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Week 13 Gameday thread


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1 minute ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Fair. Very fair. 

To be honest - it's impressive to win with so many bad calls going against you. Good game, good luck the remainder of the way.

Same to you guys. 

Even though he would have lit us up again, hate that Watson couldn't play. It pains me that he plays for y'all because I'm a big fan of his. Closest player I've seen to Steve McNair.

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1 minute ago, GSUeagles14 said:

then you agree, nothing that happened before the cheap shot mattered?

That's not how the real world works. 

The uncalled penalty was something to get legitimately upset about...Gronk had every right to be upset...he jist reacted the wrong way.

Srop trying to put things in a vacuum, that's not how the real world works. 

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4 minutes ago, ChazStandard said:

I'm correcting your flawed analogy.

An uncalled intentional grounding is not the same as and uncalled DPI. If a LB rips an RB's helmet off with a brutal facemask, and doesn't get a flag, the RB will still retaliate. That doesn't mean he's "upset" about a non-call, it means he's angry that a guy just pulled his helmet off.

and the dlineman is upset that he got his sack taken away. Gronk was upset that he got held. all three guys are upset, we get it. dont even want to know should haopen to a tackle after a holding call.

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4 minutes ago, ChazStandard said:

You are being obtuse.

He was being roughed up, constantly. It's not about the stats, or the penalties, it's about the physical act of being shoved around.


1 minute ago, GSUeagles14 said:

im not dense at all. youre trying to justify a cheap shot, and one of the more dangerous ones ives seen at that. it doesnt happened what happened before he dove at the guys back/neck.

You might as well quit arguing. These people are trying to justify a seriously unsportsmanlike incident where Gronk used his elbow pad to drive into the back of the neck of a defenseless White...one they would be screaming about if it happened to their player! By their logic, retaliation is justified, therefore it would have been acceptable for a Bills defender to kick Gronk's elbow as he was getting up, hyper-extending it! One action validates the next! Right?

This level of stupidity is why we see dragged out conversations that lead to mods giving timeouts. Some friendly advice: Just let it go, you're not going to convince them anyway.

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4 minutes ago, TitanSlim said:

Same to you guys. 

Even though he would have lit us up again, hate that Watson couldn't play. It pains me that he plays for y'all because I'm a big fan of his. Closest player I've seen to Steve McNair.

Likewise, I'm expecting a different Marcus Mariota next season. I think that's gonna be an awesome rivalry for a decade...

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1 minute ago, NVRamsFan said:

Pretty garbage move by Gronk. Gotta be a pro and not try to get revenge for what you feel was a missed call. Pretty sure everybody here knows two wrongs don't make a right so quit trying to justify Gronk being an idiot.

Imagine if someone had done that to Gronk. Patriots fans would want that guy put in front of the firing squad.

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4 minutes ago, Yibbyl said:


You might as well quit arguing. These people are trying to justify a seriously unsportsmanlike incident where Gronk used his elbow pad to drive into the back of the neck of a defenseless White...one they would be screaming about if it happened to their player! By their logic, retaliation is justified, therefore it would have been acceptable for a Bills defender to kick Gronk's elbow as he was getting up, hyper-extending it! One action validates the next! Right?

This level of stupidity is why we see dragged out conversations that lead to mods giving timeouts. Some friendly advice: Just let it go, you're not going to convince them anyway.

Who is saying Gronk was justified in his actions?


I've yet to see anyone day Gronk responded appropriately.


This level of stupidity is why we see dragged out conversations thay lead to mods giving timeouts

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1 minute ago, iknowcool said:

Considering how good the Saints run game is, I can only imagine how much better they would be on offense if they still had the threat of Cooks on the outside.

I think it would be a bad situation. Cooks wanted out because he wasn't getting enough looks. Now he's losing looks due to a commitment to the run?

Cooks would lose his mind on that.

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