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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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44 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

I had a story written up I wasn’t totally sold on. I was cowboys vs aliens but I was going to abandon it.

when you guessed the theme I knew it was meant to be and I needed to rework the story lol 

thanks for playing all. Sorry about the balance issues and rules misunderstandings

No need to apologize, it wasn’t unbalanced enough to make it completely unfair and anytime you try a new wrinkle there’s a risk. We still had a chance to do it but botched it.

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How about a misunderstood mafia: characters that are perceived as good that are actually bad and bad as good?


albus dumbledore: bad; he could've stopped voldy probably like decades before harry was even born

frodo baggins: bad; dudes a d*** to sam

Luke skywalker: incestuous feelings toward his sister

God: let his own son die for a pretty lame reason he could've fixed himself 


darth vader: big baddy that secretly just really loves making lame puns and wants to be loved and all sand eradicated from the universe

george bush: a terrible leader but incredible painter 

john Wayne gacy: just wanted to be a happy clown

iPwn: thinks he's smarter than everyone but in the end is just trying to make it in this world 

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