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Stalking Rodgers

Brit Pack

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Favre did the same… that year in Minnesota he tried really hard. Followed Rodgers stats etc etc.

Rodgers is fueled by trying to make the packers look dumb for moving on from him. It might and likely will lead to a good/great year one in New York… but that’s going to be hard to maintain for multiple years.

He knows what he is doing, to make sure the year goes well he needs to put in the work. He didn’t do that in GB because he had nothing on the line, he was comfortable and collecting his millions.

He has skin in the game now; he wants to look good in the break up. If he goes to NY and looks tired, old, broken down… he will have to hear about how BRILLIANT the packers’ front office is. I mean currently there is so much press about how GB fleeced the jets in draft capital, he has to go out and play so well to show… hey they didn’t get enough. Let alone the narrative I mentioned above.

But good for Rodgers, sadly the game and winning isn’t enough to drive him… he needs these silly beefs with people to.

Edited by Green19
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I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on how the Jets do because it affects our draft capital next year bigly. I won't follow any of their or Rodgers'storylines or drama though. Couldn't care less anymore. Not my monkey not my circus 

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8 minutes ago, Green19 said:

Favre did the same… that year in Minnesota he tried really hard. Followed Rodgers stats etc etc.

Rodgers is fueled by trying to make the packers look dumb for moving on from him. It might and likely will lead to a good/great year one in New York… but that’s going to be hard to maintain for multiple years.

He knows what he is doing, to make sure the year goes well he needs to put in the work. He didn’t do that in GB because he had nothing on the line, he was comfortable and collecting his millions.

He has skin in the game now; he wants to look good in the break up. If he goes to NY and looks tired, old, broken down… he will have to hear about how BRILLIANT the packers’ front office is. I mean currently there is so much press about how GB fleeced the jets in draft capital, he has to go out and play so well to show… hey they didn’t get enough. Let alone the narrative I mentioned above.

But good for Rodgers, sadly the game and winning isn’t enough to drive him… he needs this silly beefs with people to.

I agree he’ll have a chip in his shoulder, but he always has. The guy is a competitor and would be giving it his all with any kind of transition. In general, it was pretty amicable, but of course there are some hard feelings, that would be the case for anyone. 

Favres’s first year he played pretty well for the Jets but not great then played injured. It was when he went to the Vikings he had a stacked roster and a similar offensive system that he had one of his best years. I was pisssed watching him play great ball minus all of the dumb decisions and picks. Of course, we know how it ended. I expect AR and Hackett to produce some solid offense and the D is very good. Still a competitive schedule and division and conference. AFC will be brutal. 

Edited by Refugee
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Well I'm a little miffed.  Packers paid him a boatload of cash mortgaged the piggy bank to chase a ring.  Blows off OTA's when he needed to work with the young guys and now this?  All unicorns and rainbows hey?  It was pretty obvious it was time to move on.  He checked out in GB.  Yah it's a little sickening. 

Well he better play well otherwise the nice NY media will tear him to shreads.  Don't care just get me that #1.  Was going to root for them but changed my mind.  Just want him to be good enough so he doesn't get benched and lose as many games as possible.  

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16 minutes ago, Leader said:

Yup. AR was checked out and it showed in his commitment to the team he was the leader of. I'm glad he's gone.


Yep took the words right out of my mouth didn't he?  Love nags consumate Packer fan. 

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18 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Rodgers will win MVP and then lose in spectacular fashion in a heart breaking Championship game for the Jets.

Jets fans would still be ecstatic.  No man I want them to go 6-11.  Win early so Rodgers doesn't get benched then collapse in spectacular fashion.  

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Think it was pretty clear the FO didn't want him back.  Most diehard fans realized it was time to move on also.  Objectively he didn't play well and it looks like his legs are going.  Think choking against Detroit was the nail in the coffin.  We tried to run it back 3 times with him and he failed to perform when it mattered most.  Consistently laid an egg.  Reminds me a lot of Favre.  Favre would just pull a boneheaded play throw a pick when the chips were all on the line.  Rodgers he just shrank in the big moments.  It was clear to just about everybody with half a brain we weren't going to win another Superbowl with Rodgers.  Bridget Condon?  Nice looking baby on NFL network.  She's new. 

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The "breakup" was a win-win for both sides. A fan can live in the past and hold on to the bad, or move on, move forward and thereby over time most of the bad can be forgotten while most of the good can still be remembered and appreciated. I'm grateful that we had two great QB's in a row in Green Bay for the past 30 years. So very close to winning at least 4 instead of just 2 Super Bowls during that span, but some teams have won no Super Bowls, so you count your blessings. I wish Rodgers the best of health and success, that is, up until 65% of his snaps. Now it is Love time...well, at very least for a year, hopefully more.

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A separate strand to all this is how does Rodgers actually mentally accept living in NY and how does that align with his 'spiritual journey.'

Living in Green Bay and out on the West Coast is perfect, nature, peace, hippie mystical crystal shops, and a bit of anonymity. Living in the Big Apple is the heart and soul of materialism in the whole world. Having to deal with that duality of seeking peace and finding all the trappings of life has to offer will cause inner conflict. Unless of course that spirituality is not that real or deep in the first place. It will be interesting to see if cracks appear in his quest for happiness by being in NY.

It is another layer to all this and something I am quite intrigued by.

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