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What's Aaron Rodgers trade value?


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1 minute ago, NudeTayne said:

He is an enigma, always has been. How many elite Cal QBs have their been? It's a different kind of school. He speaks thoughtfully. He is very high IQ, not just "high IQ for football". He is misunderstood by the general populous. Folks make fun of him because they literally can't understand him so project insecurities onto his "they zing so I zag" ways. 

I think it's all those things. I think he in a way feels like an outsider, has an imposter syndrome in football which he's battled with throughout the years. I think all the family stuff has played out in his football life as well, that he likely has trust issues and has created a bit of a "too cool for school" persona as a means of self-protection.

But that hyperintellectual mask also has developed over many years. It is substantial. I think he's become aware of that, how it's affected his life and relationships and that's why he's gotten into all this stuff with Ayahuasca, darkness retreats etc. It's as real as real gets and folks who are truly attempting to degrade his choices (and not just poke a little fun for teh lulz) are just afraid themselves. 


This post has changed my life and I’ll be double booking myself with Aaron on his next darkness retreat (no Aaron, that’s just the remote)

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1 minute ago, Yin-Yang said:

This post has changed my life and I’ll be double booking myself with Aaron on his next darkness retreat (no Aaron, that’s just the remote)


How @Yin-Yang

 thought the darkness retreat would go:



How it's going:



But seriously, it's okay if you're scared. We all are. That kind of stuff will absolutely affect your life profoundly. It'll wipe that smirk right off your face 😃.

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9 minutes ago, NudeTayne said:

He is an enigma, always has been. How many elite Cal QBs have their been? It's a different kind of school. He speaks thoughtfully. He is very high IQ, not just "high IQ for football". He is misunderstood by the general populous. Folks make fun of him because they literally can't understand him so project insecurities onto his "they zing so I zag" ways. 

I think it's all those things. I think he in a way feels like an outsider, has an imposter syndrome in football which he's battled with throughout the years. I think all the family stuff has played out in his football life as well, that he likely has trust issues and has created a bit of a "too cool for school" persona as a means of self-protection.

But that hyperintellectual mask also has developed over many years. It is substantial. I think he's become aware of that, how it's affected his life and relationships and that's why he's gotten into all this stuff with Ayahuasca, darkness retreats etc. It's as real as real gets and folks who are truly attempting to degrade his choices (and not just poke a little fun for teh lulz) are just afraid themselves. 

TL;DR like us all, Aaron has some insecurities he's working through.

Or...and stay with me now...he's a northern CA hippy type dude who is just weird.  Not saying bad...just weird.

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1 hour ago, Packerraymond said:

What do you want to do? Re-work that contract and come back or retire?

Can't he just say "Neither," and then the Packers have little recourse? I don't know the full implications of that. 

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2 hours ago, Packerraymond said:

For someone close to WI it's pretty laughable you're not factoring in Aaron's ego. Of course that wouldn't be presented in negotiations I didn't think I'd have to stipulate something that was so common sense based.

There's no forcing GB to trade Rodgers, we simply say to Aaron, sorry man, they aren't offering up close to what you're worth. What do you want to do? Re-work that contract and come back or retire?

Rodgers would just come back.  GB is then bound by the contract

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54 minutes ago, Yin-Yang said:

If I were betting on it, I’d agree, and I’d think Rodgers knows he wants to go to NY but is enjoying all this attention he’s getting. So he’s dragging it out.

Rodgers knows he controls what 2 NFL franchises can do in the upcoming days of FA.  he has a lot of control over their fate.  That itself can feed his ego and desire for the spotlight

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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Rodgers knows he controls what 2 NFL franchises can do in the upcoming days of FA.  he has a lot of control over their fate.  That itself can feed his ego and desire for the spotlight

Rodgers spent that entire darkness retreat whacking it to the imagination of having a death grip on both the Packers and Jets by the balls, and no one can prove otherwise

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1 minute ago, Yin-Yang said:

Rodgers spent that entire darkness retreat whacking it to the imagination of having a death grip on both the Packers and Jets by the balls, and no one can prove otherwise


neither team wants to push him to make a decision.  he has the "control" of when this moves forward until 1 of them were to do something about that.

NYJ could opt for a different FA QB, then Rodgers can still return to GB

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

He's been treated like the King of Wisconsin for the past 15 years without giving a crap about the fans back. You don't have anything else to offer him, and he knows it.

That's why he was a Walking Wife last year. He doesn't care about the team or the fans. He's made it clear, and that's why fans have always been at arms length.


He's not going to come back in 5 years and pretend everything was hunky-dory on a reunion tour. He didn't like you, he got what he could out of you, he's gone.

I know it isn't unusual, but he's had some pretty cool photo ops with fans over the years.  And plenty last year.  I believe him when he says he loves the city, the fans and the entire region.  He is a minority owner of the Bucks.  And he does own the Bears, so there is that.....

I think that a lot of fan like to make him out as some sort of villain because he always took record breaking deal and he dared to speak out against the front office.  And there is probably some merit to that stuff.

I just think he's been an amazing quarterback, generational talent and a very complicated person to really figure out.

And that is following a legend who was very, very easy to figure out.

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52 minutes ago, Yin-Yang said:

All fair points. 

I just don’t know what motivates Rodgers, though. I don’t think anyone actually knows but I don’t even have a clue, tbh. Money, obviously, to an extent, same as everyone (some more than others). I never really viewed Rodgers as a “football head”, but it’d be silly to say he doesn’t care about the game at all. I think he’s always liked his fame/attention/credit, which is a part of his ego. Is it another Lombardi? An MVP? Just the money? Respect? I don’t know what he wants, lol. 

I just don’t know what motivates Rodgers, though....  Yeah you do.  He's said as much.  He wants to play at an MVP level again.  Only after that slip did he say "win another Super Bowl".  He's all about stats and awards.

I think he’s always liked his fame/attention/credit...  Bingo.  He does love attention.  

Just the money?...  He's always been about the money.  Always record setting deals.  With money comes power.  And he's exercised it.

....and...regarding money, it would be HILARIOUS if he was traded, and did negotiate his contract down, big time.  Because that is all us GB fans have been clamoring about for years.  Brady took less and won Super Bowls.  Rodgers takes more and our rosters suffer.  If we were to take less, somewhere else and win more, it would be delicious.

...double up on that thought.  If he does that, GB needs to draft a WR in round one!  OOOOHHHH that cake would be DELICIOUS!!!

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