade, but it was too late - it seems that the Earth-aligned Frog possibly became a tasty meal for a dinosaur or something, as the scene of the murder looked more like a toad dissection science project gone horribly wrong. The Sight Scope was able to record his autopsy regardless, however:

  Reveal hidden contents

Origin: 600 AD (Middle Ages)
"Lower thine guard and thou'rt allowing the enemy in." - Frog

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Save the Queen: Target a player to receive a report containing the items in that player's inventory.
  • Slurp Cut: Target a player to remove all items in that player's inventory until the end of the following night, being returned afterwards (this will not block the target's item use for the current night, however). You cannot target that player with this ability again this game.
  • Curse Broken (Passive): If Magus and Ozzie are eliminated, you role is transformed into Glenn. You keep any item in your inventory that wasn't a part of your starting inventory.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Sword (Melee, Support): On use, select one of the following effects:
    • Specify a parry to defend against all melee items used on you during the night. If you successfully parry at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • Specify a guard to defend against all ranged items used on you during the night. If you successfully guard at least one item, you will be informed of what each of the attempted items were. You cannot select this effect two nights in a row.
    • If you successfully used this item to defend against an item the previous night, target a player to kill that player.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Squash: Once per game, target a player that was either voting for you or the majority lynch at the end of the previous day to kill that player.

@The Orca also got bruised up, and he's unable to vote today.

The party couldn't help but feel a dark plan was still in motion preventing their quest to rewrite history, but they endeavored to continue pressing forward. Day 4 is now open, it will end on Saturday, January 14th at 9:00 PM ET.


Good Night Fun GIF by Golden Globes


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