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15 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

No.  First you need to bring them in to kick the tires.  Then you gotta vet minimum.  It's how this works.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.  

It also helps if it's a player who would never sign a deal that low, is a complete locker room cancer, or just plain washed up.

As an example:
"Hey what if signed Julio Jones? Why not bring him in, kick the tires, and then sign him to a vet minimum deal?"


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20 minutes ago, craig said:

As a 5th round selection, Wicks is pretty much guaranteed a roster spot if healthy.  Packers have only cut a couple of guys drafted in or above the 5th round.

I have no desire to add a vet WR in order to play snaps and make catches.  1st, vets available at the price we can add won't add any wins.  2nd, We're going nowhere this year, so even if you could add a guy who'd add more wins, what difference would it make? 

*IF* you add one, it's gotta be driven by player-coach impact.  How much did Watkins and Cobb do for Amari and Toure, etc.?  I don't know, and am willing to let Gute and MLF make that evaluation.  I'd just as soon go all young, and let them all eagerly learn together. 

Watson is a really nice guy, and he's said to be really smart and classroom smart.  So maybe by both being the star, and being smart and generous, he's already qualified as a guy Wicks can go to if he's got a "what did coach really mean when he said....." question?  

"Captain-helping-freshman" thing can be real, in HS; but usually a captain is a good player.  If the vet is #6 receiver, will the kids really look to him for direction?  Possibly, but you'd need a somewhat special personality type. 

This kind of where I have gotten to, the veteran WR to be the bridge between the young WR's and the veteran QB isn't needed anymore. The young WR's have coaches and it's time for them to run the offense as the coaches want to run the offense. Don't need the veteran WR to interpret what the QB wants in his adlibbing. 

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1 hour ago, packfanfb said:

This is one of two reasons why I think the Packers will wait on attempting to add any type of vet WR. For one, the current FA crop is absolutely horrid, and none of them should get any consideration from GB. So you'd be talking about a guy who gets cut between now and September. 

Two, by waiting, you can evaluate Toure, Wicks and Dubose who would likely be in the mix for your 4-6 guys, assuming you're carrying 6 WRs. While we all want those guys to be good, chances are, one of them could look bad in TC/preseason and make for an easier choice to PS stash them. That could then open the door for a veteran addition. Conversely, if Wicks and Dubose look "Doubs-like" or similar in the preseason, you probably just keep both and forego a veteran addition altogether. 

Tell ya the truth? I'd be happy if they just wing it with the kids. Get em out there running routes and let Love deal the cards.


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Were 2006 and 2008 wasted seasons? They were transitional teams, that didn't have great records, but got critical experience for a mostly young team.  We neither won the division, nor made the playoffs in those seasons.  

That is most likely what we are in for in 2023.  Temper the expectations, and enjoy the ride.

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37 minutes ago, skibrett15 said:

To provide the QB with a target who knows the job and will be where he's supposed to be on every play.

Who? Golladay is the only one that intrigues me slightly based on watching him in Detroit, but that player is long removed from those days. Rather let Wicks, Melton, Toure and DuBose fight it out. If one of those 4 is good, now you go 4 deep with talent.

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13 minutes ago, incognito_man said:
17 minutes ago, JBURGE said:

Combined the 3 of them have played 27 NFL games, so I would say it is an argument. 

Combined they have 2 more seasons in the system than any vet WR (with the possible exception of Corey Davis)

Honestly I didn't read the thread and thought we were talking about Corey specifically. 

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17 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Who? Golladay is the only one that intrigues me slightly based on watching him in Detroit, but that player is long removed from those days. Rather let Wicks, Melton, Toure and DuBose fight it out. If one of those 4 is good, now you go 4 deep with talent.

Golladay is terrible.  I'm thinking Jarvis Landry, Breshad Perriman, Bisi Johnson.

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I'd like a vet in the WR room.  Talking about someone who knows and understands how to be a professional.  Someone to help them watch film and identify coverages.  To me it's less than having them on the field.

And...what I'm describing can also be a coach.  (Duh moment for me, I know.)

Given that this will be Love's first year, I don't want a vet WR eating snaps.  I want Jordan to learn and grow with these WR's.  Namely Watson, Doubs, Toure and whoever that overdrafted, underathletic kid was that we took in the second round.  

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38 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Who? Golladay is the only one that intrigues me slightly based on watching him in Detroit, but that player is long removed from those days. Rather let Wicks, Melton, Toure and DuBose fight it out. If one of those 4 is good, now you go 4 deep with talent.

Does a vet prevent that One of them wind up on the practice squad, which means playing in games with the new practice squad rules. Heck, you could have the vet inactive for a lot of games. 

I'm personally not looking for the vet to put up numbers as much as mentor. Having said that, it would be difficult to find somebody who would take that job if they thought they had anything left in the tank.

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