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Guess this wasn't talked about, but Keith Fahnhorst passed away at the age of 66 a little over a week ago. Quality offensive linemen that played his entire career with the 49ers from 1974 to 1987. Mostly at tackle. He definitely saw the darkest days of the franchise, followed by it's more glorious ones. Sucks that some of the OGs' are starting to drop. Clark just passed away a couple weeks back. Also former center Fred Quillian two years ago. 


Edited by PapaShogun
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He said the same thing right after the game so not surprising.

One thing I really hate is how people keep saying we put 44 points on that defense. NO, no we didn't. Jimmy G was damn good all game long, but we had a pick six and scored two TDs on short fields after INTs. The offense wasn't AS dominant as some would make you to believe that game. But really good, and that was super impressive against a defense of that caliber. 

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So he is basically saying since the WRs were held in check, Jimmy G didn't really kill the corners. This is actually similar to NBA players and who they think is the hardest to guard. If you ask a player who is harder to guard between LeBron and Melo in his prime, almost all of them will say Melo since he is looking to only score. If you ask a coach who is harder to stop, they will ALL say LeBron. But players don't really rate a guy driving in the lane and finding the open man for a three. They will just say, at least my guy didn't score. That's essentially what Ramsey is saying. The WRs didn't do anything against them, so to him it was the scheme getting Juice Check, the RBs and the TEs going. A QB will have to make tight on point throws against the WRs on the outside and he is in the mindset  that Jimmy G didn't do a whole a lot of that. 

He's not wrong that the scheme is awesome and completely threw the Jags off...But he may be downplaying Jimmy G a bit. He did have some really good throws in that game. Though from his tweet, he admits Jimmy G is a good QB and doesn't want it to seem like he is trashing him or anything. 

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Look at the difference between Jimmy G and Hoyer/Beathard. Same scheme even may say Hoyer/Beathard had an even better scheme because of playbook knowledge and they didn't slice and dice with the scheme. This scheme gets guys open but getting it to that guy in the right place with the right timing is so important and is what makes Jimmy such a great QB for this scheme.

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14 minutes ago, Justone2 said:

Look at the difference between Jimmy G and Hoyer/Beathard. Same scheme even may say Hoyer/Beathard had an even better scheme because of playbook knowledge and they didn't slice and dice with the scheme. This scheme gets guys open but getting it to that guy in the right place with the right timing is so important and is what makes Jimmy such a great QB for this scheme.

Yep. Without Jimmy G this was a bottom 10 offense. With him, this offense became top 3 in the league. This was without having proven weapons and a suspect OL. Yet once he took over, the OL all of a sudden became adequate. He elevated the entire team and that's what good QBs do. Now it is yet to be determined if he will ever become a great QB. 

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All this talk about that game gets me excited. That was the most fun ive had at a regular season game since the pick at the stick. Too bad we wont play those guys for a few years unless we see them in February. Ramsey probably knew that when he opened his mouth.

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1 hour ago, N4L said:

All this talk about that game gets me excited. That was the most fun ive had at a regular season game since the pick at the stick. Too bad we wont play those guys for a few years unless we see them in February. Ramsey probably knew that when he opened his mouth.

I don't think Ramsey really cares about that. One, he's a talker. He's a guy who speaks his mind. Two, he's not necessarily super wrong. He's maybe going too far that direction, but some of his points are completely valid

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1 hour ago, N4L said:

All this talk about that game gets me excited. That was the most fun ive had at a regular season game since the pick at the stick. Too bad we wont play those guys for a few years unless we see them in February. Ramsey probably knew that when he opened his mouth.

Hold up, a guy that talked trash to Tom f'n Brady before the AFCCG is scared of any QB or team? Haaaa! Good one.

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58 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Hold up, a guy that talked trash to Tom f'n Brady before the AFCCG is scared of any QB or team? Haaaa! Good one.

I didn't say he was scared. 

The point I was making is that we won't have a chance to make him eat those words for another 4 seasons. 

