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TMNT Mafia - Footclan and Friends wins

Slappy Mc

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8 minutes ago, Scoundrel said:

I tried to protect Whicker every single night obviously n1 I was redirected to orca 

we figured someone would be

i considered using a strongman kill on him on the night we killed daboyle but i decided i wanted to kill someone i thought had a potentially powerful role instead of a mason (I was right about this! but it was too late :(). Also deadpulse was awol that whole day and slappy didnt let me use his move for him lol

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Couple things:

1) I read like 6 posts this game, a personal best for me 

2) I didn’t know deadpulse was a scum partner with me when I left my vote on him and almost got him lynched

3) slappy handled bcbs move the same way I would have and I believe nacho said he would have too. It’s a bummer when there is miscommunication but IMO the move was handled correctly 


thanks again for hosting @Slappy Mc

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Me: Retires for a month

Also Me: Does Slappy a favor, plays, and decides to give minimal effort due to IRL time constraints after Nacho's last game

Also Also Me: Draws scum after conning 90% of the game in Nacho's last game, laughs, resigns myself to my inevitable demise with a random D2 train

In all seriousness though, I think my exact words in Discord were "Good for @Whicker, I'm super happy for him. He's playing a great game.", immediately after my getting voted out.

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55 minutes ago, Dome said:

Couple things:

1) I read like 6 posts this game, a personal best for me 

2) I didn’t know deadpulse was a scum partner with me when I left my vote on him and almost got him lynched

3) slappy handled bcbs move the same way I would have and I believe nacho said he would have too. It’s a bummer when there is miscommunication but IMO the move was handled correctly 


thanks again for hosting @Slappy Mc

yeah the bcb thing was weird, im not sure what set him off.

in general, the host accepting conditional moves is a courtesy anyway - you should be as clear as possible with your instructions to reduce the potential for misinterpretation, but at the end of the day, the player is responsible for clearly stating their moves to the host.

plus, even in the case of a host actually making a mistake regarding a nightly target, i'd still say they shouldn't let you redo it if you already received the info on the other target (or if it already resolved on the other target like a death)... giving someone two night moves essentially damages the game state far more than a mistaken target usually does.

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1 hour ago, Ragnarok said:

Called it.

Fun game @Slappy Mc!

why didnt you want to play ball? I was trying to get lynched to save both you and a scum partner so we could win together and it seemed you initially got that orignially.

then you switched back onto dome for some reason and outted my cover role was fake (which was another issue with the game alltogether, but one i already had a convo with slappy about)... we could've won if i got lynched and you kept helping us kill town! we weren't planning to rb you or even get you lynched until it became apparent you were trying to push against our interests lol

wish you were more upfront about the nature of your 1x deathproof too. the thing that made us nervous the most is that your role PM said nothing about it (which the whole reason I targeted u with my Role PM move was to see if our goals were potentially aligned). I would've probably believed you if you just said you got it from killing Forge... but I was really thinking you were converted or something due to that (altho i figured even if you were, it would probably be April doing it so our goals would still be aligned).

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

also i say we but i really mean me. no one else was even bothering to say anything in scumchat so it was just me monolouging most of the time lol

I was happy dialoguing in scum chat up until I was voted out...then I more or less lost any and all momentum after that. LOL

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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

also this game probably would've went even more poorly for us if pickle was able to out that I was the one to kill Deadpulse 1.0 lol

so uh, thanks for that Pickle.


sorry I wasn't really vig... i would've preferred to be all things considered

I couldn't believe it when I saw the role PM post-game that Pickle really did just..take it to the grave who killed Deadpulse 1.0.

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

I couldn't believe it when I saw the role PM post-game that Pickle really did just..take it to the grave who killed Deadpulse 1.0.

yeah i assumed i was going to have to claim vig... which wouldn't have been ideal

and despite pickle saying he was going to hint it, other than quoting me what I thought about bcb's claim, I didnt really see where he might've done that lol

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