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Kirk Cousins Stuff


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6 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:


Please someone again tell me how it isnt all about the money for Kirk? And please tell me again how he was trying to negotiate a "long" term deal with Washington.

So, smart contract negotiation is now bad?

I won't bat an eyelash at someone aged 30 who is looking to get two more good contracts before he retires. Seriously, these guys aren't charitable organizations. People need to stop looking at these contract negotiations through the eyes of a fan and start understanding its a business.

And even all that said above, I also wouldn't bat an eyelash if he takes lesser money to go to the right situation. We won't know until he signs. And even then, I wouldn't care either way since Cousins is in a position that no QB has ever been in. He's a Pro Bowl QB, in his prime, that is hitting unrestricted free agency. If I'm him, I'm getting paid.

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2 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Lebron does this.  

And Lebron is all about the money. (And Lebron is looked at as the best player in the NBA, Kirk isn't even the best at his position)


2 hours ago, Thaiphoon said:

So, smart contract negotiation is now "all about the money"?

I won't bat an eyelash at someone aged 30 who is looking to get two more good contracts before he retires. Seriously, these guys aren't charitable organizations. People need to stop looking at these contract negotiations through the eyes of a fan and start understanding its a business.

And even all that said above, I also wouldn't bat an eyelash if he takes lesser money to go to the right situation. We won't know until he signs. And even then, I wouldn't care either way since Cousins is in a position that no QB has ever been in. He's a Pro Bowl QB, in his prime, that is hitting unrestricted free agency. If I'm him, I'm getting paid.

Get real. All these fans that have their heads shoved so far up their butts, that can't see that Cousins was after only one thing, Money. He got top dollar from the franchise tags, now he is looking to break the bank not once, but twice with whoever will pay him the most. You can call it smart business all you want, but the fact remains that he was not going to sign here unless he gets top dollar. You don't see players like Russell Wilson, Drew Brees, Philip Rivers or even Blake Bortles demanding to be the top paid player or to be tagged. Kirk Cousins does not care about winning, he cares about the all-mighty dollar and more power to him, but people need to stop putting him on a pedestal like he is this super good guy that only wants to do right.

I am thankful for everything most of what Kirk did while he was here, but I am honestly glad to be done with this drama. Kirk was a good/very good player during his time here. His stats were great for the most part. But there were a lot of garbage time stats and bad turnovers made in crucial moments and I hope that moving forward we can look to Alex Smith to not make the same mistakes. We have all argued this for months years on whether or not to pay Kirk Cousins for a contract extension and most of us were in agreement that he deserved "more" money. The number of people that feel he deserved to be the highest paid player at his position is probably half of who think he deserves an extension. The fact is, he wants more than he deserves. Period. He will get it and I'm glad it isn't going to be here. The percentage of the cap, Cousins will demand will dramatically strap whatever team he signs with. And what will they get in return:

Link Link Link Link Link

and then the good times look like this:

Link (play with sound off (graphic language))

Be grateful for what we got out of Cousins and the good times, but in no way should anyone put him in the same category as any of the elite QBs that win games for their teams in the crunch times instead losing them.

Good luck and good bye Cousins, may you receive every dollar you ever wanted.

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I believe Kirk wanted a LTD after 2015 and 2016 But after getting screwed over, I think he wanted out. And if the Redskins were going to keep him, he'd be happy to play on the tag and force his way to FA.

This was smart maneuvering by a player to get to free agency in his prime.

I'm actually in awe that he pulled it off. Because now, he's gonna change how contracts are done.

Btw, anyone know why the 49ers offered Jimmy G $10m more than he'd make on 2 successive tags?

They learned from Kirk expertly dealing with getting tagged and planned accordingly.

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2 minutes ago, Thaiphoon said:


I believe Kirk wanted a LTD after 2015 and 2016 But after getting screwed over, I think he wanted out. And if the Redskins were going to keep him, he'd be happy to play on the tag and force his way to FA.

This was smart maneuvering by a player to get to free agency in his prime.

I'm actually in awe that he pulled it off. Because now, he's gonna change how contracts are done.

Btw, anyone know why the 49ers offered Jimmy G $10m more than he'd make on 2 successive tags?

They learned from Kirk expertly dealing with getting tagged and planned accordingly.

Because he is undefeated as a 49er. Because he took a team that was 1-10 and won five consecutive games. Because he completed 67% of his passes in those five starts. Because he averaged 312 yards passing in those 5 starts. Because when he blows up again next year, they will look back at his contract and say "wow we got this young guy on a long term deal at a very reasonable cost."