@Forge yes the guy is a talker, and it's real easy to say whatever you want when you know you won't have to back it up for 4 years. Whether or not that would change the fact he said it publicly, who knows. 

Shanny certainly out schemed the entire state of Florida on that glorious Sunday, there is no doubt.

Ramsey said teams didn't have enough film to really scout Garoppolo, but that it was really the scheme that beat them. Well, this is the same scheme Kyle has been running for years. So which is it - not enough film, or the scheme? This was Jimmy's fourth start, so there was some film out there. I don't buy that as an excuse. 

If you want to hold off on putting him in the 'top 100' because it's just 5 games, I have no issue with that. At the end of the day it's a pointless list that means nothing other than you are respected around the league because only the players vote on it. 

Saying that Garoppolo didn't light up that defense on that particular afternoon, or that he doesnt deserve credit for it, is asinine. 


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You could say Garoppolo played really well but didn't dice up the Jags. Both can be true, as can saying Shanny really out schemed the Jags. It is actually a great sign for one of the best defenders in the league to acknowledge just how great Shanny really is. For those that say Garoppolo will be found out now that teams have film on him…. Well, can't you counter that with saying Shanny will stay a step ahead of defensive coordinators and adjust accordingly? 

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12 hours ago, N4L said:

@Forge yes the guy is a talker, and it's real easy to say whatever you want when you know you won't have to back it up for 4 years

As J said, the guy talked smack regarding Brady before they were going to play the Pats in the championship game. This would suggest that he doesn't much care about when / where he's playing the person he's talking about. 


12 hours ago, N4L said:

Ramsey said teams didn't have enough film to really scout Garoppolo, but that it was really the scheme that beat them. Well, this is the same scheme Kyle has been running for years. So which is it - not enough film, or the scheme? This was Jimmy's fourth start, so there was some film out there. I don't buy that as an excuse.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. 4 games is not a lot of tape, and a scheme with Beathard and Hoyer is not the same scheme as one with Jimmy, because the latter is a superior quarterback. He'll make decisions and choices that the others won't. He has more gunslinger in him than people like to acknowledge, and far more than either of the other two. He's also far more accurate, has a quicker release, etc. There's a reason I have consistently said this off season that I want to see how this team, both Shanny and Jimmy G, respond when there is more tape out there and teams start to adjust to Jimmy G's and Shanny's tendencies. We have seen countless quarterbacks have great starts to their career and then slowly slide back into mediocrity or worse. One of the reasons for that is more tape + more adjustments (other factors play into this as well) 

I agree with J that you can play well and not "dice them up". But "dice them up" is a subjective term, so what one considers meeting that criteria, another may not. I don't think that he was completely dismissing the quarterback, he said that he had some nice potential, etc, just said to slow down the hype train. 

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4 hours ago, Forge said:

As J said, the guy talked smack regarding Brady before they were going to play the Pats in the championship game. This would suggest that he doesn't much care about when / where he's playing the person he's talking about. 


The two aren't mutually exclusive. 4 games is not a lot of tape, and a scheme with Beathard and Hoyer is not the same scheme as one with Jimmy, because the latter is a superior quarterback. He'll make decisions and choices that the others won't. He has more gunslinger in him than people like to acknowledge, and far more than either of the other two. He's also far more accurate, has a quicker release, etc. There's a reason I have consistently said this off season that I want to see how this team, both Shanny and Jimmy G, respond when there is more tape out there and teams start to adjust to Jimmy G's and Shanny's tendencies. We have seen countless quarterbacks have great starts to their career and then slowly slide back into mediocrity or worse. One of the reasons for that is more tape + more adjustments (other factors play into this as well) 

I agree with J that you can play well and not "dice them up". But "dice them up" is a subjective term, so what one considers meeting that criteria, another may not. I don't think that he was completely dismissing the quarterback, he said that he had some nice potential, etc, just said to slow down the hype train. 

There's also the fact that he couldn't throw worth a darn last year past 20 yards, and it took most of those 5 games to notice that was the case. If that doesn't change this year they will definitely  scheme the heck out of the short and short/intermeidate range and make it a whole lot harder for him.

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