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2018 Free Agency - Prospects for GB


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5 hours ago, th87 said:

Their numbers will continue to dwindle. The NFL needs to focus more on developing new revenue streams, rather than trying to keep a dodo alive. 

They need to do both. The dodo you're referring to likely has 15-20 more years of watching the NFL at the largest volume of all the demographics.


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5 hours ago, th87 said:

Eh, I'd say it has everything to do with "outsider" people's perceived disrespect of the military. 

Media and politicians of a certain persuasion were able to skew the message and make it about that. 

Hush money for something that still goes on, something that transcends the NFL, is a slap in the face to people who believe in the cause. The goal is to make enough waves for legislators to notice, and no better place to do it than in the highest rated programming there is.

That's fair. I have seen the argument framed that way. 

The most common arguments I've seen made are, "that players are spoiled, dumb, and ungrateful and don't realize how lucky they have it to be in this country. If the same people they're protesting for would stop committing crimes, they'll stop getting shot/incarcerated. Being a LEO is dangerous work and BLM is a bunch of criminal thugs so the players are taking the wrong position in this dispute. These same idiots protesting the country they're standing in are making tens of millions of dollars every year, what on earth do they have to protest about? And why the hell are they doing it during the national anthem. We take 3 minutes of every week to express our gratitude for living in a free and great nation, if you don't like it so much, you're free to leave."

While I think this is mostly off base, framed in the context and the timeline of NFL and other athlete protesting and national events, there's something to be said for this POV. Professional Athletes went after police organizations hardcore after Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, only to end up being dead wrong. Even the Obama justice department attacked these guys and ended up being wrong. I can see why this is a defensive group. Especially after the Dallas shooting that BLM didn't really say anything to condemn. 

Additionally, for all the walk-back that Kaepernick did after his original statements, he started out sitting and with the comment: "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

It was only after he got blasted that he tried to soften his message with the kneeling and the clarifications. 

Additionally, it would be one thing if Kaepernick had grown up in Akron or Detroit. Kaepernick grew up wealthy with white parents in a California suburb. The optics of that kid blasting the country is something that raised a lot of hackles. 

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7 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Additionally, it would be one thing if Kaepernick had grown up in Akron or Detroit. Kaepernick grew up wealthy with white parents in a California suburb. The optics of that kid blasting the country is something that raised a lot of hackles. 

Regardless of where Kaepernick grew up, it would not be surprising if he experienced various aspects of discrimination based on his racial background.

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The causative factor you're all tippy-toeing around here is "race". This has everything to do with race. From start to finish.

It began - and was smaller than could possibly be thought small when 6-10 players took 1-2minutes out of some viewers week - for only 16-20 weeks of a year - to make a statement - before the race card was played and it became "personal" to a whole bunch of NFL players.

It had nothing to do with "protesting the military". Never did. Never had. But - that was the chosen method by which "race" could be highlighted in a reverse manner - and a whole bunch of White folks could protest the protestors - those uppity, over indulged, "dont they realize how lucky they are....and why dont they just shut their mouths" - NFL players (for lack of a longer and far more descriptive narrative).

And the whole White world jumped - well, not all of them - but enough to be noticed by the BREAKING NEWS media of ours. YES! Its not about police shooting unarmed Black men......NO! Its about "Mom, Flag, Country and Apple Pie and aren't we just grand for pointing that out". 

People are idiots to listen to such tripe - but they do - because they're idiots.

The league made the right decision by reaching an accord with the now LARGER group of NFL players and allocating funds towards some social ills - for which I personally applaud them. Good for them. Absolutely no downside that I can see - other than Mr. Pissed Off White Guy with a grudge still stewing about things - but guess what - that guys been stewing about these things for generations.



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30 minutes ago, Leader said:

The causative factor you're all tippy-toeing around here is "race". This has everything to do with race. From start to finish.

It began - and was smaller than could possibly be thought small when 6-10 players took 1-2minutes out of some viewers week - for only 16-20 weeks of a year - to make a statement - before the race card was played and it became "personal" to a whole bunch of NFL players.

It had nothing to do with "protesting the military". Never did. Never had. But - that was the chosen method by which "race" could be highlighted in a reverse manner - and a whole bunch of White folks could protest the protestors - those uppity, over indulged, "dont they realize how lucky they are....and why dont they just shut their mouths" - NFL players (for lack of a longer and far more descriptive narrative).

And the whole White world jumped - well, not all of them - but enough to be noticed by the BREAKING NEWS media of ours. YES! Its not about police shooting unarmed Black men......NO! Its about "Mom, Flag, Country and Apple Pie and aren't we just grand for pointing that out". 

People are idiots to listen to such tripe - but they do - because they're idiots.

The league made the right decision by reaching an accord with the now LARGER group of NFL players and allocating funds towards some social ills - for which I personally applaud them. Good for them. Absolutely no downside that I can see - other than Mr. Pissed Off White Guy with a grudge still stewing about things - but guess what - that guys been stewing about these things for generations.



You don't get it Leader.  This is not why people are upset.  We surrounded by politics all the time.  Football is our one escape.  Don't need our beloved sport infiltrated.  I am somewhat sympathetic to the cause but not the way they went about it.  Just want to settle in and watch some football the one thing that unites instead of divides.  On another topic really beginning to not like Murphy.  He is talking about doing away with kick offs.  Understand they want to make the football safer but if they continue on this course the game will be unrecognizable.  Are they going to take away punts too?  Enough with the damn rule changes leave the sport alone.

