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12th night.  Touch gets painted. 

13th night.  Ragnarok gets painted. 

Hectic Tree Crew annihilated EVERYBODY in this challenge. 

Funky Bunch and Hectic Tree Crew, you are both SAFE from tribal council. 

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2. bcb

3. dome

4. mookie

5. sanchez

6. ltbf

7. gopher

8. et80

9. dome

10. sanchez

11. mookie

12. bcb

13. gopher

14. ltbf

15. et80

16. dome

17. mookie

18. bcb

19. sanchez

20. gopher


protect (fill these in)

1 jfin

2 untouchable 

3 nazgul

4 flux

5 mission 

6 famous j

7 rags

8 jfin

9 untouchable

10 nazgul

11 flux

12 mission

13 famous j

14 rags

15 jfin

16 untouch

17 nazgul

18 flux

19 mission 

20 famous j


1 Protect ET Paint Whicker
2 Protect ET Paint Shady
Protect ET Paint Ted
4 Protect ET Paint Hockey
5 Protect ET Paint Utley
6 Protect ET Paint Malf
7 Protect ET Paint Flux
8 Protect ET Paint FJ
9 Protect ET Paint Mission
10 Protect ET Paint Jfin
11 Protect ET Paint Naz
12 Protect ET Paint Touch
13 Protect ET Paint Rag
14 Protect ET Paint Malf
15 Protect ET Paint Jfin
16 Protect ET Paint Utley
17 Protect ET Paint Hockey
18 Protect ET Paint Whicker
19 Protect ET Paint Naz
20 Protect ET Paint Touch



1 bcb

2 dome

3. mookie

4 sanchez

5 ltbf

6 gopher

7. et80

8 dome

9. sanchez

10. mookie

11. bcb

12. gopher

13. ltbf

14. et80

15. dome

16. mookie

17. bcb

18. sanchez

19. gopher

20. ltbf


1-20 protect shady

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@jfinley88, I thought it was common sense that you'd want to protect the same player every single night to ensure you weren't the first tribe eliminated.  Any reason you deviated from this strategy?

@Famous Jameis, have you looked at the challenge list lately?

@Adrenaline_Flux, do you have any regrets nominating jfin as your leader after his performance?

@mission27, still on a bender?  You're gonna have to vote.  Two votes against you THIS TRIBAL COUNCIL if you miss your deadline again.  Your deadline is an hour earlier than the rest of your tribe.

@SovereignNazgul, if you're so concerned about jfin's leadership, why not speak up BEFORE it's time to nominate someone?

@theuntouchable, you just witnessed sanchez decide who goes home.  Any fear the same thing could happen here?

@Ragnarok, you playing the game or letting the game play you? 

It is time to vote.  Players have until noon CST on Monday. 

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Just now, HorizontoZenith said:

if you're so concerned about jfin's leadership, why not speak up BEFORE it's time to nominate someone?

I'm always concerned with JFin's leadership. 

But this isn't his fault.

We were bamboozled by the Funky Bunch. They were not our friend.

And as I said... I didn't think Fin would be able to confirm his own leadership. Another production attempt to rid me from this game!

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2 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

@jfinley88, I thought it was common sense that you'd want to protect the same player every single night to ensure you weren't the first tribe eliminated.  Any reason you deviated from this strategy?


im sorry my blue waffles. fin loves you. we blame malf. not fin. i cant handle the blame. 

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Just now, MathMan said:

really, we shouldnt have been so open in thread with our alliance. htc was ready because they were able to anticipate our moves

Don't try and sell us on your logical rhetoric. We aren't buying it.

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3 minutes ago, MathMan said:

really, we shouldnt have been so open in thread with our alliance. htc was ready because they were able to anticipate our moves

No, it was just the obvious move to protect one person to ensure you weren't the first group eliminated.

You're a traitor to the smug ways and you WILL be punished for your treason.

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