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Week 13 Gameday thread


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41 minutes ago, Yibbyl said:


You might as well quit arguing. These people are trying to justify a seriously unsportsmanlike incident where Gronk used his elbow pad to drive into the back of the neck of a defenseless White...one they would be screaming about if it happened to their player! By their logic, retaliation is justified, therefore it would have been acceptable for a Bills defender to kick Gronk's elbow as he was getting up, hyper-extending it! One action validates the next! Right?

This level of stupidity is why we see dragged out conversations that lead to mods giving timeouts. Some friendly advice: Just let it go, you're not going to convince them anyway.

Have you followed the conversation at all?

I wasn't justifying anything, the only reason I even commented was because GSU said something illogical, that I thought warranted correction. There's no call for calling people stupid.

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5 minutes ago, BlaqOptic said:

No dog in this fight, but I agree with this. You cannot let a ticky tack call like that possibly help determine the outcome of this game.

No call in the 2nd quarter determines a game IMO.

im at work so I didn’t see it, but I think we should wait until the 4th before we start saying calls decided games.

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