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2018 Free Agency - Prospects for GB


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34 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:

Jordy, Cobb, and Clay are all overpaid for their current production and are getting up their in age(minus Cobb) so I honestly don't mind moving on from them. Goal is to find their replacements. Watkins or Robinson in FA would clearly be the Jordy replacement. Clay replacement will likely be coming via the draft this yr I'd think

In a perfect world I'd love to keep Clay around on a cheaper deal as a situational rusher but idk if he'd accept that role or not

So a few people jumped off a ledge that our starting CB got traded. Cut/release 2 starting WR's and our best OLB just to bring in guys other teams aren't resigning. I think a part of the other teams aren't resigning these guys says something. I'm all for shiny and new but if you're not upgrading and just paying more for younger what are you getting. Shoot Pre AR's injury there were few on this board saying cut Nelson and or Cobb. I get it but at the same time I don't get it. To each their own. I'd rather keep chemistry and grow the way we have whilst adding in some FA's that make sense.


Sorry but most of the packers were grossly overpaid last year. HaHa did nothing, House did nothing, Perry did nothing, Daniels was less than stellar. There are allot of guys every year that the stats don't meet the paycheck. I believe most are wrong on Clay he didn't get the sacks but his play and grading on numerous sites last year would suggest much to the otherwise. But sacks are sexy being a great defender on a D that was not great didn't do much for CM.

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1 hour ago, Leader said:

What? Did somebody at FF forget to order the "Likes?"

They getting rationed or something?

I'd like to "Like" Moretti and PR's comments above.

Yeah I'm out too

1 hour ago, Packerraymond said:

Good to hear!

He probably saw some jackwagon already made a www.firegute.com and wants to redeem himself.

You're welcome guys

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1 hour ago, oldmansmell said:

Anyone else get the feeling this is more for us, the fans, than anyone else. Hatred for TT is directly proportional to the meaningless twitter chatter he purposely failed to generate.

Probably a decent message for the locker room too yeah?

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11 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:

You aren't serious are you?  Watkins is thought to be in the 6-7 million range and Robinson has to be over 10

There is zero chance Watkins signs in that range. I'll be surprised if he gets less than $10M annually.

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TT had many years of success grabbing cheap 2nd/3rd round WRs. Its an excellent way of keeping a position group talented and cheap.

There's absolutely no reason why can't we continue with that strategy?  Nelson, Jones, Jennings, Cobb, Adams...enough said.

It makes no sense to me to go out and splash money on a FA WR when we have proven we have been successful through the draft.

If we do have to target a FA WR then of course Robinson would be fantastic. Realistically I think Richardson and Montecrif are better receivers than Watkins. Watkins is all hype imo. In fact Richardson has more talent in his pinky fingers than Watkins and Montecrif put together. Dude can ball.

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6 minutes ago, PACKRULE said:

So a few people jumped off a ledge that our starting CB got traded. Cut/release 2 starting WR's and our best OLB just to bring in guys other teams aren't resigning. I think a part of the other teams aren't resigning these guys says something. I'm all for shiny and new but if you're not upgrading and just paying more for younger what are you getting. Shoot Pre AR's injury there were few on this board saying cut Nelson and or Cobb. I get it but at the same time I don't get it. To each their own. I'd rather keep chemistry and grow the way we have whilst adding in some FA's that make sense.


Sorry but most of the packers were grossly overpaid last year. HaHa did nothing, House did nothing, Perry did nothing, Daniels was less than stellar. There are allot of guys every year that the stats don't meet the paycheck. I believe most are wrong on Clay he didn't get the sacks but his play and grading on numerous sites last year would suggest much to the otherwise. But sacks are sexy being a great defender on a D that was not great didn't do much for CM.


I didn't advocate cutting all 3 of them. If they sign Robinson or Watkins, you cut Jordy because that's what makes sense and at this point in their careers, yes, both WR's are better than this current version of Jordy. Cobb and Clay are on the last yrs of their deals so you just ride it out with them this season. Saying GB should move on from Jordy and Clay is standard procedure in how the team has operated under Thompson. How often have we seen them give another extension to guys on the wrong side of 30?

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I'm not surprised the Packers are targeting offense at all.  They are the perfect destination for guys who want a big year before a shot at another big contract too.  It's a way to get a lot better very quickly.  

Yes the defense needs help, but their biggest needs are edge and CB, and there are no edge guys in FA worth pursuing.  Also, if they make some FA moves on offense, they have plenty of picks to go get the guys they want on defense in the draft.

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17 minutes ago, Chili said:

TT had many years of success grabbing cheap 2nd/3rd round WRs. Its an excellent way of keeping a position group talented and cheap.

There's absolutely no reason why can't we continue with that strategy?  Nelson, Jones, Jennings, Cobb, Adams...enough said.

It makes no sense to me to go out and splash money on a FA WR when we have proven we have been successful through the draft.

If we do have to target a FA WR then of course Robinson would be fantastic. Realistically I think Richardson and Montecrif are better receivers than Watkins. Watkins is all hype imo.

I get the point here. However, that has almost universally been an ongoing commitment, as all of the names mentioned (besides maybe Cobb) struggled early. In addition, the 2nd/3rd round guys also have some deficiency--typically either highly productive but didn't test out of the water (Keenan Allen), or non-productive but athletic (Cody Lattimore).  I wouldn't mind Richardson to be honest, Moncrief has just not put it together, he could, but not sure if the in-house former Colt's staff would be a high on that move at all.

I see the value of Robinson long term, good year to try and get him in the organization to test him long term, and also see the utility Watkins could provide if he is on a reasonable number. Also if we can't get defensive free agents, I have no problem signing offensive ones and drafting defensively. I think the real smoke is behind the Graham thing, we function better with that kind of guy in our offense.

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10 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:


Post game mingling on the field last time we played NO:

JG: "Hey Dude - nice game. Maybe someday we'll play together"
AR: "Thanks. That would be nice. Take care"

Agent to NFLNetwork - looking to "goose" NO - "My guy and AR talked and want to play together"

NFLNetwork: "Thanks for the scoop Dude!"

Agent: "Think nothing of it"

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