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End of Season Awards


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I think Garrett is marginally better than Watt, but Garrett tailed off production-wise late in the season. I can see making an argument that he wasn’t deserving.

Stefanski was a miracle worker this year. His roster was filled with injuries at key positions more than any other team in the NFL this year. Not even close. And we won 11 games with the backup backups. He definitely deserved the award.

I feel like awards should happen immediately after the season or wait until the Super Bowl ends. Preferring the former. I see an argument that the runner-up for COTY whooped the COTY in the playoffs, but it doesn’t matter for the voters, even if it probably should.

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6 hours ago, El Ramster said:

I’m not gonna lie I’m Happy with Myles winning it.. But honest to satan this is the 2nd time you could argue Watts award was stolen lol. No one will ever remember this. I also dont like this narrative that Myles is this all time best defender. Don’t get me wrong he’s really good, but he has Damm good talent there in Clev and they haven’t done much. I need to see him go off in the post season. I do really think that Watt is better despite not seeing the doubles! Which I admire Myles still getting his numbers. I do think Myles has the potential to be a monster and take over.. But he hasn’t done it where it matters most. That’s my only gripe with him. Tj Watt is scary good.. I think PFF grades are heavily favoring these awards and that can lead us to dangerous waters. They’ve been banging the Myles drum all year and same for the other awards. Sometimes the eye test is the is all we need. 

I feel like this year they went with the NBA MVP route - it was his turn so we used made up stats to justify it. 

Id have more respect if writes just said one of two things:

1 - they are both great players, I just prefer Garrett this year and can’t explain why 

2 - I didn’t watch enough games of both, just saw all the PFF stats and assumed that meant better year. 

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2 hours ago, BetterCallSaul said:

I think Garrett is marginally better than Watt, but Garrett tailed off production-wise late in the season. I can see making an argument that he wasn’t deserving.


What was it - 0 sacks in the last 7 games? Or 6 games? But win rate means more!


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7 hours ago, DawgX said:

Yes, Garrett is better than your dirty boy TJ. Sorry, and nearly all metrics backs this up.

I love Campbell, but that was a team expected to win their division. I would have been cool with Ryans winning, but Stefanski leading his team to the playoffs with the injuries we had is more impressive than the Texans winning a weaker division.

But don't let that stop your usual horrible takes.

Go on... 😂😂😂

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7 hours ago, DawgX said:

Yes, Garrett is better than your dirty boy TJ. Sorry, and nearly all metrics backs this up.

I know you want to believe that but the reality is he just isn't. T j watt is the better player consistently. 

The impact that he has on his team when he is there versus the effect of the team when he's not Is much more significant than garrett.

When people want to talk about TJ Watt getting shut down. Look at all the chocolates he gets put in by offensive alignment. Now sure that occasionally happens to Myles Garrett,  but I'm our first meeting this year Garrett got shut down by Dan Moore. For anybody that thinks that is a good offensive tackle you don't watch much football.

This is a topic, though that we can agree to the disagree on. I'm not for a moment suggesting that Garrett isn't a great player because he is and anyone who thinks otherwise also it doesn't watch football. Congratulations to him for winning defensive player of the year. Honestly it's not that egregious it's just my opinion. Kevin stefanski however did not deserve coach of the year over Demeco Ryans. 



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57 minutes ago, VigilantZombie said:

I know you want to believe that but the reality is he just isn't. T j watt is the better player consistently. 

The impact that he has on his team when he is there versus the effect of the team when he's not Is much more significant than garrett.

When people want to talk about TJ Watt getting shut down. Look at all the chocolates he gets put in by offensive alignment. Now sure that occasionally happens to Myles Garrett,  but I'm our first meeting this year Garrett got shut down by Dan Moore. For anybody that thinks that is a good offensive tackle you don't watch much football.

This is a topic, though that we can agree to the disagree on. I'm not for a moment suggesting that Garrett isn't a great player because he is and anyone who thinks otherwise also it doesn't watch football. Congratulations to him for winning defensive player of the year. Honestly it's not that egregious it's just my opinion. Kevin stefanski however did not deserve coach of the year over Demeco Ryans. 



We can agree to disagree. The main thing I objected to is you saying that Stefanski wasn't remotely deserving of being COTY when, IMO, he was at worst second behind Ryans.

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1 hour ago, VigilantZombie said:

I know you want to believe that but the reality is he just isn't. T j watt is the better player consistently. 

The impact that he has on his team when he is there versus the effect of the team when he's not Is much more significant than garrett.

When people want to talk about TJ Watt getting shut down. Look at all the chocolates he gets put in by offensive alignment. Now sure that occasionally happens to Myles Garrett,  but I'm our first meeting this year Garrett got shut down by Dan Moore. For anybody that thinks that is a good offensive tackle you don't watch much football.

This is a topic, though that we can agree to the disagree on. I'm not for a moment suggesting that Garrett isn't a great player because he is and anyone who thinks otherwise also it doesn't watch football. Congratulations to him for winning defensive player of the year. Honestly it's not that egregious it's just my opinion. Kevin stefanski however did not deserve coach of the year over Demeco Ryans. 



I think we’re splitting hairs between the top players in the league pretty much every year. I feel like Crosby/Parsons were probably better than both this season to be honest. I think it makes you look silly to throw a hissy fit about an award won by a deserving player. It’s insanely close any way you slice it. Garrett wrecked more games. Watt was more consistent. Parsons was the toughest player to account for in any 1-1 matchup. Crosby was a 1-man show. 

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