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1 minute ago, Scoremore said:

You don't get it Leader.  This is not why people are upset.  We surrounded by politics all the time.  Football is our one escape.  Don't need our beloved sport infiltrated.  I am somewhat sympathetic to the cause but not the way they went about it.  Just want to settle in and watch some football the one thing that unites instead of divides.  On another topic really beginning to not like Murphy.  He is talking about doing away with kick offs.  Understand they want to make the football safer but if they continue on this course the game will be unrecognizable.  Are they going to take away punts too?  Enough with the damn rule changes leave the sport alone.

Thats fine. I'm done with this topic and the *****serious overanalysing***** of it thats being done. It's pretty basic. As basic as they come. All the rest of this stuff is eyewash

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Does anyone recall the episode of the Simpsons where Marge got addicted to a World of Warcraft type game?  Mr. Burns appears as a giant mantis who is lost looking for the Wall Street Journal online. I feel like Mr. Burns except I'm looking for the Packers Free Agency Thread. 

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52 minutes ago, Scoremore said:

You don't get it Leader.  This is not why people are upset.  We surrounded by politics all the time.  Football is our one escape.  Don't need our beloved sport infiltrated.  I am somewhat sympathetic to the cause but not the way they went about it.  Just want to settle in and watch some football the one thing that unites instead of divides.  On another topic really beginning to not like Murphy.  He is talking about doing away with kick offs.  Understand they want to make the football safer but if they continue on this course the game will be unrecognizable.  Are they going to take away punts too?  Enough with the damn rule changes leave the sport alone.

Are going to oppose political ads during TV broadcast as well?  3 minutes of time prior to kickoff that is not generally covered by TV vs incessant TV ads for revolving on politics

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1 hour ago, Scoremore said:

You don't get it Leader.  This is not why people are upset.  We surrounded by politics all the time.  Football is our one escape.  Don't need our beloved sport infiltrated.  I am somewhat sympathetic to the cause but not the way they went about it.  Just want to settle in and watch some football the one thing that unites instead of divides.  On another topic really beginning to not like Murphy.  He is talking about doing away with kick offs.  Understand they want to make the football safer but if they continue on this course the game will be unrecognizable.  Are they going to take away punts too?  Enough with the damn rule changes leave the sport alone.

No one upset about a player kneeling would be upset if they believed in the cause, it's as simple as that. This whole argument boils down to exactly what Leader is saying. 

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1 hour ago, Scoremore said:

You don't get it Leader.  This is not why people are upset.  We surrounded by politics all the time.  Football is our one escape.  Don't need our beloved sport infiltrated.  I am somewhat sympathetic to the cause but not the way they went about it.  Just want to settle in and watch some football the one thing that unites instead of divides.  On another topic really beginning to not like Murphy.  He is talking about doing away with kick offs.  Understand they want to make the football safer but if they continue on this course the game will be unrecognizable.  Are they going to take away punts too?  Enough with the damn rule changes leave the sport alone.

I think the point is the players don't want people "escaping" from actual social issues that millions of Americans can't escape from. 

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6 minutes ago, TheBitzMan said:

No one upset about a player kneeling would be upset if they believed in the cause, it's as simple as that. This whole argument boils down to exactly what Leader is saying. 

Agreed, this whole thing is silly anyways. The anthem lasts a minute or two and you see what a few images of players kneeling?  O jeez guess I can't watch football anymore because I saw a 3 second clip of someone respectfully kneeling on the sideline. Silly thing about it is if people didn't make it such a big deal it probably would have gone away by now. 

Never mind that I can see about 50 fans in the background drinking, on their phone, talking, ect... But the guy respectfully kneeling is a huge problem. As a veteran myself I don't take offense to something as stupid as this. Instead of boycotting football or faux outrage over this maybe they should start donating to veteran charities like Fisher House or Wounded Warrior Project. 


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Just now, Spartacus said:

Agreed, this whole thing is silly anyways. The anthem lasts a minute or two and you see what a few images of players kneeling?  O jeez guess I can't watch football anymore because I saw a 3 second clip of someone respectfully kneeling on the sideline. Silly thing about it is if people didn't make it such a big deal it probably would have gone away by now. 

Never mind that I can see about 50 fans in the background drinking, on their phone, talking, ect... But the guy respectfully kneeling is a huge problem. As a veteran myself I don't take offense to something as stupid as this. Instead of boycotting football or faux outrage over this maybe they should start donating to veteran charities like Fisher House or Wounded Warrior Project. 


Thank you for your service Spartacus! I agree completely, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.

We live in a black and white society when most everything is gray. 

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8 minutes ago, TheBitzMan said:

Thank you for your service Spartacus! I agree completely, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.

We live in a black and white society when most everything is gray. 

Eh I want to get back to the FA we are inevitably not going to sign. Don't want to derail this thread anymore than it already has but anyone who is outraged by kneeling I believe should really look into other options instead of boycotting anything. As someone who was lucky enough to come back with no emotional or physical scars I can tell you from personal experience that it is not always the case and veterans do need assistance at home. There are a lot of great charities out their that need both volunteers and money  and if you truly believe in "supporting the troops" that is a much better way of going about it. 

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