Kirk played everyone for a fool and you are in awe of it. Thats like being a bank teller and getting robbed and saying, "I can't believe they were able to do that."


(no offense intended on the GTFO, just silly to me to think you are in awe of the Redskins getting fleeced by "our" quarterback)

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4 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Get real. All these fans that have their heads shoved so far up their butts, that can't see that Cousins was after only one thing, Money. He got top dollar from the franchise tags, now he is looking to break the bank not once, but twice with whoever will pay him the most.

Yes. He's a Pro Bowl QB in his prime. Literally EVERY QB, pretty much...ever...is going to want to do this. Its a business


You can call it smart business all you want, but the fact remains that he was not going to sign here unless he gets top dollar.

Because he didn't want to be here after 2015 and 2016. He wanted out. However, the Redskins could retain his rights for 2017 by paying through the nose. And since they tagged him, he pocketed the money. Knowing that this year it would be almost $35m to keep him and he could hit free agency. The lure of being able to work where you want and make a ton of money doing it is there for pretty much all of us.


You don't see players like Russell Wilson, Drew Brees, Philip Rivers or even Blake Bortles demanding to be the top paid player or to be tagged.

Russell just got top money in his recent deal.

Brees signed a 5 year, $100m deal in 2011. Which was pretty high at the time IIRC because it was right when the new CBA started and the cap didn't rise much. He recently agreed to an extension because his cap hit was gonna be $30m.

Rivers agreed to a 4 year deal for $84m in 2015. Which was before the caps started rising sharply and priced his contract out of the top.

Bortles???!! Come on man...


Kirk Cousins does not care about winning, he cares about the all-mighty dollar and more power to him, but people need to stop putting him on a pedestal like he is this super good guy that only wants to do right.

I think he cares about winning. I also think he cares about making as much money as he can for as long as he can. I'm not putting him on a pedestal. But I'm also not knocking the guy for wanting more money either. Fans that can't put aside their fandom to understand the fact that these guys do this as a job...just like those fans get paid at their job and want as much money as possible at their jobs to do them... are doing themselves a disservice by not understanding the nature of the NFL. Its a business. These players and owners aren't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.


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15 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Because he is undefeated as a 49er. Because he took a team that was 1-10 and won five consecutive games. Because he completed 67% of his passes in those five starts. Because he averaged 312 yards passing in those 5 starts.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't have locked him up. I think he deserved a contract.


Because when he blows up again next year, they will look back at his contract and say "wow we got this young guy on a long term deal at a very reasonable cost."

Which is EXACTLY what I said at the end of 2015 about Kirk. Again, I never said they shouldn't have locked Jimmy up. 



Kirk played everyone for a fool and you are in awe of it. Thats like being a bank teller and getting robbed and saying, "I can't believe they were able to do that."

No. Kirk played his cards right to get to Free Agency as a Pro Bowl QB...in his prime. And did it because he had to bet on himself twice and he was successful in those bets. That courage to bet on yourself is admirable. I'm in awe of him being able to take a losing hand in terms of not being able to dictate where he wants to play and turn it into one where he not only gets to pick his new team but also gets paid.

As far as "robbing the team", save it for players like Pryor.


But in all of your post, you COMPLETELY missed my point. My point was not that the 9ers should not have locked him up. They should've. I think he will be good for him.

My point was more to your 2nd point.

Because if you know this is your guy, you do NOT tag him!! You work out a deal. And given that Kirk has shattered the ceiling and shown QBs how to force their way to Free Agency, you recognize this and when you offer the guaranteed money, you overpay a bit more than what the player would get for the next 2 successive tags. This entices the player to sign NOW. And it saves you from tagging him twice. It keeps the cap % and AAV down (even though the guaranteed money is $10m more than the next 2 tags) and locks him up. This was smart by the 49ers and it was because of Kirk doing what he did. Like it or not, it was a very smart move by him. 

Finally, I can be a fan of this team and still recognize smart business moves. I just negotiated a $20m deal this week at work. Loved the guy. Was a groomsman at my wedding. But I still put the screws to him where I could (and so did he).

Its business.

So is the NFL.

Players are going to want to get the most money they can for the jobs they do. Just like I do. And just like everyone does.

The sooner people people realize this about their "Favorite" players , the better.

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