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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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Things are continuing to look good for Flux. He should cruise to the end!


Oh and Lucky came to me to renew our "alliance" after I put him up, putting the blame on himself for not being as active.

What is this life?

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17 days later: Flux's DR:


fwiw I now think I'm in a bad spot

Gonna be sad if I get bounced pre-jury by a bunch of rookies who are playing dumb.

Said this to ET and I'll say it here: Playing this game holding a grudge that isn't yours is a good way to put an unnecessary target on your back.

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Just now, EliteTexan80 said:

Had the Utley play worked...yeah, probably would have got you bounced.

I thought I was in a VERY good spot if I could keep you and utley from killing each other before jury. Then you both got eliminated as did JBURGE and SAX who I had plans formulated around and knew I was a goner. 

I really did trust gopher to the end, if for nothing else because he was the only one who hadn't died. And. Welp.

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@LuckyNumber11: February 25 DR


Well this is certainly not the start that I had envisioned. I am fairly convinced that ET has a monopoly on all of the new players which is incredibly scary. That's a giant block of players that ET has control of. My alliances are currently being held with pretty much every vet in this game aside from Jfin and Utley and maybe someone else I can't remember. I've got a F3 alliance with BBF and Mission and then there's the fake F4 with BBF, HZ, and Touch. Of course the usual one off with Dwight, and another with Burge.

I had a one off with Naz too but obviously that didn't pan out too well. I tried to rally some votes to save him, basically my argument for him was that he's a guy you don't want chasing after you. This would have given him an obvious rivalry with ET and his gang of newbs, and enemy of my enemy is my friend. He'd have been fighting for our side without even knowing it. It would have been great. Unfortunately the ET block and likely some of my side as well who didn't see my logic went ahead voted him out. 

So right now this year is shaping up to be an uphill battle. I have a feeling I'm high on the ET blocks list given my general reputation in BB, but to hell with it. I don't know what's going on, which is driving me nuts. I can't tell if I need to expand my circle or stand pat. As I'm sitting here thinking, it could be possible that there's a third side to this equation consisting of Flux/SAX/Pwner. Who knows, time to dig 

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Just now, Adrenaline_Flux said:

I thought I was in a VERY good spot if I could keep you and utley from killing each other before jury

We were slowly starting to reconcile, then @theuntouchable reached out to me to get him evicted. Had to honor touch.

All of this talk about me - I do want to clear the air: The only alliance I initiated was with @utley4568 and touch. Everything else was expendable to me. After that dissolved, it was working a strong deal with @Ragnarok and @HorizontoZenith, but then I got shanked.

I really learned from this game, going to take my lessons with me for the next go round.

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LuckyNumber has some excellent pontification here (DR)



So much is different about this season. Legitimately everyone that I wanted to be a major player in this round with me has been evicted. BBF, Touch, Dwight, and to a lesser extent TLO and Naz, have all been evicted. So what did I do? I went into hiding. That's not my MO, but I think it was the right move. I took a couple rounds of not making a lot of noise and kind of moved on with my life. So now that I am out of hiding, I had some serious moves that needed to be made.

I've rekindled some past relationships, per usual. HZ and I had been aligned at the start of this year, so I went ahead and brought that relationship back. I've worked with Utley in the past, went ahead and brought that one back as well. I've worked with Burge in the past, went ahead and brought that one back as well. Of course Mission is an ally of mine as well. In addition to this, I've added a few new friends. Flux and I are somewhat working together here, but he is true to his beliefs and I was the odd man out when he put me up on the chopping block. Him and I have somewhat of an understanding of working together I guess is what is going on there. Famous Jameis and I, after collaborating to a HoH victory have stayed in touch, I could certainly see a potential ally with him.

SAX and I also have somewhat of an understanding as well, and this is where I have a story. When I was HoH I went to every person on my side of the house because I wanted something. I wanted ET evicted. Every single one of them outside of my direct allies told me the same thing, "I've got a deal with ET, and I have different targets" and one of the most common targets among all of them was SAX. I was even told at one point that SAX is a ring leader with a rather sizeable bloc. Now I don't if I particularly believe that. So what I did was that I went straight to SAX and I told him what I've heard, he seemed a tad confused by it as well. Obviously he has upset Ruskie, but that's a different conversation. 

This brings me to the next story. During my time as the HoH, Shady offered me a spot in an alliance. The alliance seems to have himself, Gopher, and ET, and inside the [spam] there was another name that I know now to be HZ. The [spam] had no substance whatsoever, ET hasn't joined it in days. I don't trust any of those three. HZ and I both had the same mantra going in, we had hoped to maybe learn a thing or two, but there wasn't anything there. I believe that they may have just wanted to control the eviction. But I guess that on paper I am currently allies with them 

Another story I have is that of bcb. A few weeks ago when he was on the chopping block after Flux had nominated him, he reached out to me for help. He was looking for votes, and I had planned on voting the other way anyways. But of course, I had to take advantage of a potential partnership. I saw a lot of potential in bcb, I think he's a sharp player and we began working together there. Unfortunately my HoH came around and I was one vote away from being able to out ET. I looked to my new friend bcb to give me that last vote, and he did not budge. He felt as though he owed ET, and that he and ET were somewhat of allies. Despite all of my persuasion, he refused. Which brings us to this HoH. I have Utley saying that he wants bcb out, and I have FJ saying he wants bcb out. My biggest problem right now is ET's bloc and I am currently going to vote out an ally because of it. This is the beginning of chipping away at ET's bloc.

ET then messaged me after the eviction. He told me that he was surprised that he wasn't nominated, and also surprised that I hadn't reached out to him. And I was honest, I told him that I had heavily considered him. He asked for the logic behind that, and I told him. He has a large following, and with very little contact, I viewed him as a threat. And the ****er left me on read. 

Like I said, this year is interesting, and it's an uphill battle for sure. But that's just going to make it all the more sweet when I'm there in the end 

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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

I had a one off with Naz too but obviously that didn't pan out too well. I tried to rally some votes to save him, basically my argument for him was that he's a guy you don't want chasing after you. This would have given him an obvious rivalry with ET and his gang of newbs, and enemy of my enemy is my friend. He'd have been fighting for our side without even knowing it. It would have been great. Unfortunately the ET block and likely some of my side as well who didn't see my logic went ahead voted him out. 

You could have done me a solid and actually offered me as a number on your side other than use some scare tactic, wtf. I'm a nice guy, honest! Just don't ask HZ.

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10 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Maybe next time, you should actually SAY something during the game.

Im more of the mysterious type, that's what you love about me.


You started playing by eliminating me!


Indeed. I heard you were throwing my name around as a target and asked you directly about it and you didn't deny it. That's what kinda got me interested in playing, you'll see in my DR sessions, just read my PMs and mathman says he got them lol. Even if he didn't I still do. 


I had you in a group chat - you didn't say a word!

Didn't know what I was supposed to be saying. Most the discussions in our "group chat" were pretty muted in content anyways, so I didn't add anything. By the time I was getting into the game and figuring out how much alliances and the social side of things played a role, I had already heard you were throwing my name around and didn't include me in your big alliance.... so I didn't exactly feel the need to share much with you. You were gone pretty shortly after that anyways. 

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